\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage[USenglish,english]{babel} \selectlanguage{USenglish} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} \def\MinionDefaults{% SizeFeatures = { {Size = -8.41, OpticalSize = 8, Numbers = Lining}, {Size = 8.41-13.1, OpticalSize = 11}, {Size = 13.1-20.0, OpticalSize = 19}, {Size = 20.0-, OpticalSize = 72}}, Numbers = {OldStyle,Monospaced}} \setmainfont[\MinionDefaults, BoldFont = {Minion Pro Semibold}]{Minion Pro} \setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowercase, BoldFont = {Myriad Pro Semibold}]{Myriad Pro} \setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowercase]{Consolas} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{parnotes} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \hypersetup{allcolors=blue} \usepackage{varwidth} \usepackage{accsupp} \DeclareRobustCommand\squelch[1]{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText={}}#1\EndAccSupp{}} \def\squelchstyle{% \BeginAccSupp{method=plain,ActualText={}}% \aftergroup\aftersquelchstyle} \def\aftersquelchstyle{\EndAccSupp{}} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \fancypagestyle{plain}{% \fancyhf{}% \fancyfoot[C]{\squelch{\thepage}}% \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% } \pagestyle{plain} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{numbers=left,basicstyle={\small\ttfamily},numberstyle={\squelchstyle\color{gray}}} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{microtype} \title{The \textsf{parnotes} package\parnote{This is rev.~3, last modified 8/15/2016.}} \author{Chelsea Hughes\parnote{See \texttt{parnotes.sty} for copyright and contact details.}} \date{August 15, 2016} \renewcommand{\parnotefmt}[1]{\centerline{\colorbox{black!10}{\parbox{0.82\textwidth}{\footnotesize\sffamily\noindent #1}}}} \begin{document} \maketitle \parnotes The \textsf{parnotes} package adds a new note type, \verb+\parnote+. Parnotes are set as normal, running paragraphs and may be placed two ways: \begin{itemize} \item Automatically, at the end of the paragraph \item Manually, using the \verb+\parnotes+ command \end{itemize} This package was inspired by a question on the \TeX\ Stack Exchange\parnote{``Placing footnotes or endnotes at the end of the current paragraph'' at \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/34746}} that asked for notes which are placeable immediately after the paragraph in which they are mentioned, to avoid the interruption posed by footnotes. \parnotes \bigskip \section{Usage} Load parnotes normally: \medskip\fbox{\texttt{\textbackslash{}usepackage[}$\langle$\textit{options}$\rangle$\texttt{]\{parnotes\}}} \medskip\noindent The package options are described in section 2.1. \medskip\fbox{\texttt{\textbackslash{}parnote\{}$\langle$\textit{text}$\rangle$\texttt{\}}} \medskip\noindent Place a parnote mark and assign it note $\langle$\textit{text}$\rangle$. This mark is placeable within headings but will not appear in the table of contents. \medskip\fbox{\texttt{\textbackslash{}parnote[}$\langle$\textit{mark}$\rangle$\texttt{]\{}$\langle$\textit{text}$\rangle$\texttt{\}}} \medskip\noindent As above, but use $\langle$\textit{mark}$\rangle$ instead of the standard auto-incrementing parnote mark. \medskip\fbox{\begin{varwidth}{\textwidth}\texttt{\textbackslash{}begin\{autopn\}\\\textbackslash{}end\{autopn\}}\end{varwidth}} \medskip\noindent Parnotes within an \texttt{autopn} environment are set automatically at the end of every paragraph. This behavior does not carry into nested environments. To set parnotes inside another environment, nest \texttt{autopn} within it or use \verb+\parnotes+. \medskip\fbox{\texttt{\textbackslash{}parnotes}} \medskip\noindent Place all parnotes immediately. Use it after every paragraph for \texttt{autopn}-like behavior outside \texttt{autopn} (or where \texttt{autopn} doesn’t apply). \medskip\fbox{\texttt{\textbackslash{}parnotereset}} \medskip\noindent Reset the parnote number. This maps to \verb+\setcounter{parnotemark}{1}+. \medskip\fbox{\texttt{\textbackslash{}parnoteclear}} \medskip\noindent Reset the parnote number and also delete any pending parnotes. \medskip\fbox{\texttt{\textbackslash{}parnoteref\{$\langle$\textrm{\textit{label}}$\rangle$\}}} \medskip\noindent Refer to previous parnote mark $\langle$\textit{label}$\rangle$. Use the standard \LaTeX\ macro \verb+\label+ within a parnote to assign it a label. You may also use the standard \LaTeX\ reference macros \verb+\ref+ and \verb+\pageref+. \section{Configuration} Configure \textsf{parnotes} using package options, or manually using format macros. \subsection{Package options} The following options are provided: \noindent\begin{tabbing} \texttt{restart}\hspace{0.75in}\=Reset the parnote number each time parnotes are placed.\\ \texttt{roman}\>Use lowercase Roman numerals instead of Arabic numerals for\\ \>parnote marks. Specify this if you mix parnotes with footnotes.