#!/bin/sh CONVERT_STYLES=1 CONVERT_AXES=1 OUTFILE="" MAXPOINTS=100000 function echoHelp() { echo -e \ "matlab2pgfplots.sh [--maxpoints N] [--styles [0|1] ] [ --axes [0|1] ] [ -o OUTFILE ] INFILE ...\n"\ "converts Matlab figures (.fig-files) to pgfplots-files (.pgf-files).\n"\ "This script is a front-end for matlab2pgfplots.m (which needs to be in matlab's search path)\n"\ "type\n"\ " >> help matlab2pgfplots\n"\ "at your matlab prompt for more information.\n" exit 0 } LONGOPTS="styles:,axes:,help,maxpoints:" SHORTOPTS="o:" ARGS=`getopt -l "$LONGOPTS" "$SHORTOPTS" "$@"` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "`basename $0`: Could not process command line arguments. Use the '--help' option for documentation." exit 1 fi eval set -- "$ARGS" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do ARG=$1 # echo "PROCESSING OPTION '$ARG' (next = $@)" case "$ARG" in --maxpoints) shift; MAXPOINTS=$1; shift;; --styles) shift; CONVERT_STYLES="$1"; shift;; --axes) shift; CONVERT_AXES="$1"; shift;; -o) shift; OUTFILE="$1"; shift;; --help) shift; echoHelp;; --) shift; break;; *) break; esac done if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "No input files specified." exit 1 fi HAS_OUTFILE=0 if [ $# -gt 1 -a -n "$OUTFILE" ]; then HAS_OUTFILE=1 fi for A; do INFILE="$A" if [ $HAS_OUTFILE -eq 0 ]; then OUTFILE="${INFILE%%.*}.pgf" fi echo "$INFILE -> $OUTFILE ... " M_LOGFILE=`mktemp` matlab -nojvm -nodesktop -nosplash 1>/dev/null 2>&1 -logfile $M_LOGFILE <<-EOF f=hgload( '$INFILE' ); matlab2pgfplots( '$OUTFILE', 'fig', f, 'styles', $CONVERT_STYLES, 'axes', $CONVERT_AXES, 'maxpoints', $MAXPOINTS ); exit EOF grep -q "Error" $M_LOGFILE CODE=$? if [ $CODE -eq 0 ]; then echo "Matlab output:" 1>&2 cat $M_LOGFILE 1>&2 CODE=1 else CODE=0 fi rm -f $M_LOGFILE if [ $CODE -ne 0 ]; then exit $CODE fi done