modroman package 2004/05/19 11:30:00 0.3 Yvon HENEL to write number in lower case roman numeral with a `j' instead of a `i' as the final letter and optionnaly `u' for `v' This package provides only two macros viz. \modromannumeral which writes the number given as argument in lower case roman numeral with a `j' instead of a `i' as the final letter of numbers greater than 1 and \modroman{MyCounter} which writes the value of a counter in the same way. You have to use the first as the TeX primitive \romannumeral and the second as LaTeX command \roman. The default option is `vpourv' with which 5 is `translated' by `v' and option `upourv' whith which the same 5 is given as `u'. texmf/tex/latex/modroman/* texmf/tpm/package/modroman.tpm texmf/doc/latex/modroman/* texmf/source/latex/modroman/* texmf/tex/latex/modroman/modroman.sty texmf/tpm/package/modroman.tpm texmf/doc/latex/modroman/modroman.pdf texmf/source/latex/modroman/modroman.dtx texmf/source/latex/modroman/modroman.ins package/modroman