FILES IN CTAN DIRECTORY nicetext: FILES present file README summary README.txt copy of README fifinddo.sty parsing and file handling makedoc.sty package to doc preprocessing mdoccorr.cfg txt to TeX macros niceverb.sty minimal doc markup wiki.sty Wikimedia-like markup SUBDIRECTORIES: doc documentation |____CHANGE.LOG bundle changes |__fifinddo.pdf for fifinddo.sty |___makedoc.pdf for makedoc.sty |_mdoccheat.pdf lists makedoc+fifinddo commands |__niceverb.pdf for niceverb.sty |_wikicheat.pdf lists wiki.sty features docsrc |__fifinddo.tex |___makedoc.tex |___makedoc.cfg shared style settings |__MDOCCHEA.TEX |__niceverb.tex |__WIKICHEA.TEX run dialogues/templates/example |__fdtxttex.tex dialogue for txt to TeX etc. |__fdtxttex.tpl fifinddo script |___makedoc.tpl makedoc script |____sample.txt watch its TeX enhancement |____substr.tex typesets substr.sty documentation __________________________ this file 2010/03/22, U.L.