================================== The `ocgx2' LaTeX Package https://gitlab.com/agrahn/ocgx2 (C) 2015--\today Alexander Grahn ================================== 1. Introduction =============== This package serves as a drop-in replacement for the already existing packages `ocgx' by Paul Gaborit and `ocg-p' by Werner Moshammer for the creation of PDF Layers. It re-implements the functionality of the `ocg', `ocgx' and `ocg-p' packages and adds support for all known engines and back-ends including * LaTeX --> dvips --> ps2pdf/Distiller * (Xe)LaTeX --> (x)dvipdfmx * pdfLaTeX, luaLaTeX To enable dvipdfmx support, pass `dvipdfmx' globally as a class option. Also, it adds some minor improvements and bug fixes, such as package options, remembering option settings of re-opened OCGs, correct behaviour of layer switching links that were themselves placed on layers, correct listing of (nested) OCGs in the layers tab of PDF viewers, compatibility with the `animate' and `media9' packages. * New features: + PDF layers extending over page breaks + OCMDs (Optional Content Membership Dictionaries) for creating layers with complex visibility dependency + grouping OCGs into Radio Button Groups + additional keys for the TikZ interface of package `ocgx' + re-implementing `hyperref's `ocgcolorlinks' option for creating OCG coloured links, which are printed on paper in the default text colour and which can, unlike the original `hyperref' implementation, extend over line and page breaks. 2. Usage ======== \usepackage[]{ocgx2} \begin{ocg}[]{}{}{} ... material to be put on a PDF layer ... \end{ocg} is the name shown in the PDF viewer's "Layers" panel, is an identifier used for referencing the layer elsewhere in the document (e. g. layer switching buttons, visibility configuration of an `ocmd' environment, re-opening the OCG at another place using the `ocg' environment). is `on', `true', `1' or `off', `false', `0'. \begin{ocmd}[]{[][,]} ... material to be put on a PDF layer ... visibility calculated by (Boolean expression) from other OCGs visibility, or according to \end{ocmd} Package and `ocg' environment options: viewocg = always | never | ifvisible printocg = always | never | ifvisible exportocg = always | never | ifvisible not in ocgx, ocg-p: showingui (to be preferred over `listintoolbar' of ocgx/ocg-p) radiobtngrps = {[,[, ...]]} tikz (package-only option) ocgcolorlinks (package-only option) Package options have global scope. Environment options override package options locally. OCGs can be added to one or multiple Radio Button Groups using the new option `radiobtngrps'. From all OCGs within a Radio Button Group only _one_ can be enabled at a time. Enabling an OCG, e. g. in the Layers tab of the PDF viewer, automatically hides the previously visible OCG in the group. An OCG can be added to multiple Radio Button Groups, passing a comma-separated list of group names. Such a list must be enclosed in braces, `{...}'. `ocg' as well as `ocmd' environments can be nested and span multiple pages. See the `ocg-p' manual about the environment usage and the meaning of the remaining options: texdoc ocg-p 3. The `ocmd' environment (Optional Content Membership Dictionary) ================================================================== \begin{ocmd}[]{[][,]} ... material to be put on a PDF layer ... \end{ocmd} This environment creates a PDF layer whose visibility is determined by the current visibilities of other OCGs in the document according to at most one visibility policy plus at most one visibility expression. If both are given (with a comma in between) `' takes precedence over `', but the latter may serve as a fallback in older PDF viewers. `' is an optional identifier which can be used to re-open the same layer with the same visibility setting at another place further down in the document. A `' can be _one_ of \AllOn{, , ...} \AnyOn{, , ...} \AnyOff{, , ...} \AllOff{, , ...} All four directives take a list of OCG ids from wich the OCMD visibility is calculated. If the condition represented by the policy is met, the content associated with the OCMD is shown. The listed OCGs can be defined anywhere in the document. These directives can neither be combined nor nested in order to define the policy. Thus, a visibility policy has limited capabilities. A `' is much more flexible than a policy. Arbitrarily complex visibility relationships can be formulated, based on the Boolean functions \And{, , ...} \Or{, , ...} \Not{} In the argument list, items represent OCG ids and nested Boolean functions. As nesting of the three functions is possible, any thinkable visibility relationship can be defined. Note that `\Not{...}' accepts only one item, either an OCG id or a nested function. Also note that Boolean functions and policy directives cannot be intermixed. As a trivial example, the visibility expression equivalent of the policy directive `\AllOff{...}' is written as `\Not{ \Or{ ... } }'. 4. Clickable links for switching PDF layer visibility ===================================================== The available commands are \switchocg[]{}{} \showocg[]{}{} \hideocg[]{}{} \actionsocg[]{}{}{}{} For details about their usage, read the `ocgx' package manual: texdoc ocgx By default, links are triggered on mouse-click. Other triggers are possible with `ocgx2'. For this, `ocgx2' provides the optional argument [] to the commands listed above. Choose one of onmousenter, onmouseexit, onmousedown, onmouseup, onmouseall for . In order to listen to more than one mouse event, use `onmouseall'. Layer ids in the mandatory argument(s) must then be grouped with commas as follows: , , , Any of these groups may be left empty in order to configure only some mouse triggers. Inside the groups, OCG ids are separated by space. 5. Package option `ocgcolorlinks' ================================= Is a re-implementation of the same `hyperref' option for creating OCG- coloured links, which are printed on paper in the default text colour. \usepackage{hyperref} % do NOT set [ocgcolorlinks] here! \usepackage[ocgcolorlinks]{ocgx2} Unlike the original `hyperref' implementation, OCG-coloured links are now allowed to extend over line and page breaks. Moreover, with pdfLaTeX/LuaLaTeX, OCG coloured links can be nested. Breakable OCG coloured links work best with normal text as link text. If the link text is mixed with graphical content, such as from external files or inline graphics (e. g. TikZ) and even \fbox-ed text, these graphical parts must be enclosed in \ocglinkprotect{...} For example: \href{http://ctan.org}{Visit me on \ocglinkprotect{\includegraphics{ctan-lion}}!} 5. Usage with TikZ ================== `ocgx2' uses code from file `tikzlibraryocgx.code.tex' by P. Gaborit to enable TikZ styles for creating PDF Layers and clickable layer switching links in the `tikzpicture' context. Just say: \usepackage[tikz]{ocgx2} instead of \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{ocgx} to enable these TikZ styles and read the `ocgx' documentation about their usage: texdoc ocgx Package `ocgx2' adds the key `/tikz/ocg/opts' to the list in section ``How to add TikZ scopes into OCGs'" in the `ocgx' manual: /tikz/ocg/opts={} It can be used inside the `ocg' style \begin{scope}[ ocg={ref=..., name=..., opts={..., ...}}, ... ] ... \end{scope} and allows passing `ocg'-environment options (`viewocg', `printocg', `exportocg', `showingui', `radiobtngrps') to the TikZ scope. The style `ocmd={...}' is another way for turning a TikZ scope into a PDF layer (in addition to `ocg={...}'). It has two sub-keys, `ref={...}' and `visibility={...}', which have the same meaning as the optional and the mandatory arguments of the `ocmd' environment: \begin{scope}[ ocmd={ref=..., visibility=...}, ... ] ... \end{scope} Moreover, TikZ objects to be turned into OCG switching hyperlinks (section "How to transform nodes or paths into clickable links" in the `ocgx' manual) accept the additional key /tikz/trigger ocg = onmousenter | onmouseexit | onmousedown | onmouseup | onmouseall which makes them listen to various mouse events, as explained above. * * * This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt for the details of that license.