%%% 2005-03-01 This bundle should contain Makefile english-paresse.dtx english-paresse.ins english-paresse.pdf example-fourier.pdf example-fourier.tex example.pdf example.tex exemple-fourier.pdf exemple-fourier.tex exemple.pdf exemple.tex LISEZMOI README paresse.dtx paresse.ins paresse.pdf paresse.sty paresse.xml This package provides a means of typing "easily" greek letters with the least possible effort ;) It takes care only of the letters which have a macro name as \alpha or \Omega. If you're running a *nix, you can use the provided Makefile. For help type 'make help'. You can obtain the doc (complete with commented code if \OnlyDescription is commented out) with english-paresse.dtx. Just latex (or pdflatex) it once then makeindex -s gind english-paresse makeindex -s gglo -o english-paresse.gls english-paresse.glo then latex (or pdflatex) it once again. Or use the provided Makefile and type 'make englishdoc'. Happy TeXing and all that. -- Le \TeX nicien de surface Yvon.Henel@wanadoo.fr