\\ \texttt{breakwithin}\>Place a line break after every parnote.\\ \texttt{indentafter}\>Allow indentation in the paragraph following a parnote.\\ \texttt{narrower}\>Give parnotes an increased margin, like block quotes.\\ \texttt{nomultiple}\>Disable special behavior for multiple consecutive parnotes.\\[1ex] The following options change the font used within parnotes:\\[1ex] \texttt{notesrm}\>Roman. Default.\\ \texttt{notesit}\>Italic.\\ \texttt{notessf}\>Sans-serif. \end{tabbing} \subsection{Format macros} Five internal macros control formatting for parnotes and parnote marks: \medskip\fbox{\begin{varwidth}{\textwidth}\texttt{\textbackslash{}parnotefmt\{}$\langle$\textit{text}$\rangle$\texttt{\}\\ \textbackslash{}theparnotemark\\ \textbackslash{}parnotevskip\\ \textbackslash{}parnoteintercmd\\ \textbackslash{}parnotecusmarkfmt\{}$\langle$\textit{mark}$\rangle$\texttt{\}}\end{varwidth}} \medskip\noindent Parnote text is set using \verb+\parnotefmt+, and parnote marks using \verb+\parnotecusmarkfmt+. When the optional argument of \verb+\parnote+ is \emph{not} used, \verb+\theparnotemark+ is used to get the parnote mark for formatting. At least \verb+\parnotevskip+ vertical space appears before and after the parnote text. The macro \verb+\parnoteintercmd+ is executed between all consecutive parnotes. \textsf{parnotes} rev.~1 had a different macro, \verb+\parnotemarkfmt+, to control parnote marks. Unfortunately, the definition of this macro is incompatible with the new feature in rev.~2 allowing for manually-specified parnote marks, so it had to be split into two macros \verb+\parnotecusmarkfmt+ and \verb+\theparnotemark+. This is a breaking change. Table~1 shows these macros' default values. Note that the package options \texttt{narrower}, \texttt{notesrm}, \texttt{notesit}, and \texttt{notessf} modify \verb+\parnotefmt+. The option \texttt{roman} modifies \verb+\theparnotemark+. The option \texttt{breakwithin} changes \verb+\parnoteintercmd+ into a line break. \begin{table}[t] \centering \caption{Default values for format macros.} \smallskip \begin{tabular}{ll} \toprule Macro & Default value \\ \midrule \verb+\parnotefmt+ & \verb+\footnotesize\rmfamily\noindent #1+ \\ \verb+\theparnotemark+ & \verb+\arabic{parnotemark}+ \\ \verb+\parnotevskip+ & \verb+\medskipamount+ \\ \verb+\parnoteintercmd+ & \verb+\hspace{1em plus 0.3em minus 0.2em}+ \\ \verb+\parnotecusmarkfmt+ & \verb+\textsuperscript{#1}+ \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} Redefine these macros using \verb+\renewcommand+ to fine-tune \textsf{parnotes}'s formatting. For example, to set parnotes in a sans-serif font, load \textsf{parnotes} as follows: \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage{parnotes} \renewcommand{\parnotefmt}[1]{\footnotesize\sffamily\noindent #1} \end{lstlisting} This is the same as specifying the \texttt{notessf} package option. To have parnotes set as \textit{completely normal text}, but one size smaller than their surroundings (using \verb+\smaller+ from \textsf{relsize}): \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage{relsize} \usepackage[indentafter]{parnotes} \renewcommand{\parnotefmt}[1]{\smaller #1} \renewcommand{\parnotevskip}{0pt} \end{lstlisting} Or to set parnotes in a block set off by rules, with each parnote separated by a bullet: \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage{parnotes} \renewcommand{\parnotevskip}{0pt} \renewcommand{\parnotefmt}[1]{\footnotesize\rmfamily \noindent\rule{\linewidth}{1pt}\\ \noindent #1\par \noindent\rule{\linewidth}{1pt} } \renewcommand{\parnoteintercmd}{\;$\bullet$\;} \end{lstlisting} Note that since \verb+\parnotefmt+ is redefined, adding the package option \texttt{narrower} to this example will not work; instead, \verb+\narrower+ must be placed manually within the new definition for \verb+\parnotefmt+. \section{Changelog} {\raggedright \noindent\textbf{Revision 3, released on Aug 15, 2016} \begin{itemize} \item Bug fix: Use \verb+\protected@edef+ to expand the parnote counter (fixes incompatibility with \textsf{BiocStyle}) \end{itemize} \noindent\textbf{Revision 2, released on Jul 26, 2016} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Breaking change:} You can no longer redefine \verb+\parnotemarkfmt+. Use \verb+\theparnotemark+ and \verb+\parnotecusmarkfmt+ instead. See section~2.2 for details. \item Bug fix: \verb+\parnotefmt+ no longer changes the font to \verb+\rmfamily+ by default. \item \verb+\parnote+ now behaves more like \verb+\footnote+: \begin{itemize} \item It respects \verb+\spacefactor+ \item It no longer inserts \verb+\unskip+ \end{itemize} \item The parnote mark counter may be reset using standard LaTeX macros, e.g., \verb+\setcounter{parnotemark}{5}+ \item \verb+\label+ now works within parnote text; \verb+\ref+ returns the parnote label, \verb+\pageref+ returns the page where the note \emph{text} is set, and \verb+\parnoteref+ returns the parnote label