\documentclass{article} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{semantic-markup} \usepackage{musicography} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \frenchspacing \newenvironment{codetable} {\begin{quote}\begin{tabular}{lll}} {\end{tabular}\end{quote}} \usepackage[ pdftitle={The musicography Package: Symbols for Music Writing with pdflatex}, pdfauthor={Andrew A. Cashner}, pdfsubject={LaTeX package}, pdfkeywords={LaTeX, symbols, music, musicology, humanities} ]{hyperref} \title{The \code{musicography} Package: Symbols for Music Writing with \code{pdflatex}} \author{Andrew A. Cashner\thanks{% \href{mailto:andrewacashner@gmail.com} {\nolinkurl{andrewacashner@gmail.com}}% }% } \begin{document} \maketitle Font packages for \code{pdflatex} only provided a limited range of musical symbols. The \code{lilyglyphs} package uses Lilypond's fonts, but requires \code{lualatex}. This package makes available the most commonly used symbols in writing about music in a way that can be used with \code{pdflatex} and looks consistent and attractive. It includes accidentals, meters, and notes of different rhythmic values. This package builds on the approach used in the \code{harmony} package, where the symbols are taken from the MusiXTeX fonts. But it provides a larger range of symbols and a more flexible, user-friendly interface written using \code{xparse}. \tableofcontents \section{Package Options} To use the package, write \verb|\usepackage{musicography}| in your preamble. If you are also using this author's \code{semantic-markup} package, load \code{semantic-markup} first, since \code{musicography} modifies the commands for accidentals in the other package. The \code{bigger} option provides larger font sizes that match better with certain fonts. The \verb|\musNumFont| command allows you to change the font of the numerals used. For example, if using the \code{ebgaramond} font package, it looks better if you do this: \begin{quote} \verb|\renewcommand{\musNumFont}[1]{\liningnums{#1}}|. \end{quote} \section{Symbols and Commands} \subsection{Accidentals} \begin{codetable} Flat & \verb|\musFlat| or \verb|\fl| & \musFlat\\ Sharp & \verb|\musSharp| or \verb|\sh| & \musSharp\\ Natural & \verb|\musNatural| or \verb|\na| & \musNatural\\ Double Flat & \verb|\musDoubleFlat| & \musDoubleFlat\\ Double Sharp & \verb|\musDoubleSharp| & \musDoubleSharp\\ \end{codetable} \subsection{Notes of Different Rhythmic Values} Commands are available using modern (United States) note names; in several cases there are also aliases for older note names. \begin{codetable} Whole note (semibreve) & \verb|\musWhole| or \verb|\musSemibreve| & \musWhole\\ Half note (minim) & \verb|\musHalf| or \verb|\musMinim| & \musHalf\\ Quarter note (semiminim) & \verb|\musQuarter| or \verb|\musSeminimin| & \musQuarter\\ Eighth note (corchea) & \verb|\musEighth| or \verb|\musCorchea| & \musEighth\\ Sixteenth note & \verb|\musSixteenth| & \musSixteenth\\ \end{codetable} A dot may be added to any of the above by adding \code{Dotted} to the end of the command. For example: \begin{codetable} Dotted whole note & \verb|\musWholeDotted| & \musWholeDotted\\ Dotted quarter note & \verb|\musQuarterDotted| & \musQuarterDotted\\ \end{codetable} \subsection{Meter Signatures} \begin{codetable} Common duple & \verb|\meterC| & \meterC\\ \term{Alla breve} & \verb|\meterCutC| & \meterCutC\\ Ternary (16th--18th cent.) & \verb|\meterCThree| & \meterCThree\\ Ternary with $3:2$ proportion & \verb|\meterCThreeTwo| & \meterCThreeTwo\\ Spanish 17th-cent. ternary & \verb|\meterCZ| & \meterCZ\\ \end{codetable} For other time signatures, use \verb|\musMeter{}{}|. The command \verb|\musFigures| is an alias for \verb|\musMeter| that can be used for notating figured bass. Both commands take two arguments and stack the arguments vertically. \subsection{Customization} It would be a simple matter of using \verb|\newcommand| or \verb|\let| to create aliases for these commands, say, for British usage (such as \verb|\quaver|). \LaTeX{} programmers may wish to use the package's internal commands directly to access more symbols from the fonts or fine-tune their appearance. See \verb|\musSymbol| and \verb|\musAccidental| in the code listing below. \section{Code} \VerbatimInput{musicography.sty} \section{Changes} \begin{tabular}{r p{0.75\textwidth}} 2017/10/31 & Corrected glyph used for \verb|\musHalf| and documented \verb|\musMeter| and \verb|\musFigures|\\ 2017/08/29 & First version on CTAN\\ 2017/04/12 & Created\\ \end{tabular} \end{document}