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   % product with a middle
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\dots,0,\dots>}% special vector
\newcommand{\fp}{\F{p}}% Fraktur p

\title[Complete-simple distributive lattices]
      {A construction of complete-simple\\ 
       distributive lattices}
\author{George~A. Menuhin}
\address{Computer Science Department\\
         University of Winnebago\\
         Winnebago, Minnesota 23714} 
\thanks{Research supported by the NSF under grant number~23466.} 
\keywords{Complete lattice, distributive lattice, complete 
   congruence, congruence lattice} 
\subjclass[2000]{Primary: 06B10; Secondary: 06D05}
\date{March 15, 1999}

   In this note we prove that there exist \emph{complete-simple 
   distributive lattices,} that is, complete distributive 
   lattices in which there are only two complete congruences. 

In this note we prove the following result:

\begin{named}{Main Theorem}
   There exists an infinite complete distributive lattice 
   $K$ with only the two trivial complete congruence relations. 

\section{The $\Ds$ construction}\label{S:Ds}  
For the basic notation in lattice theory and universal algebra, 
see Ferenc~R. Richardson~\cite{fR82} and George~A. 
Menuhin~\cite{gM68}. We start with some definitions:

   Let $V$ be a complete lattice, and let $\fp = [u, v]$ be
   an interval of $V$.  Then $\fp$ is called 
   \emph{complete-prime} if the following three conditions 
   are satisfied:
      \item $u$ is meet-irreducible but $u$ is \emph{not}
         completely meet-irreducible;\label{m-i}
      \item $v$ is join-irreducible but $v$ is \emph{not} 
         completely join-irreducible;\label{j-i}
      \item $[u, v]$ is a complete-simple lattice.\label{c-s}

Now we prove the following result:

   Let $D$ be a complete distributive lattice satisfying 
   conditions \eqref{m-i} and~\eqref{j-i}.  
   Then $\Ds$ is a sublattice of $D^{2}$; hence $\Ds$ is
   a lattice, and $\Ds$ is a complete distributive lattice 
   satisfying conditions \eqref{m-i} and~\eqref{j-i}.  

   By conditions~\eqref{m-i} and \eqref{j-i}, $\Ds$ is a 
   sublattice of $D^{2}$.  Hence, $\Ds$ is a lattice.

   Since $\Ds$ is a sublattice of a distributive lattice, 
   $\Ds$ is a distributive lattice.  Using the characterization 
   of standard ideals in Ernest~T. Moynahan~\cite{eM57}, 
   $\Ds$ has a zero and a unit element, namely, 
   $\vv<0, 0>$ and $\vv<1, 1>$.  To show that $\Ds$ is
   complete, let $\es \ne A \ci \Ds$, and let $a = \JJ A$
   in $D^{2}$.  If $a \in \Ds$, then 
   $a = \JJ A$ in $\Ds$; otherwise, $a$ is of the form 
   $\vv<b, 1>$ for some $b \in D$ with $b < 1$.  Now 
   $\JJ A = \vv<1, 1>$ in $D^{2}$, and   
   the dual argument shows that $\MM A$ also exists in 
   $D^{2}$.  Hence $D$ is complete. Conditions \eqref{m-i} 
   and~\eqref{j-i} are obvious for $\Ds$.   

   If $D$ is complete-prime, then so is $\Ds$.

The motivation for the following result comes from Soo-Key 

   Let $\gQ$ be a complete congruence relation of $\Ds$ such 
      \con \vv<1, d>=\vv<1, 1>(\gQ),
   for some $d \in D$ with $d < 1$. Then $\gQ = \gi$.

   Let $\gQ$ be a complete congruence relation of $\Ds$ 
   satisfying \eqref{E:rigid}. Then $\gQ = \gi$.

\section{The $\gP^{*}$ construction}\label{S:P*} 
The following construction is crucial to our proof of the 

   Let $D_{i}$, for $i \in I$, be complete distributive 
   lattices satisfying condition~\eqref{j-i}.  Their $\gP^{*}$
   product is defined as follows: 
     \Prodsm{ D_{i} }{i \in I} = \Prodm{ D_{i}^{-} }{i \in I}+1;
   that is, $\Prodsm{ D_{i} }{i \in I}$ is 
   $\Prodm{ D_{i}^{-} }{i \in I}$ with a new unit element.  

