%% %% This is file `msizetst.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% moresize.dtx (with options: `testfile') %% %% Version: v1.9 [1999/07/26] %% Author : Christian Cornelssen %% %% Copyright 1997,1998,1999 Christian Cornelssen %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms %% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN %% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either %% version 1 of the License, or any later version. %% %% This is a test file for text and math size settings. %% You might want to test several configurations. Therefore, %% it might be a good idea to save different versions of this file %% under different names. \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{exscale} %% for scaled \sum, \int etc. %% Available options for the `moresize' package: %% 10pt, 11pt, 12pt (in \documentclass) determines font sizes %% normalscripts avoid script size explosion in huge writings %% smallscripts smaller, more appropriate script sizes %% ecpatch tell NFSS that huge EC fonts are available \usepackage[smallscripts]{moresize} %% Use the `t1enc' package for testing with DC/EC fonts \usepackage{t1enc} %% Consider a paragraph with a text line of depth d (below the baseline), %% followed by a line with an inline formula, %% followed by a text line with height h (above the baseline). %% Then the formula's height may not exceed \baselineskip - d, %% and its depth may not exceed \baselineskip - h, %% or the baseline skips will be stretched. %% The roman-text brackets `[' and `]' are used for estimating d and h. %% Note that the space for the formula seems to get larger if NFSS %% substitutes a smaller font, because \baselineskip does not shrink %% accordingly! \newlength\mathht %% height available for an inline formula \newlength\mathdp %% depth available for an inline formula \newcommand\calcmathspace{% \settodepth\mathht{\textrm{[}}% \setlength\mathht{-\mathht}% \addtolength\mathht{\baselineskip}% \settoheight\mathdp{\textrm{]}}% \setlength\mathdp{-\mathdp}% \addtolength\mathdp{\baselineskip}} %% The following command shows its argument, typeset in text style, %% between two horizontal lines showing the available space in a text line. %% If the argument overprints the lines, it would stretch %% the baseline skip in a paragraph. \newcommand\linebox[1]{\calcmathspace\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}\hline \raisebox{0pt}[\mathht][\mathdp]{#1}\\\hline\end{tabular}} %% A macro for sample math expressions. %% The original definition gives expressions which should fit into %% paragraphs without enlarging the baseline skip. %% For variable-sized \sum or \int symbols, \usepackage{exscale} is needed. %% Caution: Main (i.e. non-script) symbols are 24.88pt maximum %% with CM math fonts. You may try using text fonts instead, %% but some vertical positionings and spacings still go wrong then. \newcommand\msample{\ensuremath{ \frac{X}{Y} \, g^{i_1\ldots i_n}_{j_1\ldots j_n} \, \frac{t^2}{2!} \, e^{-\frac{t}{\tau}} }} %% None of the size options 10pt, 11pt, and 12pt offers the entire spectrum %% of available font sizes. %% For example, the 10pt option offers no command for selecting 10.95pt, %% and the 12pt option does not provide a command for 9pt. %% The 11pt option fills both gaps, but misses the extremes 35.83pt and 5pt. %% Therefore, a shorthand for lower-level size switches is provided. %% E.g. \Size{20.74}{25} selects a 20.74pt font size with 25pt baselineskip. \newcommand\Size[2]{\fontsize{#1}{#2}\selectfont} \begin{document} \parindent0pt %% The test output should fit onto one page \pagestyle{empty} \enlargethispage{1in} %% Don't forget to list the moresize options in the test output! \textsf{moresize} options: %%[10pt] [11pt] %%[12pt] %%[normalscripts] [smallscripts] %%[ecpatch] %% Are you using HUGE fonts? %%Using CM fonts only. %%Using DC fonts for text, CM fonts for math. Using EC fonts for text, CM fonts for math. \begin{center} \newcommand\n{\\\\[-1ex]} %% for separating the tabular lines \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}} \Size{35.83}{43}\linebox{36pt} & \Size{35.83}{43}\linebox{\msample} \n \HUGE\linebox{HUGE} & \HUGE\linebox{\msample} \n \Huge\linebox{Huge} & \Huge\linebox{\msample} \n \huge\linebox{huge} & \huge\linebox{\msample} \n \LARGE\linebox{LARGE} & \LARGE\linebox{\msample} \n \Large\linebox{Large} & \Large\linebox{\msample} \n \large\linebox{large} & \large\linebox{\msample} \n \normalsize\linebox{normalsize} & \normalsize\linebox{\msample} \n \small\linebox{small} & \small\linebox{\msample} \n \footnotesize\linebox{footnotesize} & \footnotesize\linebox{\msample} \n \scriptsize\linebox{scriptsize} & \scriptsize\linebox{\msample} \n \ssmall\linebox{ssmall} & \ssmall\linebox{\msample} \n \tiny\linebox{tiny} & \tiny\linebox{\msample} \n \Size{5}{6}\linebox{5pt} & \Size{5}{6}\linebox{\msample} \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{document} %% %% %% End of file `msizetst.tex'.