This file lists changes to the LaTeX2e files of `ncctools' bundle in reverse chronological order. ======================================================================= June 24, 2018 (Release 3.5.2) extdash: Add more em-dash configuring options. ======================================================================= Jan 20, 2006 nccsect: Improve \NCC@secflush code to work in rightlast style. nccmath: Introduce \dmulticolumn to use within darray. ======================================================================= Jan 19, 2006 (Release 3.5) nccsect: Allow caption width be greater than the line width. Smart overlapping technique is used for such captions. Compatibility with the `xtab' package added. The \newplainsectionstyle and \newhangsectionstyle commands are introduced. The predefined section styles are reimplemented on the base of new section style definitions. The `centerlast' section style is introduced. The \adjustsectionmargins command is introduced. Introduce customization of suffices after section and caption tags with \sectiontagsuffix and \captiontagsuffix commands. Jan 17, 2006 afterpackage: Renamed from `addtopackage' package. Its command \AddToPackage is also renamed to \AfterPackage. nccsect: Changes concerning with renaming the `addtopackage' package. nccthm: Fix bug in nccthm.dtx -- remove strings concerning to `defaults' package inserted in experiments with the package. Jan 07, 2006 nccfloats: Expand the syntax of \FloatStyle with optional float-type parameter. Apply float style to the base floating environment. Introduce the generic \newminifloat command. Jan 06, 2006 nccsect: Introduce \SetTOCStyle and \ChapterPrefixStyle commands. They were moved from the `nccdefaults' of the `ncclatex' bundle. ======================================================================= Jan 03, 2006 (Release 3.4) nccsect: The \norunningsuffix modifier is introduced. It is applied just in a parameter of running section to remove the suffix after it. Jan 01, 2006 nccsect: Introduce \RunningSectionSuffix command. Introduce \NCC@preparesectag and \NCC@preparetocnum hooks. Remove \NCC@defaultsectag command, because it is useless now. Dec 31, 2005 nccsect: Insert three more hooks. Fix bugs concerned to \MakeUppercase in section and toc style declarations. Dec 30, 2005 nccsect: Insert many hooks to simplify customization of commands. Make all command names except user's level names (\part, \chapter, etc.) completely independent on standard names of LaTeX's commands. This fixes the compatibility with `hyperref' bug. Dec 29, 2005 nccsect: Introduce the \aftersectionvspace command. Add the \DeclarePart and \DeclareTOCPart commands. Dec 28, 2005 nccsect: Extend the syntax of \sectionstyle command. It now contains an optional `type' parameter to specify particular styles for section levels. The scope of prefix in \DeclareSection is now limited with the section number only. New section styles: hangparindent and hangparindent*. Dec 26, 2005 textarea: A new package. It allows expand the text area of a document on other areas: footer, header, and margin. There are two ways for such expansion -- temporary expansion of a current page on the header using a special negative vertical skip, or global change of page layout parameters with possibility of later restoration them to the original values. nccsect: Apply conditional definition of \StartFromTextArea and \StartFromHeaderArea for compatibility with the `textarea' package. Dec 25, 2005 addtopackage: A new package. It supports customization of default settings in packages without their loading. Dec 24, 2005 topsection: A new package. It implements an unnumbered top-level section (\chapter in books and reports or \section in articles) in class-independent way. Such a section is used as a title for standard document sections such as table of contents, index, bibliography. Using this command allows simplify the definition or redefinition of standard document environments. ======================================================================= Sep 11, 2005 (Release 3.3) manyfoot: Improve calculations of the fudge factor in para-footnotes to remove overflow when baseline skip in footnotes is greater or equal to 16pt. The improved algorithm now works till 64pt. ======================================================================= Jun 15, 2005 (Release 3.2) nccsect: Fixed bug in \DeclareTOCEntry concerning with \applystyle command. ======================================================================= Jun 08, 2005 (Release 3.1) nccsect: Fix \beforechapter hook to allow \part command in it. Jun 07, 2005 ncccropmark: Minor changes in documentation. May 22, 2005 nccsect: Introduce \captionstyle, \captiontagstyle, and \captionwidth commands. Add \TOCMarginDrift command. Allow use the \applystyle command in TOC-entry style. May 21, 2005 nccsect: Introduce \epigraph and \epigraphparameters commands. May 20, 2005 nccsect: Introduce \beforechapter hook. Add commands \StartFromTextArea and \StartFromHeaderArea (they were moved from the ncc class) May 13, 2005 `mboxfill' and `nccrules' packages are introduced. May 11, 2005 manyfoot: The \SetFootnoteHook command is introduced. Apr 25, 2005 dcounter: Emulate the dynamic style for existing counters declared as dynamic ones. Apr 15, 2005 nccsect: Emulate the \@makecaption command for compatibility with packages using it. Provide compatibility with the `supertabular' and `longtable' packages. Mar 06, 2005 nccpic: Correct extension lists. Feb 21, 2005 nccmath: Improve `darray' to avoid conflict with the `array' package. Feb 16, 2005 nccmath: New medium-size math commands: \medmath, \medop, \medint, \medintcorr, \mfrac, \mbinom. New medium-size environments: medsize and mmatrix. Introduce the `mediummath' option. Remove redefinition of equation tag. Feb 10, 2005 manyfoot: Replace \NCC@makemark with \NCC@makefnmark. ncccomma: A new package implements the smart math comma. Feb 07, 2005 nccboxes: Add \tc command; allow lengths in the \Strut's parameter. Feb 03, 2005 nccfoots: Rename \NCC@makemark with \NCC@makefnmark