%% %% This is file `pagesLTS-example.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% pagesLTS.dtx (with options: `example') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% On the first page backslash pagenumbering should be called %% (with the appropriate argument out of e.g. %% * roman - Lowercase Roman numerals: i, ii, iii, iv,... %% * Roman - Uppercase Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV,... %% * arabic - Arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3, 4,... %% * alph - Lowercase letters: a, b, c, d,... %% * Alph - Uppercase letters: A, B, C, D,... %% * fnsymbol - Footnote symbols: *, ^^86 (ddagger), ^^87 (dddagger), %% ^^a7 (mathsection),... %% ). The command backslash pagenumbering is renewed, but no change %% should be visible to the output text, because only labels are added. %% backslash OrigPagenumbering can be used to get the original meaning %% of backslash pagenumbering, but in that case this package does not %% see the change in the page numbering scheme and will make mistakes. %% The package takes options. %% %% The usual disclaimers apply: %% If it doesn't work right that's your problem. %% (Nevertheless, send an e-mail to the maintainer %% when you find an error in this package.) %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. This version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt %% and the latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is H.-Martin Muench %% (Martin dot Muench at Uni-Bonn dot de). %% %% This package first started as a revision of the lastpage %% package of Jeffrey P. Goldberg (jeffrey+news at goldmark dot org), %% but it became obviouse that a replacement was needed. %% %% This work consists of the main source file pagesLTS.dtx %% and the derived files %% pagesLTS.sty, pagesLTS.pdf, pagesLTS.ins, pagesLTS.drv, %% pagesLTS-example.tex. %% \documentclass[british]{article} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \usepackage{alphalph}[2010/04/18]% v2.3 \usepackage{lipsum}[2005/01/26]% v1.0 \usepackage[draft]{showkeys}[2007/08/07]% v3.15 %% Use final instead of draft to hide the keys. %% \usepackage{hyperref}[2010/06/18]% v6.81g \hypersetup{% extension=pdf,% plainpages=false,% pdfpagelabels=true,% hyperindex=false,% pdflang={en},% pdftitle={pagesLTS package example},% pdfauthor={Hans-Martin Muench},% pdfsubject={Example for the pagesLTS package},% pdfkeywords={LaTeX, pagesLTS, Hans-Martin Muench},% pdfview=Fit,% pdfstartview=Fit,% pdfpagelayout=SinglePage,% bookmarksopen=true% } \usepackage[pagecontinue=true,alphMult=ab,AlphMulti=AB,fnsymbolmult=true,romanMult=true,RomanMulti=true]{pagesLTS}[2010/07/15]% v1.1d %% These are the default options. %% \makeatletter \renewcommand{\@evenfoot}% {Page \thepage\ (\theCurrentPage; local: \theCurrentPageLocal) of % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}(\lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}(\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}(\lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol}(\lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}(\lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}(\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local}) = % \lastpageref{LastPages} pages.% } \renewcommand{\@oddfoot}{\@evenfoot} \newcounter{pagesLTS.exampleArabic} \setcounter{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}{3} \newcounter{pagesLTS.examplealph} \setcounter{pagesLTS.examplealph}{23} %% Code from tcilatex.tex, Macros for Scientific Word and Scientific WorkPlace 5.5 <06 Oct 2005> %% %% Copyright (C) 2005 Mackichan Software, Inc. %% %% That macro file is NOT proprietary and may be freely copied and distributed. %% \def\unit#1{\mathord{\thinspace\rm #1}}% %% End of code from tcilatex.tex %% \makeatother \listfiles \begin{document} \pagenumbering{roman} %% Note the first \pagenumbering immediately behind \begin{document}. %% %%\addtocounter{page}{-2} %% \section*{Example for pagesLTS} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Example for pagesLTS} \markboth{Example for pagesLTS}{Example for pagesLTS} This example demonstrates the most common uses of package\\ \textsf{pagesLTS}, v1.1d as of 2010/07/15 (HMM).\\ The used options were \texttt{pagecontinue=true}, \texttt{alphMult=ab}, \texttt{AlphMulti=AB}, \linebreak \texttt{fnsymbolmult=true}, \texttt{romanMult=true}, and \texttt{RomanMulti=true} (the default ones).\\ For more details please see the documentation!\\ \label{keys} To hide the \pageref{keys}{\qquad } use option \texttt{final} instead of \texttt{draft} with the \textsf{showkeys} package (or remove the package call from the preamble of this document).\\ \textbf{Trademarks} appear throughout this example without any trademark symbol; they are the property of their respective trademark owner. There is no intention of infringement; the usage is to the benefit of the trademark owner.\\ \textbf{Tip}: Use \textit{logical page numbers} for the display of the pdf!\\ (In Adobe Reader 9.3.1: \underline{E}dit $>$ Prefere\underline{n}ces (Ctrl+k) $>$ Page Display $>$ Page Content and Information $>$ Use logical page \nolinebreak{\underline{n}umbers.)}\\ You want negative page numbers? Not only arabic, but even roman, Roman, alph, Alph or fnsymbol ones? No problem, e.