% Replace the following information with your document's actual % metadata. If you do not want to set a value for a certain parameter, % just omit it. % % Symbols permitted in metadata % ============================= % % Within the metadata, all printable ASCII characters except % '\', '{', '}', and '%' represent themselves. Also, all printable % Unicode characters from the basic multilingual plane (i.e., up to % code point U+FFFF) can be used directly with the UTF-8 encoding. % (Please note: encodings other than UTF-8 are not currently supported % in the metadata). Consecutive whitespace characters are combined % into a single space. Whitespace after a macro such as \copyright, % \backslash, or \sep is ignored. Blank lines are not permitted. % Moreover, the following markup can be used: % % '\ ' - a literal space (for example after a macro) % \% - a literal '%' % \{ - a literal '{' % \} - a literal '}' % \backslash - a literal '\' % \copyright - the (c) copyright symbol % % The macro \sep is only permitted within \Author, \Keywords, and % \Publisher. It is used to separate multiple authors, keywords, etc. % % List of supported metadata fields % ================================= % % Here is a complete list of user-definable metadata fields currently % supported, and their meanings. More may be added in the future. % These commands can only be used in the .xmpdata file. % % General information: % % \Author - the document's human author. Separate multiple % authors with \sep. % \Title - the document's title. % \Keywords - list of keywords, separated with \sep. % \Subject - the abstract. % \Publisher - the publisher. % % Copyright information: % % \Copyright - a copyright statement. % \CopyrightURL - location of a web page describing the owner % and/or rights statement for this document. % \Copyrighted - 'True' if the document is copyrighted, and % 'False' if it isn't. This is automatically set % to 'True' if either \Copyright or \CopyrightURL % is specified, but can be overridden. For % example, if the copyright statement is "Public % Domain", this should be set to 'False'. % % Publication information: % % \PublicationType - The type of publication. If defined, must be % one of book, catalog, feed, journal, magazine, % manual, newsletter, pamphlet. This is % automatically set to "journal" if \Journaltitle % is specified, but can be overridden. % \Journaltitle - The title of the journal in which the document % was published. % \Journalnumber - The ISSN for the publication in which the % document was published. % \Volume - Journal volume. % \Issue - Journal issue/number. % \Firstpage - First page number of the published version of % the document. % \Lastpage - Last page number of the published version of % the document. % \Doi - Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the % document, without the leading "doi:". % \CoverDisplayDate - Date on the cover of the journal issue, as a % human-readable text string. % \CoverDate - Date on the cover of the journal issue, in a % format suitable for storing in a database field % with a 'date' data type. % % Color profiles % ============== % % PDF/A and PDF/E require an RGB color profile, and PDF/X and PDF/VT % require a CMYK color profile to be embedded. The pdfx package % includes freely distributable color profiles that will be used by % default. The following commands are available if you have a specific % color profile that you would like to include instead. These commands % can only be used in the .xmpdata file. % % To specify an RGB color profile: % \setRGBcolorprofile{}{}{}{} % % To specify a CMYK color profile: % \setCMYKcolorprofile{}{}{}{} % % Within the arguments of these macros, the characters '<', '>', '&', % '^', '_', '#', '$', and '~' can be used as themselves, but % '%' must be escaped as '\%'. % % The default for these parameters are: % % \setRGBcolorprofile % {sRGB_IEC61966-2-1_black_scaled.icc} % {sRGB_IEC61966-2-1_black_scaled} % {sRGB IEC61966 v2.1 with black scaling} % {http://www.color.org} % % \setCMYKcolorprofile % {coated_FOGRA39L_argl.icc} % {Coated FOGRA39} % {FOGRA39 (ISO Coated v2 300\% (ECI))} % {http://www.argyllcms.com/} \Title {The Title Goes Here. In the metadata, you may use Unicode such as U₄(ℤ[1/√2, i]). You may also use the ASCII characters !'''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]`|#$&~^_. The following four symbols must be escaped: \% \backslash\ \{ \}.} \Author {K. Gödel\sep M. C. Escher\sep J. S. Bach\sep The artist formerly known as Ƭ̵̬} \Copyright {Copyright \copyright\ 2015 "Author's Name Goes Here"} \Keywords {first keyword\sep second keyword\sep some more keywords} \Subject {This is where you put the abstract.}