version 1.5.0 (23 Apr 2013) - added a command to showcase social accounts in one's personal information: \social. The command currently handles automatically LinkedIn, Twitter and Github accounts, and other links can be provided explicitly. - added a new icon set: "awesome" (using the icons from the Font Awesome font). - set the "awesome" icon set as the default for the "casual" and "banking" style variants (can be changed back with \moderncvicons{marvosym}). - forced all the icons of the "letters" icon set to be of the same width, for alignment purpose. - added a letter icon ("W") for the homepage of the "letters" icon set. - forced some white space between the main text and the footer of the "casual" style variant. - removed the rule below the headings of the cvcolumns environment. version 1.4.0 (28 Mar 2013) - deprecated \phone, \mobile and \fax in favour of \phone[], where can be "fixed" (default), "mobile" or "fax". As part of the change, one can now use each of these multiple times, to e.g. display multiple mobile phone numbers. - deprecated \firstname and \familyname in favour of \name{}{}. - added a new mechanism to select amongs different possible icon sets: \moderncvicons{}, where can be "marvosym" (used by default in the "banking", "casual" and "classic" style variants) or "letters" (used by default in the "oldstyle" style variant). \moderncvicons should always be called after \moderncvstyle in order to override the style variants defaults. - added a command to control the font of the page numbering: \pagenumberfont, as requested by fr1a1nky (launchpad question #224496). - removed the use of the suffix package. version 1.3.0 (09 Feb 2013) - added a new environment to create multiple columns: cvcolumns. Each column is then created by \cvcolumn[width]{header}{content}, where the optional width is given as a fraction of the total width (between 0 and 1). The header and content are robust and can contain any paragraph command (e.g., a nest itemize environment). - added a macro (\pdfpagemode) to control what is visible upon opening compiled pdfs (assuming pdf reader support), as suggested by U. Stöhr. Possible values include: "UseNone" (only the document), "UseThumbs" (show thumbnails), "UseOutlines" (show bookmarks) and "FullScreen" (open in fullscreen mode). - added a 3rd, fully optional (can be omitted or left blank) argument to \address to specify a country, as requested on launchpad (launchpad bug #1063995). - compacted list environments further. - replaced the use of the xargs package by the xparse one. version 1.2.1 (04 Dec 2012) - fixed a regression bug introduced in version 1.2.0 in the header of the "banking" style when no title is used, as reported on tex.stackexchange (question #85427). version 1.2.0 (31 Oct 2012) - updated the "banking" style header to include the option to show a title. - set the values of \arrayrulewidth and \doublerulesep to their standard values (0.4pt and 2pt resp.) to enable the drawing of rules in tabulars and arrays by default. - modified the code of \makecvtitle and \makelettertitle of the "casual" style to avoid it to cause horizontal alignment issues after and before itself. - corrected a bug in \makelettertitle of most styles that displayed the current date (\today) instead of the date given through the \date command, as reported by B. Schlimmchen and S. Fnord. - removed the need to set pdfpagelabels=false when loading hyperref, by putting \pagenumbering{arabic} (to define \thepage) before loading hyperref, as figured out by J. Wolf. - corrected the line wrapping of \cvlistitem of the "banking" style. - corrected a bug in \makecvtitle and \makelettertitle of the "banking" style. - removed an unwanted space in the footer of the "casual" style. - moved the font style definitions to moderncv.cls for better readability (moderncv.cls is meant to be a sort of header file, implementing only some macros shared by all styles and defining the macros that the style files need to implement). version 1.1.3 (10 Aug 2012) - corrected a longstanding issue causing hyperref to issue two warnings regarding its "pdfpagelabels" option, as pointed out and solved by P. Leifeld (launchpad bug #1035466). version 1.1.2 (09 Aug 2012) - fixed a regression bug introduced in version 1.0.0 in the footer of the "casual" style, as discovered on tex.stackexchange (question #66316). version 1.1.1 (30 Jul 2012) - fixed a compatibility issue introduced in version 1.0.0 when \maketitlenamewidth was renamed to \makecvtitlenamewidth, as reported by Peppe on launchpad (launchpad bug #1030802). The template now correctly uses \makecvtitlenamewidth, and \maketitlenamewidth was created as an alias for backward compatibility. version 1.1.0 (29 Jul 2012) - fixed the switching from letter to resume, correcting spacing errors when a letter is typeset before the resume, as noticed by U. Gabor. - fixed the vertical alignment of the footers, as reported by T. Homa. Footers are now aligned to the bottom and the letter and cv footers are perfectly aligned in the "casual" style. - prepared moderncv for fontspec font loading (still commented in code). - changed the handling of the "sans" and "roman" class options, to be reflected at the beginning of the document and override style font choices. - turned unicode support in hyperref on by default. - tweaked the use of \textbullet to avoid the fall-back to Computer Modern fonts and prepared the use of symbols from the MarVoSym font for fontspec (LauLaTeX or XeLaTeX). - tweaked the \subsectionfill of the "banking" style to distribute extra space evenly between leaders. - added two options to change the "Enclosure" string used for the letter enclosure: either specify another string as optional argument to \enclosure, or redefine \enclname, as suggested