\,g. just give a\\ \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{- \textit{some number}\}} in the source code of this example file (or uncomment the prepared line)! \bigskip Save per page about $200\unit{ml}$ water, $2\unit{g}$ CO$_{2}$ and $2\unit{g}$ wood:\\ Therefore please print only if this is really necessary. \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \pagenumbering{roman} % in case the page numbering is changed before, % otherwise pagesLTS.current.local.roman on this page % would be undefined \section{roman} \noindent (\texttt{roman} page numbering was started before, becaue the page numbering scheme was needed to start at the first page, of course.)\\ \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ You can get this also in other formats: \roman{CurrentPage}, \Roman{CurrentPage}, \arabic{CurrentPage}, \fnsymbol{CurrentPage}, \alph{CurrentPage}, \Alph{CurrentPage}. \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ You can get also this in other formats, too: \roman{pagesLTS.current.local.roman}, \Roman{pagesLTS.current.local.roman}, \arabic{pagesLTS.current.local.roman}, \fnsymbol{pagesLTS.current.local.roman}, \alph{pagesLTS.current.local.roman}, \Alph{pagesLTS.current.local.roman}, but probably it only makes sense if page numbering scheme and format are the same, e.\,g.\\ \texttt{\textbackslash Roman\{pagesLTS.current.local.Roman\}}\\ or \texttt{\textbackslash Alph\{pagesLTS.current.local.Alph\}}.\ % \texttt{\textbackslash arabic\{\ldots \}}\ could make sense even if combined with another page numbering scheme. And this is exactly what \texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal} does:\\ \nolinebreak{\texttt{\textbackslash def\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal% \{\textbackslash arabic\{pagesLTS.current.local.\textbackslash pagesLTS@pnc\}\}}.}\\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ When the option \texttt{pagecontinue=false} is used with the \textsf{pagesLTS} package, the \texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman\}} will point to the same page as before, but this will have a lower number.\\ The \texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman.local\}} will not change, because the number of pages does not change (only the page numbers).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{lastpage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-3] \newpage \pagenumbering{Roman} \section{Roman\label{Roman}} \subsection{Common Roman page numbering} \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-4] \newpage \subsection{Last page of first Roman sector} \texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman\}} does \textbf{not} refer to this page (but there: \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}), because the option \texttt{pagecontinue=true} was chosen. When a reference to this page is wanted,\\ \texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman.1\}} can be used: \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}.\\ \bigskip There are \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpages\{Roman\}\{1\}}) in this first Roman sector.\\ The Roman page numbering scheme is continued later in section~\ref{Roman2})! \newpage \pagenumbering{arabic} \section{arabic} \subsection{Standard page numbering} \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-4] \newpage \subsection[Empty page style]{Also an empty page style is no problem\ % for the current or total page count} \bigskip \thispagestyle{empty} \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-4] \newpage \subsection[addtocounter, setcounter]{Neither\ % \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}} or\ % \texttt{\textbackslash setcounter\{page\}} is a problem for the\ % current or total page numbers} (Here is an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} in the source code.)\\ \addtocounter{page}{\value{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}} \noindent The page (from \texttt{\textbackslash thepage} command): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (from \texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}\ % command), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (from \texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}\ % command), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal\\ \noindent Last page's number (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (= total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-7] \newpage \pagenumbering{fnsymbol} \section{fnsymbol} Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.3.1 does not show the correct page names for all pages with \texttt{fnsymbol} page numbering scheme: \begin{tabular}{c|c|c|c} page number & page name & shown by the Reader & \textsf{alphalph} \\ \hline $-1$ & \texttt{LaTeX Error} & & \ensuremath {- *} \\ $0$ & (ignored by \LaTeX) & & 0 \\ $1$ & \ensuremath {*} & * & \ensuremath {*} \\ $2$ & \ensuremath {\dagger } & & \ensuremath {\dagger } \\ $3$ & \ensuremath {\ddagger } & & \ensuremath {\ddagger } \\ $4$ & \ensuremath {\mathsection } & & \ensuremath {\mathsection } \\ $5$ & \ensuremath {\mathparagraph } & & \ensuremath {\mathparagraph } \\ $6$ & \ensuremath {\delimiter "026B30D } & "026B30D & \ensuremath {**} \\ $7$ & \ensuremath {**} & ** & \ensuremath {\dagger \dagger } \\ $8$ & \ensuremath {\dagger \dagger } & & \ensuremath {\ddagger \ddagger } \\ $9$ & \ensuremath {\ddagger \ddagger } & & \ensuremath {\mathsection \mathsection } \\ $10$ & \texttt{LaTeX Error} & & \ensuremath {\mathparagraph \mathparagraph } \\ $11$ & \texttt{LaTeX Error} & & \ensuremath {***} \\ $12$ & \texttt{LaTeX Error} & & \ensuremath {\dagger \dagger \dagger } \\ \end{tabular} \noindent and so on, while at least the (\ldots\ of \ldots ) part of the page number is displayed correctly.