PDFLATEX=pdflatex -shell-escape all: pgfplots.pdf pgfplotstable.pdf TeX-programming-notes.pdf @echo "$^ have been compiled successfully. I did NOT check for references, so you may need to rerun make several times." notes: TeX-programming-notes.pdf pgfplots: pgfplots.pdf pgfplotstable: pgfplotstable.pdf %.pdf: update-git-hooks FORCE mkdir -p gnuplot @export TEXMFCNF=.: && $(PDFLATEX) $(@:.pdf=.tex) @bibtex $(@:.pdf=) || exit 0 @makeindex $(@:.pdf=) || exit 0 @echo "" @echo "$@ compiled successfully. You may need to re-run make several times to get all cross-references right." clean: rm -f *.aux *.ind *.idx *.toc *.out *.log *.ilg *.dvi pgfplots.pdf pgfplotstable.pdf *.djs *.bbl *.blg figures/expensiveexample* update-git-hooks: @ FORCE: