#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # A script # extractexamples.pl # which # - processes every input .tex file # - extracts all tikzpicture-environments which are inside of a codeexample # - generates _.tex # - writes an index-html file into # # Furthermore, it processes every LaTeX Comment which is DIRECTLY before the codeexample to export: # # % \usepackage{array} # \begin{codeexample}[] # \begin{tikzpicture} # ... # # will be interpreted as required preamble-information for the gallery. Thus, # \usepackage{array} will be included into the particular output file. # # See the associated Makefile which also exports each thing into pdf and png. sub maskForHTML { my $arg = $_[0]; # $arg =~ s/ return $arg; } $#ARGV > 0 or die('expected OUTPREFIX OUTHTML INFILE[s].'); $OUTPREFIX=$ARGV[0]; $OUTHTMLNAME=$ARGV[1]; $header = '\documentclass{article} % translate with >> pdflatex -shell-escape % This file is an extract of the PGFPLOTS manual, copyright by Christian Feuersaenger. % % Feel free to use it as long as you cite the pgfplots manual properly. % % See % http://pgfplots.sourceforge.net/pgfplots.pdf % for the complete manual. % % Any required input files (for or or the table package) can be downloaded % at % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/doc/latex/ % and % http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgfplots/doc/latex/plotdata/ \usepackage{pgfplots} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \pagestyle{empty} '; $plotcoord_cmd=' % \addplot table[x=dof,y=L2error] {d2data.dat}; \addplot coordinates { (5,8.312e-02) (17,2.547e-02) (49,7.407e-03) (129,2.102e-03) (321,5.874e-04) (769,1.623e-04) (1793,4.442e-05) (4097,1.207e-05) (9217,3.261e-06) }; % \addplot table[x=dof,y=L2error] {d3data.dat}; \addplot coordinates{ (7,8.472e-02) (31,3.044e-02) (111,1.022e-02) (351,3.303e-03) (1023,1.039e-03) (2815,3.196e-04) (7423,9.658e-05) (18943,2.873e-05) (47103,8.437e-06) }; % \addplot table[x=dof,y=L2error] {d4data.dat}; \addplot coordinates{ (9,7.881e-02) (49,3.243e-02) (209,1.232e-02) (769,4.454e-03) (2561,1.551e-03) (7937,5.236e-04) (23297,1.723e-04) (65537,5.545e-05) (178177,1.751e-05) }; % \addplot table[x=dof,y=L2error] {d5data.dat}; \addplot coordinates{ (11,6.887e-02) (71,3.177e-02) (351,1.341e-02) (1471,5.334e-03) (5503,2.027e-03) (18943,7.415e-04) (61183,2.628e-04) (187903,9.063e-05) (553983,3.053e-05) }; % \addplot table[x=dof,y=L2error] {d6data.dat}; \addplot coordinates{ (13,5.755e-02) (97,2.925e-02) (545,1.351e-02) (2561,5.842e-03) (10625,2.397e-03) (40193,9.414e-04) (141569,3.564e-04) (471041,1.308e-04) (1496065,4.670e-05) }; '; $i = 0; open OUTHTML,'>',$OUTHTMLNAME or die('could not open $OUTHTMLNAME for writing.'); print OUTHTML '

PGFPlots Gallery

The following graphics have been generated with the LaTeX Packages PGFPlots and PGFPlotsTable.

'; for($j = 2; $j<=$#ARGV; ++$j ) { open FILE,$ARGV[$j] or die("could not open ".$ARGV[$j]); @S = stat(FILE); $fileSize = $S[7]; read(FILE,$content,$fileSize) or die("could not read everything"); close(FILE); $autoheaders = ''; $largegraphics = 0; @matches = ( $content =~ m/(% [^\n]*\n)*([^\n]*)\\begin{codeexample}(\[[^\n]*\])\n(.*?)[\n \t]*\\end{codeexample}/gs ); # @matches = ( $content =~ m/(% [^\n]*\n)*\\begin{codeexample}(\[\])\n(\\begin{tikzpicture}.*?\\end{tikzpicture})/gs ); if( $ARGV[$j] =~ m/pgfplotstable.tex/ ) { $largegraphics = 1; $autoheaders = ' \usepackage{array} \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{eurosym} \usepackage{amsmath} '; } for( $q=0; $q<=$#matches/4; $q++ ) { $prefix = $matches[4*$q]; $prefix = "" if not defined($prefix); next if ($prefix =~ m/NO GALLERY/); $prefix =~ s/% //; $possiblecomment = $matches[4*$q+1]; $possiblecomment = "" if not defined($possiblecomment); next if ($possiblecomment =~ m/%/); $codeexamplearg= $matches[4*$q+2]; $match = $matches[4*$q+3]; # Make sure we have only "relevant" pictures: next if not ($match =~ m/tikzpicture.*(axis|semilogxaxis|semilogyaxis|loglogaxis).*\\addplot|pgfplotstabletypeset/s); # no complete examples: next if ($match =~ m/\\begin{document}/); $match =~ s/\\plotcoords/$plotcoord_cmd/o; if ( ($codeexamplearg =~ m/code only/) ) { print OUTHTML "
\n"; print OUTHTML "\t
\n"; print OUTHTML "
\n"; } else { $outfile = $OUTPREFIX."_".($i++).".tex"; # print "$i PREFIX: ".$prefix."\n"; # print "$i : ".$match."\n\n"; # next; open(OUTFILE,">",$outfile) or die( "could not open $outfile for writing"); print OUTFILE $header; print OUTFILE $autoheaders; print OUTFILE $prefix; print OUTFILE "\n\\begin{document}\n"; print OUTFILE $match; print OUTFILE "\n\\end{document}\n"; close(OUTFILE); $png = $outfile; $png =~ s/.tex/.png/; $pdf = $outfile; $pdf =~ s/.tex/.pdf/; print OUTHTML "
\n"; if( $largegraphics ) { print OUTHTML "\t\n"; print OUTHTML "\t\t
\n"; print OUTHTML "\t\t[.tex]\n"; print OUTHTML "\t\t[.pdf]\n"; print OUTHTML "\t
\n"; print OUTHTML "\t
\n"; print OUTHTML "
\n"; } else { print OUTHTML "\t\n"; print OUTHTML "\t\t
\n"; print OUTHTML "\t\t[.tex]\n"; print OUTHTML "\t\t[.pdf]\n"; print OUTHTML "\t
\n"; print OUTHTML "\t
\n"; print OUTHTML "\n"; } } } } print OUTHTML ' '; close OUTHTML; print "Exported ".$i." examples.\n"; exit 0;