to avoid conflicts with the `nccsect' package using another command with the same name (this was a bug). Jan 29, 2005 extdash: Change spaces surround em-dash: decrease space before and increase space after to remove visual effect of larger space before the em-dash. ======================================================================= Dec 17, 2004 (Release 3.0) Prepare the short guide ncctools.tex. Dec 16, 2004 nccthm: revise the package and finish documenting it. Dec 12, 2004 nccsect: revise the package and finish documenting it. Dec 09, 2004 Prepare self-documented code for the nccpic, tocenter, and watermark packages. Dec 08, 2004 Prepare self-documented code for the nccparskip package. nccmath: revise the package, do \fleqn and \ceqn working with all display equations, finish documenting the package. Dec 07, 2004 nccfancyhdr: revise the package, introduce \newpagestyle and floats testing commands, finish documenting the package. Dec 05, 2004 nccfloats: Improve calculation of width parameters (units are allowed now). Prepare self-documented code for the package. Nov 30, 2004 Introduce a new package nccstretch. It allows stretch a text with something inserted between tokens. Nov 29, 2004 Prepare self-documented code for the ncccropmark package. Nov 28, 2004 Prepare self-documented code for the nccboxes package. Nov 24, 2004 Prepare self-documented code for the nccbbb and ncccropbox packages. Nov 23, 2004 Prepare self-documented code for the desclist package. Minor corrections in documentation to dcounter, extdash, manyfoot, and nccfoot packages. ======================================================================= Sep 20, 2004 (Release 2.08) manyfoot: Version 1.7. The \ExtraParaSkip command introduced. Sep 04, 2004 nccpic: Patch for bounding box calculation added. If a graphics rule requires calculations of bounding box via external file, non-existance of the required file does not lead to LaTeX error if the size of graphics is specified in another way (for example, \includegraphics[width=..., height=...]{filename} is enough in this case). ======================================================================= Apr 08, 2004 (Release 2.07) nccthm: Improvements in interpreting spaces after labels ======================================================================= May 12, 2003 (Release 2.06) manyfoot: Version 1.6. Compatibility with footmisc improved: Restore \footnotemargin support that was occasionally removed. Add support for multiple option from footmisc ======================================================================= Apr 04, 2003 (Release 2.05) watermark: hbox underfull removed in empty and plain page styles Apr 02, 2003 manyfoot: Version 1.5 prepared. \DeclareNewFootnote command introduced. Compatibility with footmisc improved. Selection of custom footnote rules added. Perpage footnote numbering option added. Jan 13, 2003 nccthm: space after label in theorems is ignored now. May 24, 2002 nccboxes: bug in \jparbox fixed May 22, 2002 nccsect: centering in captions works again. ======================================================================= May 19, 2002 (Release 2.04) nccthm: an extra group added in theorem headers to scope font changes nccsect: internal changes in making captions (vertical skips are moved after style settings to allow use the relative units in them, e.g. 1ex or 1em) May 17, 2002 Handling of side floats is improved in `nccfloats' package. In the new version, a strut before the side float is not necessary, \noindent is allowed at the beginning of side float's text, and final strut is inserted at the end of side float's text in horizontal mode only. ======================================================================= Mar 23, 2002 (Release 2.03) The `nccfloats' package is introduced. It covers LaTeX's floats with some service commands (minifloats and side floats). Mar 20, 2002 The `nccboxes' package modified: internal changes in the \jvbox command and the \jparbox is introduced. The \draftgraphics and \finalgrapgics commands are introduced in the `nccpic' package to toggle draft/final mode for graphics independently on draft/final mode of entire document. In draft mode, graphics are shown as framed boxes with file name marks. Mar 16, 2002 The \useshortskip command is introduced in `nccmath' package. Feb 19, 2002 Commands \Eq, \Eqs, and \Eqalign are removed from `nccmath' package. They are moved to obsolete commands in the `ncclatex' bungle. \mop command is also removed from `nccmath' package (it is introduced in the `ncclatex' package of the `ncclatex' bungle now). Feb 17, 2002 Options of the `nccpic' package are passed now to the graphicx package. Internal modifications in the `nccthm' package. Feb 13, 2002 The bug concerning with \noheadingtag is fixed in `nccsect' package. The hbox underful in \thispageheading{} with empty parameter is suppressed in `watermark' package. Feb 08, 2002 Internal change in `nccsect' package: the \NCC@thetocchapter hook introduced. ======================================================================= Feb 08 2002 (Release 2.02) The packages `cropbox' and `cropmark' are renamed to `ncccropbox' and `ncccropmark' to avoid possible name conflicts. Feb 07, 2002 The \fancycenter command is introduced in `nccfancyhdr' package. Header and footer struts are moved out of parboxes they were before. ======================================================================= Feb 07, 2002 (Release 2.01) The `parskip' package is renamed to `nccparskip' to avoid conflicts with already existing `parskip' package ======================================================================= Feb 01, 2002 (Release 2.0) The release 2.0 of `ncctools' bundle is completed. The following packages are added: cropbox, cropmark, desclist, nccbbb, nccboxes, nccfancyhdr, nccmath, nccpic, nccsect, nccthm, parskip, tocenter, watermark. ======================================================================= Dec 20, 1998 (Release 1.0) The initial version of `ncctools' bundle is completed. It contains 4 packages: dcounter, extdash, manyfoot, nccfoots.