BUNDLE `morehype' RELEASES: r0.6 2012/05/30 blog assignments, blog "ligs", langcode ============================================================ MAJOR CHANGES: - The "pure expansion" limitation for the `blog.sty' way to HTML is overcome by "intercepting" certain "commands" such as \EXECUTE, \begin, and \end (configurable). So you can introduce shorthand macros specific for a certain web page within its source `.tex' file, or even limited to an environment. And environment nesting is checked! And we introduce certain nice active characters for an intuitive table syntax. - We also use "intercepting" to support "ligatures" (`--', `---', `...', ...) and some Wikipedia and Markdown markup (font switching, highlighting by colours, Wikipedia links). Parsing can be enabled within macro arguments by modifying the two backbone macros that implement "short" HTML elements. This way, `blog.sty' becomes "fun" (but also slow ...) ... - A kind of minimalist "multilanguage" approach based on "languages codes" and the `dowith' package for adjusting language-dependent settings is used. Unfortunately, this upload is somewhat hasty, in order to provide the files generating `latexfileinfo_pkgs.htm' (`latexfileinfo-pkgs'). Some of the powerful code must later move from the "patch" file `texblog.fdf' into proper packages and be documented better. MINOR CHANGES: - `atari_ht.fdf' replaces `atari.fdf' to use HTML entities for umlauts instead of relying on the encoding declaration - `blog.sty' accesses some more characters than before - `texlinks.sty' uses \langcode for Wiki... + minor additions r0.52 2011/10/23 choosing CTAN URLs, HTML towards hyperref ============================================================ - `blogdot.sty' ("HTML beamer presentations") v0.4 provides \usecurrdirctan for opening CTAN example files from current directory (in case of bad internet access during *presentation*, while *online* version uses CTAN) - `texlinks.sty' v0.5: - new \ctanref and \ctanfileref choose web source according to new \usetugctan vs. \usemirrorctan - changes treatment of fonts for URLs, file names, and package names - re-structures code and documentation - `blog.sty' v0.62 - provides \hyperlink and \hypertarget as aliases of earlier blog.sty commands - towards "HTML and PDF from same source" - provides \textsf - "updates" \textcolor - `blog.pdf' links to fifinddo-info/dantev45.htm - and a few documentation fixes r0.51 2011/10/15 blogdot.sty: HTML beamer presentations + more morehype changes ============================================================ `blogdot.sty' extends `blog.sty' in order to construct "HTML slides." One "slide" is a 3x3 HTML table filling the computer screen, the center cell is the "type area," the margin cell below it is a link to the next "slide," and the lower right-hand cell is a "restart" link. This is a minimalistic, fast, straightforward approach to beamer presentations of simple text, avoiding TeX's typesetting. Font etc. sizes appropriate for slides are provided in `blogdot.css'. Find details in `blog.pdf'. QUALIFICATION: may be fine on your laptop, difficult online, works with Firefox, Opera, Chrome, rather not with MSIE. More changes of the `morehype' bundle: - `blog.sty' v0.61: - \item, \endenumerate, \enditemize start with , this fixed links near the end of a blogdot presentation (a quite "deep" .htm) with my Firefox - "universal" attributes completed - \figurespace (Unicode), \metavar (doc.sty's \meta), \acronym, \bdquo, \dagger, \ddagger, \emptycell - modified setup of "HTML environments" - documentation fixes - `blog.pdf' includes documentation of `lnavicol.sty' (web pages with left-hand navigation column) - `texlinks.sty' v0.41 provides \mirrorctanref, \tugctanfileref, \mirrorctanfileref, \ltxcontrib (see texlinks.pdf pp. 8f.) r0.5 2011/10/10 blogdot.sty: HTML beamer presentations + other morehype changes ============================================================ about as r0.51, but with some mistakes, blogdot.sty v0.2 instead of v0.3, blog.sty v0.6 instead of v0.61 r0.41 2011/09/02 web pages with blog.sty ============================================================ - `twocolpg.sty' renamed `lnavicol.sty' - typo fixes in `blog.tex'/`blog.pdf' r0.4 2011/09/01 texlinks v0.4, blog.sty v0.5 + support for two-column web pages ============================================================ A new "raw" macro file `twocolpg.sty' provides macros for the web page style with a navigation column at the left of a main content column with spanning header and footer - towards a content management system for TeX addicts? Templates (`demo') are provided, see Section `Examples' in `blog.pdf'. `blog.sty' v0.5 has many more macros than v0.41, mainly for symbols. Accented letters are near to complete, Greek letters are complete. Documentation has been improved at some places. I realized that ` ' allows line breaks and therefore redefined \thinspace and \,, but this may be difficult with certain browsers. `texlinks.sty' v0.4 adds HTTPS, references to CTAN announcements, and references to the LaTeX Wikibook. Wikipedia macros and parts of documentation have been reworked. For details, always see the end of the .sty files. Throughout, the \acro macro (known from TUGboat macros) has been applied to the documentations. Moreover, the sample file `atari.fdf' for a little encoding conversion has moved to the nicetext bundle, and the macro it defines now is \TextCodes instead of \AtariCodes. r0.3 2011/02/10 texlinks v0.3 [blog], \urlpkgfoot ============================================================ \urlpkgfoot{PKG-ID} abbreviates \urlfoot{CtanPkgRef}{PKG-ID} that is needed frequently. Package option [blog] suppresses document definitions. blog.sty is updated accordingly and at the occasion. README points to morehype.tds.zip r0.2 2011/01/27 texlinks v0.2 \urlfoot ============================================================ \urlfoot displays the URL that some shorthand generates in a footnote. E.g., \ukfaqref{LABEL}{TEXT} generates an URL that \urlfoot{ukfaqref}{LABEL} displays. r0.2a 2011/01/30 makehtml.tex+texmap.tex to `doc', TDS with `source'