\documentclass[onedown-examples]{subfiles} \begin{document} In the previous example we enabled warnings and set a much smaller font to make the example fit on the page. As we compile these examples as one big file, \OneDown remembers these values. If you compile this file (showNS-warn-II) standalone with |pdflatex showNS-warn-II| and view the result, then you'll see no warnings and no shrinking. \vfill \begin{HBox}{showNS \hfill File: \FileName} \northhand{KJ92}{KQ9}{J}{AQJT8} \southhand{AQT85}{A52}{64}{K96} \showNS \end{HBox} % \vfill \needspace{8\baselineskip} \vfill Now warnings are switched off explicitly and the size is reset by calling |\resetfonts|. \vfill \begin{HBox}{showNS \hfill File: \FileName} \setdefaults{warn=off} \resetfonts \showNS \end{HBox} % \vfill |\newgame| clears the hands. A hand with no cards at all is completelly suppressed, so we see only the compass. With |\setdefaults{compmid=text}| we can write 'text' in the middle of the compass. We enlarged the compass, so you can see that it \emph{is} on the vertical line through the mids of \North*! and \South*!. With |\resetfonts| we return to the default values of the fonts. With |\setdefaults| one can influence the look of diagrams. In section |Compass| we'll go more into detail. Please note that |\setdefaults| has only 1 argument, It is \emph{optional} and must be enclosed in brackets (|[...]|). \vfill \begin{HBox}{showNS \hfill File: \FileName} \newgame \raggedright \setdefaults{compmid=15} \showNS \showNS \gamefont{\sffamily\bfseries\Huge} \showNS \resetfonts \setdefaults{compmid=} \showNS \gamefont{\smaller\smaller} \showNS \end{HBox} \vfill % \end{document} \endinput