_________________ The MLIST package v0.5 This package defines the commands \newvect, \newmatr, \newfunc, and \newmset for creating macros to typeset vectors, matrices, functions, and sets. For example, Logical indexing can then be used to refer to elements or arguments without hard-coding the symbols in the document: \newvect\myvect{V}[elem=a,b,c] \myvect{1,2,3} produces \left( V_a, V_b, V_c \right) All aspects of the typeset appearance can be adjusted, and new `mlists' can be defined to represent other mathematical constructs. Consider this package an exploration of separation of form and content for some mathematical constructions. I hope you find it useful. ______________ Change history v0.5: Introduced \newmset for defining mathematical sets; with pre-defined sets \setR, \setC, \setZ, \setN. ______________ Will Robertson wspr 81 [at] gmail [dot] com Copyright 2007 Distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License