\\ \bigskip Without option \texttt{fnsymbolmult=true} of the \textsf{pagesLTS} package (and the help of Heiko Oberdiek's \textsf{alphalph} package), after page~9 (\textquotedblleft \ensuremath {\ddagger \ddagger }\textquotedblright ) (and also for negative page numbers) there would just appear a \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} LaTeX Error: Counter too large See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. You've lost some text. Try typing to proceed. If that doesn't work, type X to quit. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Now the page numbers after 5 (\ensuremath {\mathparagraph }) are continued with the doubled \textquotedblleft number\textquotedblright\ of the first, second, third,\ldots\ page (\ensuremath {**}, \ensuremath {\dagger \dagger }, \ensuremath {\ddagger \ddagger }, \ensuremath {\mathsection \mathsection }, \ensuremath {\mathparagraph \mathparagraph }), and after the tenth page the \textquotedblleft number\textquotedblright\ is tripled (\ensuremath {***}, \ensuremath {\dagger \dagger \dagger },\ldots). Page zero is named 0 and negative pages just named like the positive ones with addition of a minus sign~($-$). \bigskip \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-60] \newpage \pagenumbering{Roman} \section{Roman - again!\label{Roman2}} The page number would start with \textquotedblleft I\textquotedblright\ again -- but for the \textsf{pagesLTS} package (with option \texttt{pagecontinue=true}, or with option just \texttt{pagecontinue}, or even just \nolinebreak{with\textbf{out}} option \texttt{pagecontinue=false}). This package remembered the (\arabic{pagesLTS.double.Roman}-1)\footnote{OK, here\ % you have to compute this value for yourself, but\ % subtracting one should be managable for \TeX nicians.} pages already done in Roman output, and therefore continues with page \textquotedblleft \thepage \textquotedblright .\\ If you want to start with \textquotedblleft I\textquotedblright\ all over again, you will have two pages with the same name, but nevertheless you can do this by using option \texttt{pagecontinue=false} or a \texttt{\textbackslash setcounter\{page\}\{1\}}\ here (not demonstrated in this example file).\\ \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-6] \newpage \texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman\}} does \textbf{not} refer to this page (but there: \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}), because the option \texttt{pagecontinue=true} was chosen. When a reference to this page is wanted,\\ \texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman.2\}} can be used: \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}.\\ \bigskip There are \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpages\{Roman\}\{2\}}) in this second Roman sector.\\ The Roman page numbering scheme is continued later in section~\ref{Roman3})! \newpage \pagenumbering{alph} \section{alph\label{alph}} \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-4] \newpage Without option \texttt{alphMult=ab} of the \textsf{pagesLTS} (and the help of Heiko Oberdiek's \textsf{alphalph} package), after page \textquotedblleft z\textquotedblright\ there would just appear a \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} LaTeX Error: Counter too large See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. You've lost some text. Try typing to proceed. If that doesn't work, type X to quit. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Now the page numbers are continued aa, ab, ac,\ldots\ (aa, bb, cc,\ldots\ is also possible, see the \textsf{pagesLTS} documentation).\\ To demonstrate this, we add a\\ \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}}\\ in the source code here. \addtocounter{page}{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}} \bigskip \lipsum[1-18] \newpage \pagenumbering{Roman} \section{Roman - third time!\label{Roman3}} The page number would start with \textquotedblleft I\textquotedblright\ again -- but for the \textsf{pagesLTS} package (with option \texttt{pagecontinue=true}, or with option just \texttt{pagecontinue}, or even just \nolinebreak{with\textbf{out}} option \texttt{pagecontinue=false}). This package remembered the (\arabic{pagesLTS.double.Roman}-1)\footnote{OK, here\ % you have to compute this value for yourself, but\ % subtracting one should be managable for \TeX nicians.} pages already done in Roman output, and therefore continues with page \textquotedblleft \thepage \textquotedblright .