Changes since version 0.92: ** UPGRADE INCOMPATIBILITIES ** - Warning: I have greatly improved the legend placement. If you have overwritten \tikzstyle{every axis legend} you will need to update the legend! - renamed 'manual.pdf' to 'pgfplots.pdf' to allow 'texdoc pgfplots' - any \axispath commands need to use the 'axis cs' coordinate system. Improvements: - introduced a data scale transformation: know, pgfplots is no longer restricted to numbers within TeX's limited precision. It can produce plots with numbers of order O(10^10) or O(10^-10). [now even for non-logarithmic plots] - fixed a bug which did not allow scientific notation for normal plots, - improved default tick placement for normal plots, - enlargelimits option is now relative and has a better user interface, - legends are now TikZ matrizes, which fixes some bugs and improves their flexibility. - Added the 'legend columns' option. - Added the 'legend plot pos' option. - Added the 'hide axis' option - Added the 'scale only axis' option - Added the 'xticklabels=LIST' and 'yticklabels=LIST' options - Added anchors to axes to allow horizontal/vertical alignment - rounded tick labels to \prettyprintnumberprecision digits - Added 'grid=major|minor|both|none' option for grid lines - Added '[xy]minorgrids', '[xy]majorgrids' options and corresponding styles - Added '[xy]majorticks', 'ticks=major|minor|both|none' options ticks