% This file was created with JabRef 2.10. % Encoding: UTF8 @Online{Bitouze, Title = {Conférence \LaTeX{} \no6}, Author = {Bitouzé, Denis}, Date = {2019-03-17}, Url = {https://frama.link/en-ligne6}, Language = {french}, Organization = {Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale}, Subtitle = {Bibliographie (biber/biblatex), citations d'extraits}, } @Online{Bitouze7, Title = {Conférence \LaTeX{} \no7}, Author = {Bitouzé, Denis}, Date = {2019-03-17}, Url = {https://frama.link/en-ligne7}, Language = {french}, Organization = {Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale}, Subtitle = {Glossaires et (liste d’)acronymes, index}, } @Manual{Ensenbach, Title = {Liste des péchés des utilisateurs de \LaTeXe}, Author = {Ensenbach, Marc and Trettin, Mark and Alfonsi, Bernard}, Date = {2011-09-20}, Language = {french}, Subtitle = {Commandes et extensions obsolètes, et autres erreurs}, Url = {http://mirrors.ctan.org/info/l2tabu/french/l2tabufr.pdf}, Owner = {bitouze}, Timestamp = {2015.03.18} } @Book{har, author = {Hartshorne, Robin}, title = {Algebraic geometry}, note = {Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 52}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {New York}, date = {1977} } @Book{ laz1, author = {Lazarsfeld, Robert}, title = {Positivity in algebraic geometry. {I}}, volume = {48}, note = {Classical setting: line bundles and linear series}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, date = {2004} } @Article{shin, author = {Shin, Kil-Ho}, title = {{$3$}-dimensional {F}ano varieties with canonical singularities}, journal = {Tokyo J. Math.}, volume = {12}, date = {1989}, number = {2}, pages = {375-385} }