formatted as a mark. \item Implemented the system for separators between multiple footnotes from \textsf{footmisc} and \textsf{manyfoot} and added package option \texttt{nomultiple} to disable. \item Internal: The package now uses a single counter (\verb+\c@parnotemark+) for marks. \end{itemize} \noindent\textbf{Revision 1, released on Jan 3, 2012} \begin{itemize} \item Initial release. \end{itemize}} \section{Example} The following pages show a typeset example using \textsf{parnotes}, including interactions with lists, headings, and environments (here, multicolumn text from the \textsf{multicol} package). \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{multicol} % for demonstration \usepackage{lipsum} % for demonstration \usepackage[narrower,notessf]{parnotes} \begin{document} \begin{autopn} \begin{abstract} \begin{autopn} Since this is in an environment, \texttt{autopn} must be nested within it.\parnote{If \texttt{autopn} \emph{weren't} nested, I could've used \texttt{\textbackslash parnotes} here to set parnotes manually.} \end{autopn} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \section{On parnotes\parnote{Parnote marks will display in a heading, but not within the table of contents. In \texttt{autopn}, parnotes will display right after the heading.}} This is a paragraph with a parnote\parnote{See? And it's long enough to push the \emph{next} parnote nearer the end of the line.}. Actually, it has two.\parnote{By default, parnotes are set in a continuous paragraph with 1~em of space between each note.} This sentence ends the paragraph, but it doesn't have a parnote. This is a normal paragraph. Note that it isn't indented since the parnotes make it obvious where the paragraph boundaries are. To change this behavior, use the \texttt{indentafter} option. This paragraph's indentation isn't changed. Here's an environment with a nested \texttt{autopn}: \begin{multicols}{2} \begin{autopn} Since parnotes are set within the normal paragraph flow, they interact well with environments\parnote{Like this multicolumn environment from \textsf{multicols} -- it will break columns and pages along with the normal text within the environment.}. This is just filler text without any parnotes. \end{autopn} \end{multicols} Here's an environment without a nested \texttt{autopn}: \begin{multicols}{2} Without a nested \texttt{autopn}, any parnotes\parnote{Like this one.} will be set after the end of the next paragraph \emph{outside} this environment. If \texttt{\textbackslash parnotes} is called just before the environment ends, then the parnotes will be set within that environment. This is useful for, say, multi-paragraph quotes. This environment always specifies that it ends a paragraph, so parnotes will always be set after it if needed. In some other circumstances, \texttt{autopn} may not ``see'' that there's a paragraph break after the environment, so \texttt{\textbackslash parnotes} will have to be called after the environment ends. \end{multicols} Here's an extra-long parnote\parnote{\lipsum[1]}, to show that parnotes can break pages. In fact, \TeX\ should prefer to break the page within the parnotes rather than between this text and the start of the parnotes. \end{autopn} In some circumstances, it's best to forego \texttt{autopn} altogether -- for example, if parnotes\parnote{Like this one.} should only be set after several paragraphs. Then just call \texttt{\textbackslash parnotes} wherever the parnotes should be set. The same applies if parnotes are to be placed only at the end of a section, or at a ``scene break.'' \parnotes The only limiting factor is that \texttt{\textbackslash parnotes} must be executed after the parnotes it refers to. Here's a table with notes in an adjacent minipage:\\[0.5in] \hspace*{\fill} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline a & b\parnote{Note 1} \\ \hline c\parnote{Note 2} & d \\ \hline \end{tabular} \hspace{1in} \begin{minipage}{3in} % locally redefining format macros so the notes are on separate % lines, with no vertical space \renewcommand{\parnoteintercmd}{\\} \renewcommand{\parnotevskip}{0pt} \textbf{Notes:} \parnotes \end{minipage}\\[0.5in] Now for a list: \begin{enumerate} \begin{autopn} \item This item has no parnote. \item This one does\parnote{See? But notice that \texttt{\textbackslash narrower} doesn't work in lists, so this is set flush with the list's margin}. \item This one has a parnote\parnote{Would I ever lie to you?} in its first paragraph\dots But not in its second. \end{autopn} \end{enumerate} New features in \textsf{parnotes} rev.~2: Multiple parnote marks% \parnote{Parnote 1}\parnote{Parnote 2}. Manually-specified marks\parnote[aaa]{Parnote with special mark% \label{pn:special}} and references (see~\ref{pn:special}, p.~\pageref{pn:special}), allowing you to re-use parnote marks% \parnotemark{\ref{pn:special}}. \parnotes \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \end{document}