by D. Wille. version 1.0.0 (26 Mar 2012) - added commands to generate letters for every resume style: \recipient, \date, \opening, \closing, \enclosure, \makelettertitle and \makeletterclosing. The old \maketitle and \makefooter commands are now deprecated and replaced by \makecvtitle and \makecvfooter. - changed the alignment algorithm for the personal data display in the oldstyle style, as to align on the baseline of the first line with the surrounding text. version 0.19.0 (06 Feb 2012) - reintroduced the ability to force the width reserved to display the name in the resume header for the classic style (\maketitlenamewidth). - improved the pdf metadata, as reported by S. Wunsch (launchpad bug #922476). - fixed a footersymbol bug in the casual style when no mobile number was given, as reported by S. Wunsch (launchpad bug #922470). - fixed a display bug when an address was given without postcode/city, as reported by O. Shaneh (launchpad bug #670263). version 0.18.0 (05 Feb 2012) - corrected the handling of pdf bookmarks, as suggested on stackexchange by U. Fischer. - improved the spacing between sections and subsections by using \addvspace instead of \vspace. - corrected the spacing between entries with nested itemize environments (temporary solution working only for single line items). - added a check in the oldstyle style for an empty 4th argument in the \cvdoubleitem definition, to avoid printing a colon without preceding label. - added a new style on top of classic, casual and oldstyle: banking. version 0.17.0 (25 Jan 2012) - changed the footer algorithm of style casual to avoid starting lines with the footer symbol. - aligned the space before and after the title across styles. - added an optional title to the casual style. - changed the definition of the font styles to avoid undesired extra spacing. - added a Spanish template, kindly provided by I. Buitrón. - corrected the vertical misalignment between the page number and the center footer in the casual style. version 0.16.0 (15 Jan 2012) - added starred versions of \section and \subsection (that are identical to their non-starred version, to e.g. enable biblatex support as requested by S. Verberkt (launchpad bug #913102). - corrected a misalignment of the colored rule in front of the section titles in the classic and casual styles, as reported by P. Neidhardt (launchpad bug #915910). version 0.15.1 (23 December 2011) - corrected a bug in the classic style causing the address font and color not being carried over newlines, as reported by J. Smith. version 0.15.0 (19 December 2011) - corrected list spacing. - corrected inconsistent use of sans serif fonts in roman layout option. - the lmodern fonts are now automatically loaded only if installed on the system. The "nolmodern" option is now therefore obsolete. - complete code refactoring separating themes in separate styles and colors. - renamed \cvline to \cvitem, \cvlanguage to \cvitemwithcomment and \cvcomputer to \cvdoubleitem (the old command name still work and redirect to the new ones, but are deprecated). - removed the arbitrary minipage widths of skill proficiency vs comment in \cvitemwithcomments. The skill proficiency is now typeset exactly as given (i.e. one one line if no linebreaks are implicitly given) and the comment uses the remaining horizontal space. - changed the optional argument of \cvlistitem and \cvlistdoubleitem to specify the vertical skip after the item (as for \cvitem, cvitemwithcomments, etc). The way to change the list symbol is to redefine \listitemsymbol. - added a new style on top of classic and casual: oldstyle. - loaded the microtype package to improve typography. version 0.14.0 (04 December 2011) - added support for CJK, thanks to the help of P. D'Apice. - the use of \recomputelengths after modifying any length in the preamble is now unnecessary; \recomputelength is automatically called at the start of the document. version 0.13.1 (11 November 2011) - corrected a bug introduced by v0.13 in the classic style when no \photo is used, as reported by S. Gislais (launchpad bug #888702). version 0.13.0 (06 November 2011) - added a "black" color option to render the resume in black & white, as suggested by F. Bicarri. - removed the pdflatex option when loading hyperref to enable other engines (e.g., dvips, xetex), leftover from the v 0.11 cleanup, as reported by K. Amaterasu and P. Mavrogiorgos (launchpad bugs #754693 and #859834). - added a "purple" color option, as proposed by B. Ravel. - added a 3rd optional argument to the \photo command to control the thickness of the framebox. Setting it to 0pt will disable the frame around the photo, as requested by T. Krennwallner (launchpad bug #664568). version 0.12.0 (03 August 2010) - prevented pagebreaks after sections and subsections (launchpad bug #409902), as originally reported by C. Gaspoz and fixed by launchpad user tentotwo). version 0.11.0 (20 July 2010) - removed the \ifpdf check when loading the graphicx package, as graphicx does does check internally and this was preventing proper functionning with xelatex and luatex, as reported by A. Trautmann. The same check was also removed everywhere else in the document (i.e. when loading the color and hyperref packages). version 0.10.0 (13 June 2010) - fixed a compatibility issue with the natbib package (natbib uses \section* to format the bibliography title, while only \section was defined by moderncv), as reported on launchpad (launchpad bug #393920). - fixed a compatibility issues with (any package relying on) the etoolbox package, due to the double definition of \AtEndPreamble, as reported by D. Becker. version 0.9.0 (31 May 2010) - added support for the itemize, enumerate and description environments. version 0.8.0 (24 May 2010) - added support for multibib. Also