%% This is file `pdf-toc.tex',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% pdfpages.dtx  (with options: `example3')
%% This file demonstrates how to use the pdfpages package.
%% Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to
%%   Andreas MATTHIAS <andreas.matthias@gmail.com>.
\usepackage[plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels,


\chapter{How to create a toc}

The next pages were inserted using the following command:

            addtotoc={1, chapter, 0, Main chapter,   cha:main,
                      1, section, 1, First section,  sec:first,
                      3, section, 1, Second section, sec:second},
            trim=0 120 0 120, clip]{dummy.pdf}

See Chapter \ref{cha:main} (\nameref{cha:main}) on page
See Section \ref{sec:first} (\nameref{sec:first}) on page
See Section \ref{sec:second} (\nameref{sec:second}) on page

            addtotoc={1, chapter, 0, Main chapter,   cha:main,
                      1, section, 1, First section,  sec:first,
                      3, section, 1, Second section, sec:second},
            trim=0 120 0 120, clip]{dummy.pdf}

%% End of file `pdf-toc.tex'.