\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[german]{babel} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %dvipdfmx leads to an error with xcolor \usepackage[svgnames,dvipdfm]{xcolor} % define \pgfsysdriver for dvipdfm(x) mode in tikz/pgf \def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-dvipdfm.def} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[subject={Top1},author={\AA{}nsgar Lund},dvipdfmx]{pdfcomment} \begin{document} \definecolor{MyBlue}{rgb}{0.045,0.278,0.643} A \pdfcomment[subject={Top2},author={Daisy Duck},color={0.234 0.867 0.211}]{This is a comment.} little Test! \pdfcomment[color=MyBlue,icon=Note,open=true,hspace=100pt]{This is another comment.} test the hspace! \pdfcomment[color=Gold,icon=Star,author={Captain Jack}]{It's enough now!} \colorlet{KernFarbe}{red} \colorlet{HuelleFarbe}{blue} \vspace{35mm} \begin{tikzpicture}[ Huelle/.style = {ball color=HuelleFarbe!25}, Kern/.style = {ball color=KernFarbe!25}, Proton/.style = {ball color=HuelleFarbe!80}, Elektron/.style = {ball color=KernFarbe!80}, ] \shade[Huelle] (8,0) circle (2cm); \shade[Kern] (8,0) circle (.7cm); % Elektronen \foreach \cx/\cy in {8/0,8/.3,8/-.3,8.2/.25,8.2/-.25,% 8.3/.09,8.3/-.09,7.8/.25,7.8/.-.25,7.7/.09,% 7.7/-.09,7.5/.09,8.5/-.09,7.6/-.3,8/-.5,8/.5,8.4/.4}{ \shade[Elektron] (\cx,\cy) circle (.6mm); } % Protonen \foreach \cx/\cy in {6.9/-.1,7.4/1.2,7/.7,7.9/1.5,9.2/0.2,% 9/1,7.5/-1.2,7/-0.8,9/-0.8,8.7/-1.2,7.7/-1.5,8.9/.5, %8.6,-1 7/1.3,6.6/.4,9.6/-.31,9.6/.6,8.3/1.2}{ \shade[Proton] (\cx,\cy) circle (.6mm); } \draw[<-] (8.25,.55) -- +(1.4,1.4) node[above] {Atomkern}; \draw[<-] (7,.4) -- +(-1.3,1) node[above] {Atomhülle}; \draw[<-] (6.8,-.085) -- +(-1.6,.4) node[above] {Elektron}; \draw[<-] (7.5,-.35) -- +(-2,-.7) node[below] {Proton}; \end{tikzpicture} \pdfcomment[color=lime,subject={Top2},icon=Check,author={Dr. Albertus Newton}]{Wow, that's nice!}\pdfcommentsetup{color=NavyBlue,subject={Top1},icon=Circle,author={Prof. Dolittle}}\pdfmargincomment{Yeah nice, but stolen from the pgf-Users mailing list!} \vspace{2cm} For a long time \texttt{pdflatex} offers the command \texttt{\textbackslash pdfannot} for inserting arbitrary pdf annotations. However, in a form where additional knowledge of the pdf reference is indispensable. \texttt{pdfcomment.sty} is an answer to the -- from time to time -- emerging questions in newsgroups, how one could use the comment function of \texttt{Adobe Reader}. At least out of the \LaTeX{} code \texttt{pdfcomment.sty} offers a convenient and user-friendly possibility to use pdf annotations in pdf files. \pdfmargincomment{Holy moly! Can anybody transfer that to real english!} Unfortunately the support of pdf annotations by pdf viewers is only partly available to nonexistent. The reference viewer for the development of this package is \texttt{Adobe Reader}. \end{document}