%% start of file `jdoe_casual.tex'. %% Copyright 2006 Xavier Danaux. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, % available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. \documentclass[11pt]{moderncv} % moderncv styles \moderncvstyle{casual} % optional argument are 'nocolor' (black & white cv) and 'roman' (for roman fonts, instead of sans serif fonts) %\moderncvstyle{classic} % idem % character encoding \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % replace by the encoding you are using % personal data (the given example is exhaustive; just give what you want) \firstname{John} \familyname{Doe} \title{Design enthusiast\dots} %\address{12 somestreet\\3456 somecity} % for classic style \address{12 somestreet, 3456 somecity} % for casual style \phone{+12 (3)456 78 90} \email{jdoe@design.org} \extrainfo{\weblink{www.ctan.org}} \photo[64pt]{jdoe_picture} % also optional, and the optional argument is the height the picture must be resized to \quote{Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.}% also optional %\renewcommand{\listsymbol}{{\fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{ding}\selectfont\tiny\symbol{'102}}} % define another symbol to be used in front of the list items % the ConTeXt symbol \def\ConTeXt{% C% \kern-.0333emo% \kern-.0333emn% \kern-.0667em\TeX% \kern-.0333emt} % slanted small caps (only with roman family; the sans serif font doesn't exists :-() %\usepackage{slantsc} %\DeclareFontFamily{T1}{myfont}{} %\DeclareFontShape{T1}{myfont}{m}{scsl}{ <-> cork-lmssqbo8}{} %\usefont{T1}{myfont}{m}{scsl}Testing the font % command and color used in this document, independently from moderncv \definecolor{see}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5}% for web links \newcommand{\up}[1]{\ensuremath{^\textsf{\scriptsize#1}}}% for text subscripts %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % content %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \maketitle \makequote \section{Education} \cventry{2003--2006}{Master of Design}{Valparezzo School of Design}{}{}{1\up{st} year: 79\%\hspace{2em}2\up{nd} year: 84\%\hspace{2em}3\up{rd} year: ---\hspace{2em}(graduation expected in June 2006)} \cventry{2001--2003}{Bachelor of Design}{Beijing Drawing University}{}{}{1\up{st} year: 63\%\hspace{2em}2\up{nd} year: 76\%} \section{Master thesis} \cvitem{title}{\emph{On the design of modern curriculum vit\ae{}s}} \cvitem{supervisors}{Pr P. Picasso and Pr G. Klimt} \cvitem{description}{\small Study of the complex design of a curriculum vit\ae{}, also known as ``résumé''. In my opinion, a good design needs to be show the personality of its author. Some people will thus prefer a more classic style, and others will be more audacious\dots} \section{Experience} \cventry{February 2006--\\current}{Maintainer of the a CTAN package}{CTAN}{World}{}{Maintainer of the {\ttfamily moderncv} package, meant to ease the production of beautiful curriculum vit\ae{}s.} \cventry{2005--2006}{Mathematics tutor}{UCL}{Louvain-la-Neuve}{}{Supervision of practical sessions for a mathematical course given to second year engineering students (course \emph{FSAB1104: Numerical Methods}).\hfill{\itshape\color{see}\footnotesize{}See \httplink{www.legat-online.be/b2q1/num}.}} \cventry{2004--2006}{Cultural project leader}{Tchouque-Tschouk Kot}{Louvain-la-Neuve}{}{Leader of a student home with a cultural project, requiring day to day management as well as the organization of public events.\hfill{\itshape\color{see}\footnotesize{}See \httplink{www.organe.be}.}} \cventry{1999--2001}{IMO preselected}{SBPMef}{Wépion}{}{Advanced mathematical training, as Belgian preselected candidate for the International Mathematical Olympiads, selected by the Belgian mathematical society.\hfill{\itshape\color{see}\footnotesize{}See \weblink{imo.math.ca/belgium.html}.}} \section{Languages} \cvlanguage{French}{Native}{} \cvlanguage{Dutch}{Near-native}{Primary education degree obtained in a Dutch college\\(Sint-Jozefscollege te Sint-Pieters-Woluwe).} \cvlanguage{English}{Very good}{Many journeys in English speaking countries, including the United States,\\the United Kingdom and Kenya.} \cvlanguage{Mandarin}{Elementary}{Taking classes at the ``Institut des Langues Vivantes'' (UCL), for the second year now.} \closesection{} \pagebreak{} \section{Computer skills} \cvcomputer{OS}{Linux, Unix, Windows}{administration}{Apache, Mailman} \cvcomputer{programming}{\textsc{Java}, C/C++}{scripting}{PHP, Shell, Ruby} \cvcomputer{scientific}{Matlab, Autocad, Abaqus}{typography}{\LaTeX, \ConTeXt, Scribus, QuarkXPress} \cvcomputer{web design}{XHTML, CSS, AJAX}{database}{MySQL, PostgreSQL} \section{Interests} \cvitem{design}{\small I am a design fan, especially when it comes to typography and photography.} \cvitem{adventure sports}{\small I like practicing adventure sports like skiing, rock climbing and scuba diving, and have been a boy scout for five years.} \cvitem{travelling}{\small I have been living abroad during my childhood, and love travelling around the world.} \section{Section with a list} \cvlistitem{Single item.} \cvlistitem{Another single item.} \cvlistdoubleitem{Double\dots{}}{\dots{} item.} \cvlistdoubleitem{Another double\dots{}}{\dots{} item.} \section{Section with your own content}\closesection Your content here, inside the normal \LaTeX{} environment. You can use any regular \LaTeX{} command, display mathematics \[e =m\,c^2,\] put some table or figure, \dots \emptysection{} \cvitem{Now}{Back to moderncv layout, without making a new section :-)} \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{jdoe_publications} \end{document} %% end of file `jdoe_casual.tex'.