\section{Import/Export from other formats} There are two (experimental) scripts which may be used to generate \LaTeX-code with plot coordinates or to simplify format conversion. They are not necessary to run \PGFPlots. \subsection{pgf2pdf.sh} This is a unix \texttt{bash}--script which attempts to simplify the workflow of creating PDF-Dokuments for single plots. \PGF\ provides a method to externalize graphics, meaning to write specific portions of the \LaTeX-file to separate PDF/EPS-files. The script pgf2pdf.sh assumes that portions which need externalization are in files `\texttt{.pgf}' and should be converted to PDF/EPS. Two ways are supported: \begin{enumerate} \item Run \LaTeX\ on the complete document and write only the portion of interest, \item Run \LaTeX\ \emph{only} on the `\texttt{.pgf}'-file. This mode requires a \TeX-file which defines all required commands and includes all required packages (a header). \end{enumerate} If you are interested in externalized graphics, you should read\cite[Section~54]{tikz}. You may also type \begin{lstlisting} pgf2pdf.sh --help. \end{lstlisting} This script is experimental. \subsection{matlab2pgfplots.m} This is a matlab (tm) script which attempts to convert a matlab figure to \PGFPlots. The idea is to \begin{itemize} \item use a complete matlab figure as input, \item acquire axis labels, axis scaling (log or normal) and legend entries, \item acquire all plot coordinates \end{itemize} and write an equivalent \texttt{.pgf} file which typesets the plot with \PGFPlots. The indention is \emph{not} to simulate matlab. It is a first step for a conversion. Type \begin{lstlisting} > help matlab2pgfplots \end{lstlisting} on your matlab prompt for more information about its features and its limitations. This script is experimental. \subsection{matlab2pgfplots.sh} A \texttt{bash}-script which simply starts matlab and runs \begin{lstlisting} f=hgload( 'somefigure.fig' ); matlab2pgfplots( 'outputfile.pgf', 'fig', f ); \end{lstlisting} See matlab2pgfplots.m above.