   If $i \in I$ and $d \in D_{i}^{-}$, then
   is the element of $\Prodsm{ D_{i} }{i \in I}$ whose 
   $i$-th component is $d$ and all the other
   components are $0$. 

See also Ernest~T. Moynahan~\cite{eM57a}.  Next we verify:

   Let $D_{i}$, for $i \in I$, be complete distributive 
   lattices satisfying condition~\eqref{j-i}.  Let $\gQ$ 
   be a complete congruence relation on  
   $\Prodsm{ D_{i} }{i \in I}$.  If there exist  
   $i \in I$ and $d \in D_{i}$ with $d < 1_{i}$ such 
   that for all $d \leq c < 1_{i}$,
   then $\gQ = \gi$.

   and $\gQ$ is a complete congruence relation, it follows 
   from condition~\eqref{c-s} that
       &\langle \dots, \overset{i}{d}, \dots, 0,
        \dots \rangle\\
       &\equiv \bigvee ( \langle \dots, 0, \dots, 
        \overset{i}{c},\dots, 0,\dots \rangle \mid d \leq c < 1) 
         \equiv 1 \pmod{\Theta}. 

   Let $j \in I$, for $j \neq i$, and let 
   $a \in D_{j}^{-}$.  Meeting both sides of the congruence
   \eqref{E:cong} with $\vct{j}{a}$, we obtain
          0 &= \vct{i}{d} \mm \vct{j}{a}\\
            &\equiv \vct{j}{a}\pod{\gQ}.
  Using the completeness of $\gQ$ and \eqref{E:comp}, we get:
       \con{0=\JJm{ \vct{j}{a} }{ a \in D_{j}^{-} }}={1}(\gQ), 
   hence $\gQ = \gi$.

   Let $D_{i}$, for $i \in I$, be complete distributive 
   lattices satisfying
   conditions \eqref{j-i} and~\eqref{c-s}.  Then 
   $\Prodsm{ D_{i} }{i \in I}$ also satisfies 
   conditions~\eqref{j-i} and \eqref{c-s}.  

   Let $\gQ$ be a complete congruence on 
   $\Prodsm{ D_{i} }{i \in I}$. Let $i \in I$.  Define 
      \widehat{D}_{i} = \setm{ \vct{i}{d} }{ d \in D_{i}^{-} } 
       \uu \set{1}.
   Then $\widehat{D}_{i}$ is a complete sublattice of 
   $\Prodsm{ D_{i} }{i \in I}$, and $\widehat{D}_{i}$  
   is isomorphic to $D_{i}$.  Let $\gQ_{i}$ be the 
   restriction of $\gQ$ to $\widehat{D}_{i}$.  Since
   $D_{i}$ is complete-simple, so is $\widehat{D}_{i}$,
   hence $\gQ_{i}$ is $\go$ or $\gi$.  If $\gQ_{i} = \go$ 
   for all $i \in I$, then $\gQ = \go$.  
   If there is an $i \in I$, such that $\gQ_{i} = \gi$, 
   then $\con0=1(\gQ)$, and hence $\gQ = \gi$.  

The Main Theorem follows easily from Theorems~\ref{T:P*} and 


      Soo-Key Foo, \emph{Lattice Constructions}, Ph.D. thesis, 
      University of Winnebago, Winnebago, MN, December, 1990.

      George~A. Menuhin, \emph{Universal Algebra}, D.~van 
      Nostrand, Princeton, 1968.

      Ernest~T. Moynahan, \emph{On a problem of M. Stone}, 
      Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. \tbf{8} (1957), 455--460.

     \bysame, \emph{Ideals and congruence relations in 
     lattices}.~II, Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Fiz. Oszt. K\"{o}zl. 
     \tbf{9} (1957), 417--434  (Hungarian).

      Ferenc~R. Richardson, \emph{General Lattice Theory}, Mir, 
      Moscow, expanded and revised ed., 1982 (Russian).
