The nameauth package Charles P. Schaum charles dot schaum at comcast dot net v1.9 from 2015/07/09 Abstract The nameauth package automates the formatting and indexing of names. This aids the use of a name authority and the process of textual reordering and revision without needing to retype name references. Files Distribution README This file (normally in TEXMFDIST/doc/latex/nameauth) nameauth.pdf Documentation (normally in TEXMFDIST/doc/latex/nameauth) Makefile Automates building with GNU make 3.81 nameauth.ins Installer nameauth.dtx Documented LaTeX file containing both code and documentation Installation Unpack Generate the file nameauth.sty, e.g.: $ pdflatex nameauth.ins Usually this will go in TEXMFDIST/tex/latex/nameauth. Generate the documentation (optimal with pdflatex): $ pdflatex nameauth.dtx -draftmode "\AtBeginDocument{\OnlyDescription} \input nameauth.dtx" $ makeindex -s -o nameauth.gls nameauth.glo $ makeindex -s -o nameauth.ind nameauth.idx $ pdflatex nameauth.dtx "\AtBeginDocument{\OnlyDescription} \input nameauth.dtx" $ pdflatex nameauth.dtx "\AtBeginDocument{\OnlyDescription} \input nameauth.dtx" I used GNU make to automate the process. See the makefile for more options: $ make Create the directories listed above. For TeX Live, TEXMFDIST is often /usr/local/texmf//texmf-dist on Posix-compliant systems. Manual installation calls rather for /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local or ~/texmf. MacTeX and MikTeX differ. Please refer to your distribution manual. Copy the distribution files to their appropriate destinations. Run mktexlsr with the appropriate level of permissions. Testing notes: This packages works and builds with the commands latex, lualatex, pdflatex, and xelatex. It can be used with makeindex and texindy. I have built the package documentation successfully with lualatex, pdflatex, and xelatex, using only makeindex. For testing purposes, the make file permits one to change the typesetting engine on the command line. The default is to build the package with pdflatex. See Makefile for more details. License This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license. Happy TeXing!