% This is an auxiliary file used by the 'notes2bib' package. % This file may safely be deleted. % It will be recreated as required. @misc{Note1, note = {Note for the first example}, key = {Note1}, keywords = {note}, presort = {mm}, } @misc{labelled, note = {Note for the second example}, key = {labelled}, keywords = {note}, presort = {mm}, } @misc{Note2, note = {Some \texttt {\textbackslash verb}-like output}, key = {Note2}, keywords = {note}, presort = {mm}, } @misc{Note3, note = {Text for the fourth example}, key = {Note3}, keywords = {note}, presort = {mm}, } @misc{named, note = {More text for the fourth example}, key = {named}, keywords = {note}, presort = {mm}, }