%% %% This is file `mtc-tsf.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% minitoc.dtx (with options: `mtc-tsf') %% This is a generated file. %% %% %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of %% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license %% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this %% license is in: %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version %% 2003/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". %% %% This Current Maintainer of this work is Jean-Pierre F. Drucbert (JPFD). %% %% This work consists of all the files listed in the file `minitoc.l' %% distributed with it. %% Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 %% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 %% Jean-Pierre F. Drucbert %% \documentclass{report} \ProvidesFile{mtc-tsf.tex}[2008/04/03]% \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage[config=altsf]{subfig} \usepackage[tight]{minitoc} \newdimen\testtemp \newcommand{\ru}[1]{% \testtemp #1% \advance\testtemp .5pt \divide\testtemp 2% \hbox to \testtemp{\leaders\hbox to 1mm{% \vrule height1mm depth0pt width.25pt\hfil}\hfil}% \hbox to 0pt{\hss\vrule height3mm depth0pt width.25pt\hss}% \hbox to \testtemp{\leaders\hbox to 1mm{% \hfil\vrule height1mm depth0pt width.25pt}\hfil}} %% \fboxsep=-\fboxrule \newcommand{\figbox}[1]{% \fbox{\vbox to 1in{% \vfil\hbox to 2in{\parbox{2in}{\centering #1}}\vfil \vbox to 0pt{\vss\hbox to 2in{\hfil\ru{1.1in}\hfil}}}}} \begin{document} \setcounter{lofdepth}{2} \dominilof \listoffigures \newpage \chapter{Reference Test} \minilof \mtcskip \mtcsetdepth{minilof}{1} \minilof \begin{figure}[ht]% \centering \subfigure{% \label{fig+A}\figbox{SUBFIGURE ONE:\\(no opt)}} \quad \subfigure[]{% \label{fig+B}\figbox{SUBFIGURE TWO:\\(empty opt)}}\\ \subfigure[Subfigure Three.]{% \label{fig+C}\figbox{SUBFIGURE THREE:\\(opt)}} \quad \subfigure[][Subfigure Four.]{% \label{fig+D}\figbox{SUBFIGURE FOUR:\\(empty opt and opt)}} \quad \subfigure[][]{% \label{fig+E}\figbox{SUBFIGURE FIVE:\\(both empty opt)}}\\ \subfigure[The Sixth Subfigure.][Subfigure Six.]{% \label{fig+F}\figbox{SUBFIGURE SIX:\\(both opt)}} \quad \subfigure[The Seventh Subfigure][]{% \label{fig+G}\figbox{SUBFIGURE SEVEN:\\(opt and empty opt)}} \caption{Optional argument test.}% \label{fig+main}% \end{figure} The figure~\ref{fig+main} on page~\pageref{fig+main} is composed of the seven subfigures~\subref{fig+A} (aka: \ref{fig+A}), \subref{fig+B} (aka: \ref{fig+B}), \subref{fig+C} (aka: \ref{fig+C}), \subref{fig+D} (aka: \ref{fig+D}), \subref{fig+E} (aka: \ref{fig+E}), \subref{fig+F} (aka: \ref{fig+F}), and \subref{fig+G} (aka: \ref{fig+G}). \section{Centering Test} Note that figures~\ref{fig+B}, \ref{fig+E} and \ref{fig+G} are centered. This means that \verb|\subfigcapskip| has been set to zero and is not offsetting the simple label to the left. Also the remaining captioned subfigures (figures~\ref{fig+C}, \ref{fig+D}, and \ref{fig+F}) should have centered labels. \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% \endinput %% %% End of file `mtc-tsf.tex'.