modified the template to illustrate how to show labels in the bibliography, as requested by Tom D. R. and Stefan K. - added a command to indicate your personal homepage (\homepage{url}), as requested by J. de Jong and A. Pairet. - corrected an alignment bug for text following a \quote with no immediate \section, as kindly reported by J. Vermeulen and L. Saliou. - corrected a spacing bug when no blank line (or \par) is left after \maketitle. Thanks to A. Menzel for reporting the strange behaviour. - corrected the alignment of the extrainfo title part when no picture was used, as reported by M. Bana. - corrected the missplacement of pdf bookmarks as noticed by L. Fortunato. - corrected several bugs linked to the code for checking for empty arguments in \cventry, as reported by B. Ekran (launchpad bug #268768), L. Păncescu and E. Gregorio. version 0.7.0 (17 June 2008) - corrected an outstanding spacing bug (space between cvlines longer than 1 line). - removed the need to use \closesection and \emptysection as internal tabulars are now always closed. This allows she use of bibliography packages such as bibunits. Thanks to S. Busch for pointing out the incompatibility and helping testing out the bug correction. - changed the definition of \photo: the first (optional) argument should give the desired width of the picture, instead of its height - corrected an alignment bug for \cvlistitems longer than 1 line, as reported by S. Nikolopoulos. - deprecated the commands \sethintscolumnlength and \sethintscolumntowidth. Instead, just set \hintscolumnwidth to the desired length by using the regular \setlength or \settowidth commands, and call \recomputelengths. - added the ability to control the width of the name placeholder in the classic theme, by setting the length \maketitlenamewidth. Again, don't forget to call \recomputelengths afterward. version 0.6.0 (28 May 2007) - corrected some spacing bugs and cleaned up the code. - corrected a bug in the bibliography file of the examples spotted by U. Stöhr. - added color variants to the classic and casual style, as suggested by U. Stöhr. - added a page counter for resumes running longer than 1 page, as requested by A. Martin. It can be disabled by the command \nopagenumbers{}. - added commands to include a mobile phone and fax number. - made the symbols used for the phone number, the email, ... customizable. To modify those symbols, just redefine \phonesymbol, emailsymbol, ... - corrected the pdf information given to hyperref as pointed out by C. Knuepfer. - rewrote the examples. version 0.5.0 (9 September 2006) - added a \photo command to display a picture. That command takes the name of the file with the picture as argument, and the desired height as optional argument. - implemented the needed commands to make moderncv compatible with BibTeX, as suggested by J. Lie. This makes it possible to display one's publications, stored in the BibTeX file 'publications.bib' by using: \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{publications} As usual, the name of the section title can be changed by redefining the command \refname. - added the \today command, useful for example if one need to add the date the resumé was produced with \closesection{} \vfill{\hfill{\scriptsize Produced \today.}} at the end of your CV, as suggested by F. Hammann. version 0.4.0 (2 May 2006) - removed the dependency on the geometry package, so that users can now invoke it themselve, and easily change the geometry of the page. version 0.3.0 (10 April 2006) - moderncv now uses the 'longtable' class, allowing cv sections to split across multiple pages. - the different lengths used by moderncv are now customizable! In particular, the first column (the one containing the date in the examples), can now be set to any width, for people needing a smaller or larger one. To do that, either use \sethintscolumnlength{}, where is the desired length in a unit LaTeX understands, or \sethintscolumntowidth{}, where is a string of the desired length (usually, the longest string that has to appear in the column). Thanks to A. Pöge for pointing out the need of such a feature. - added the command \emptysection{}, which makes it possible to start a section without name. In combination with \closesection{}, this makes it possible to drop out of the layout of moderncv, and come back to it later. This should make the inclusion of arbitrary elements not covered by moderncv code possible. - corrected a spacing problem in the cventry command, as pointed out and solved by B. Eßmann. version 0.2.0 (6 March 2006) - rewrite of the code to have the styles (fonts, colours, headers and footers) be defined in different files than the class. The styles are now defined in a separate file per style, named moderncvstyle. It should now be easy to write your own style, starting from moderncvstyleempty.sty. If you feel you have created a nice style, just email it to me and I'll include it in the next version. - due to the previous point, styles are now loaded by the command \moderncvstyle{style_name}. I couldn't figure out a way to preserve the old "casual" and "classic" class options, so these are now broken! Use \moderncvstyle{casual} or \moderncvstyle{classic} at the beginning of your document. This should be the only incompatibility with version 0.1. - added class option "nolmodern" for people without the latin modern fonts. - corrected some English mistakes in the examples. Thanks to M. H. Prager for pointing them out. - added a \cvlistitem to produce items with a bullet (or whatever is defined in \listitemsymbol), and renamed \cvresume to \cvlistdoubleitem for consistency purpose. For compatibility reasons, the command \cvresume still works, but should be avoided. version 0.1.0 (1 March 2006) - first release.