% Manual of pgf-pie.sty, a convenient set of macros for drawing pie % chart. Written by Xu Yuan This file is part of % pgf-pie you may get it at https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf-pie \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{pgf-pie} \usetikzlibrary{shadows} \usepackage[a4paper,left=2.25cm,right=2.25cm,top=2.5cm,bottom=2.5cm,nohead]{geometry} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{graphicx} \input{pgfmanual-en-macros.tex} \pgfqkeys{/codeexample}{% scale/.store in=\pgfpieexamplescale, scale=1, every codeexample/.style={% width=.4\textwidth+7pt, pre={ \setbox\codeexamplebox=\hbox\bgroup }, post={ \egroup \resizebox{\pgfpieexamplescale\textwidth}{!}{\box\codeexamplebox}% }, }, } \usepackage[ colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, anchorcolor=black, citecolor=olive, filecolor=magenta, menucolor=red, urlcolor=blue ]{hyperref} \newcommand\pgfpiename{\texttt{pgf-pie}} \begin{document} \title{Drawing Pie Chart by using \pgfpiename} \author{\href{mailto:xuyuan.cn@gmail.com}{Yuan Xu}} \date{\today{}~(v0.5)} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \pgfpiename\ is a LaTeX package for drawing pie chart (and variant charts). As stated by its name, it is based on a very popular graphic package \pgfname/\tikzname. This document presents the usage of \pgfpiename\ and collects some pie charts as examples. \pgfpiename\ can be downloaded from \href{https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf-pie}{https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf-pie}. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \section{Usage} \subsection{First Pie} |\pie| is the only coomand that provided by \pgfpiename. The argument is a list of number and text combination in the formate of |number/text|, i.e. |10/A, 20/B, 30/C, 40/D|. The result is shown in figure \ref{fig:first-pie}. \begin{figure} \centering \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/first-pie.tex}] \caption{The first pie.} \label{fig:first-pie} \end{figure} \subsection{Position, Rotation, Size} The center of chart can be set by |pos|, default is |{0,0}|. The chart can be rotated by setting |rotate| (in degrees). The size of chart can be set by |radius|, default is 3. \codeexample[scale=0.4,from file={demo/radius.tex}] \subsection{Color} The color can be specified by |color|, the default color wheel is shown in figure \ref{fig:color-wheel}. \begin{figure} \centering \input{demo/colorwheel} \caption{Default color wheel} \label{fig:color-wheel} \end{figure} \codeexample[scale=0.4,from file={demo/color.tex}] \subsection{Explode} \codeexample[scale=0.4,from file={demo/explode.tex}] \subsection{Angle of slices} The value of |sum| indicats the sum of all data in the chart, it is 100 by default. It can be calculated automatically when |auto| is set. Then the angle of slices are determined by number value and |sum|. \codeexample[scale=0.4,from file={demo/sum.tex}] \subsection{Text} \subsubsection{Number} Two parameters can be used to decorate number: |before number| and |after number|. Both are empty by default, but if |sum=100|, |after number| will be set to \% automatically if user doesn't set it. \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/before-after-number.tex}] The number also can be hide by |hide number|: \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/hide-number.tex}] \paragraph{Scale font} The size of font in size pie can be scaled according to how big the part is automatically. \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/scalefont.tex}] \subsubsection{Label text} The value of |text| can be |label| (default), |pin|, |inside| or |legend|. \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/text.tex}] \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/text-inside.tex}] \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/legend.tex}] \subsection{More about style} \subsubsection{shadow} \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/shadow.tex}] \section{Variant Charts} \subsection{Polar area diagram} The polar area diagram is similar to a usual pie chart, except sectors are equal angles and differ rather in how far each sector extends from the center of the circle. \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/polar.tex}] \subsection{Square} \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/square.tex}] Note: |explode| has no affects in sqaure chart. \subsection{Clouds} \codeexample[scale=0.25,from file={demo/cloud.tex}] \section{Examples} % \subsection{Population of the world} % \example{population} \section{Acknowledgements} Many people contributed to \pgfpiename\ by reporting problems, suggesting various improvements or submitting code. Here is a list of these people: \href{mailto:mohammed.alfaki@ii.uib.no}{Mohammed Alfaki}, and \href{mailto:ldrude@mail.uni-paderborn.de}{Lukas Drude} . \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: Tex-PDF %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: