% This is a template that may be used for the articles submitted to the % North-Western European Journal of Mathematics. % % The language of the article is by default English. Should it be French, German % or Dutch instead, it would be specified as \documentclass' option. \documentclass[ % french % If the language of the article will be French % german % If the language of the article will be German % dutch % If the language of the article will be Dutch ]{nwejmart} % % Specify your own bibtex file, preferrably at `biblatex' format (don't forget % the `.bib' extension below) in the argument of the \addbibresource command. \addbibresource{} % % Should acronyms be used in the article, define them thanks to \newacronym % command from `glossaries' package as follows: % - 1st argument: ⟨label⟩ of the acronym (also called key), % - 2nd argument: ⟨short form⟩ of the acronym (lowercase!), % - 3rd argument: ⟨long form⟩ of the acronym, % and use them with \gls{⟨label⟩} (or, if needed, with \acrshort{⟨label⟩}). % See `glossaries' package's documentation for more details. % \newacronym{}{}{} % \begin{document} % % Title of the article. A short form (that will be displayed in the headers and % in the volume's TOC) may be specified as optional argument. \title{} % % Subtitle of the article, if any. A short form may be specified as optional % argument. % \subtitle{} % % Author(s) of the article: % - one \author command per author, % - mandatory argument entered as `⟨Last Name⟩, ⟨First Name⟩'. % Use the key-value `affiliation={⟨affiliation⟩}' optional argument for each % affiliation of the author. An affiliation can be tagged % (`affiliation=[⟨tag⟩]{⟨affiliation⟩}') and reused later % (affiliationtagged={⟨tag⟩}). \author[affiliation={}]{, } % \author[affiliation={}]{, } % % The abstract is entered as usually. \begin{abstract} ... \end{abstract} % % The keywords are entered thanks to \keywords command, as a comma separated list. \keywords{} % % The Mathematical Subject Classification (MSC) are entered thanks to \msc % command, as a comma separated list. \msc{} % % The title is made as usually. Be aware that author(s) will be displayed or % updated only if a `biber' run (cf. `nwejm''s documentation for more details). \maketitle % % Acknowledgments, if any, are entered thanks to \acknowledgments command (and % will be displayed just before the bibliography, thanks to the % \printbibliography command). % \acknowledgments{} % % Here comes the article's content. ... % % The \printbibliography command (from `biblatex' package) displays the list of % references (preceded by the acknowledgments, if any) \printbibliography % \end{document}