\\ If you want to start with \textquotedblleft I\textquotedblright\ all over again, you will have (at least) two pages with the same name, but nevertheless you can do this by using option \texttt{pagecontinue=false} instead of \texttt{pagecontinue=true} (not demonstrated here).\\ \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-3] \newpage \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman} (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman\}}) \textbf{does} refers to this page, because the option \texttt{pagecontinue=true} was chosen. Also\\ \texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.Roman.3\}} can be used: \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}.\\ \bigskip There are \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpages\{Roman\}\{3\}}) in this third Roman sector.\\ \newpage \pagenumbering{Alph} \section{Alph} \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \lipsum[1-3] Without option \texttt{alphMulti=AB} of the \textsf{pagesLTS} (and the help of Heiko Oberdiek's \textsf{alphalph} package), after page \textquotedblleft Z\textquotedblright\ there would just appear a \begin{quote} \begin{verbatim} LaTeX Error: Counter too large See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. You've lost some text. Try typing to proceed. If that doesn't work, type X to quit. \end{verbatim} \end{quote} Now the page numbers are continued AA, AB, AC,\ldots\ (AA, BB, CC,\ldots\ is also possible, see the \textsf{pagesLTS} documentation).\\ This is not demonstrated here, but see section~\ref{alph}. \newpage \section{The End} \noindent First page (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.0\}}): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.0}\\ \noindent The page (\texttt{\textbackslash thepage}): \thepage \\ \noindent Current page (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPage}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page): \theCurrentPage \\ \noindent CurrentPageLocal (\texttt{\textbackslash theCurrentPageLocal}), i.\,e. counted continuously from the first page of the current page numbering sheme): \theCurrentPageLocal \\ \noindent Last roman page (pagesLTS.roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local} pages with roman numbers.)\\ \noindent Last Roman page (pagesLTS.Roman): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman}{\hskip3em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}~pages with Roman numbers:\\ \lastpages{Roman}{1}~pages in the first Roman sector (\pageref{Roman}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.1}{\hskip3em }),\\ \lastpages{Roman}{2}~pages in the second Roman sector (\pageref{Roman2}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.2}{\hskip3em }), and\\ \lastpages{Roman}{3}~pages in the third Roman sector (\pageref{Roman3}{\hskip3em }-\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.3}{\hskip3em }).\\ \noindent Last arabic page (pagesLTS.arabic): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic}{\hskip5em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local} pages with arabic numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.exampleArabic}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last fnsymbol page (pagesLTS.fnsymbol): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} \\ (\texttt{\textbackslash lastpageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}} -- never \texttt{\textbackslash pageref\{pagesLTS.fnsymbol\}}!)\\ (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local} pages with fnsymbol numbers.)\\ \noindent Last alph page (pagesLTS.alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph}{\hskip4em } (There are only \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local} pages with alph numbers, because an \texttt{\textbackslash addtocounter\{page\}\{\arabic{pagesLTS.examplealph}\}} was used.)\\ \noindent Last Alph page (pagesLTS.Alph): \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph}{\hskip4em } (There are \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local} pages with Alph numbers.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{name} (LastPage): \lastpageref{LastPage}\\ \noindent Very last page's \textit{name} (VeryLastPage): \lastpageref{VeryLastPage}\\ (\texttt{LastPage} and \texttt{VeryLastPage} are identical, unless a package with output \linebreak \texttt{\textbackslash AtEndDocument} after the \textsf{pagesLTS} package was added.)\\ \noindent Last page's \textit{number} (LastPages): \lastpageref{LastPages}{\hskip3em } (=~total number of pages)\\ \medskip \noindent Page \thepage\ (\theCurrentPage; local: \theCurrentPageLocal) of % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman} (\lastpageref{pagesLTS.roman.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman} (\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Roman.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic} (\lastpageref{pagesLTS.arabic.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol} (\lastpageref{pagesLTS.fnsymbol.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph} (\lastpageref{pagesLTS.alph.local}) + % \lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph} (\lastpageref{pagesLTS.Alph.local}) = % \lastpageref{LastPages} pages. \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `pagesLTS-example.tex'.