Memoir is a flexible class for typesetting poetry, fiction, non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or manuscripts. Documents can use 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, or 17pt as the normal fontsize and, if you have scalable fonts, 20pt, 25pt, 30pt, 36pt, 48pt, or 60pt sizes, or even larger. Many methods are provided to let you create your particular design. The class incorporates over 30 of the more popular packages. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ASK THEM ON THE COMP.TEXT.TEX NEWSGROUP; YOU ARE LIKELY TO GET FASTER AND BETTER ANSWERS THAN IF YOU EMAIL ME DIRECTLY AS I AM AWAY MORE OFTEN THAN NOT. (Lars Madsen is gradually taking over the support for memoir.) NOTE: In order to provide fixes for any problems that may arise between major releases, you may find a file called mempatch.sty which contains any current fixes for the memoir class. The class will automatically include this so DO NOT \usepackage{mempatch}. The Change lists below do not neccessarily note each release of the patch or addendum files. NOTE: Similarly, there may be file(s) called memmanadd.(tex|pdf) which provides amendments to the current version of the User Manual. NOTE: If you are using the hyperref package dated earlier than 2006/11/15, use the memhfixc package after the hyperref package, e.g., ... \usepackage[...]{hyperref} \usepackage{memhfixc} ... Later versions of the hyperref package automatically load the memhfixc package. NOTE: The full User Manual (memman.pdf) is a large document of about 550 pages in total. You do not need to print all of it, especially if you already have an earlier edition. Roughly speaking, the main portions are: o Frontmatter: Preface, Toc, Introduction, Terminology ~ 40 pages o Mainmatter: Class commands and environments, etc. ~ 380 pages o Appendices: (La)Tex programming, Errors and warnings ~ 40 pages o Backmatter: Command glossary ~ 40 pages Bibliography, indexes ~ 50 pages Changes (2010/04/19) o Memoir v3.6 -- reversioned memoir to version 3.6. The version number was tending towards the galden ration, but apparently this numeric value is not widely known. -- fixed \marginparmargin{left} in twoside mode -- fixed a race condition in memhfixc Changes (2010/02/20) o Memoir v1.618033988c -- fixed sporadic space in regular \footnote command Changes (2010/02/17) o Memoir v1.618033988b -- fixed typo that broke \feetbelowfloats Changes (2010/02/16) o Memoir v1.618033988 -- changed internal toc handling, as not to open extra files if the TOC is being used several times. -- fixed bug in the emulation of ifpdf, ifxetex and ifluatex that might cause memoir to crash in certain cases -- added \clearmark and \clearplainmark to 'clear' mark commands when defining specialised page styles -- made \subcaptionref robust -- added \letcountercounter and \unletcounter to let one counter act as if it had another name -- add possibility to have \footnote write in the margin by internally use \marginpar -- added a separate bottom aligned side footnote feature -- added consistent interface for \marginpar, \sidepar, \sidebar, and \sidefootnote for specifying into which margin the note should go -- added feature that makes it easier for the side writing macros to determine whether they are on the left or right of the text. The defaults for \sidepar and \sidebar have been changed such that their text now comes out flush up against the text. -- added appendix about the picture environment. Apparently there is no extensive freely available information about this environment. There is now. The chapter stem from an abandoned book project. -- extended the pagestyle changing macros such that they now warn if the page style does not exist or if the page style is an alias (trying to change an alias might lead to odd results) -- added tocvsec2 to list of emulated packages (left out by mistake) -- some undocumented hooks have been added to the toc building macros, more about these later. Changes (2009/11/17) o Memoir v1.61803398c -- fixed typo that broke \flushbottom. Please note that this fix WILL change existing documents, potentially changing page breaks. -- fixed a problem that might cause the addition of trimmarks to shift the output box a bit downward. Thanks to Heiko Oberdiek for the analysis and fix -- fixed a typo in an example in the manual -- changed \tmarkml, \tmarkmr, \tmarktm and \tmarkbm to place markers for the middle parts of the text. Earlier they did nothing and had to be defined by the user. Now the user can simply define them to do nothing if needed. -- added visual example to the manual showing the four trim mark types -- changed the madsen chapter style such that it now have a better unnumbered look Earlier changes are noted at the end. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Peter Wilson (Herries Press) herries dot press at earthlink dot net Copyright 2001--2010 Peter R. Wilson This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of the license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". This work consists of the files: README (this file) memoir.dtx memoir.ins mempatch.dtx mempatch.ins and the derived files memoir.cls mem9.clo mem10.clo mem11.clo mem12.clo mem14.clo mem17.clo mem20.clo mem25.clo mem30.clo mem36.clo mem48.clo mem60.clo mempatch.sty memhfixc.sty basic.gst. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The distribution consists of the following files: README (this file) memoir.(dtx|ins) Class source and installation files mempatch.(dtx|ins) Source and installation for patch files mempatch.sty Patch file for memoir class memhfixc.sty Patch file for hyperref package memman.tex LaTeX source for the user manual (requires the memoir class and the alltt, fixltx2e, layouts, graphicx, and url packages for processing) memman.pdf User manual in PDF memmanadd.pdf Addendum (in PDF) to the User Manual (if required) memsty.sty Style file for (memman|memmanadd).tex memnoidxnum.tex Some default indexed elements for memman.tex memfonts.sty Palatino/CMR(lmodern) font mix memlays.sty Additional diagrammatic layouts titlepages.sty Assorted title page definitions anvil2.mps Herries Press logo MakeIndex style file for (memman|memmanadd).tex memman.gst MakeIndex style file for (memman|memmanadd) glossary To install the package: o run: latex memoir.ins (which will generate memoir.cls, a set of mem*.clo files, and basic.gst for MakeIndex glossary files) o Move memoir.cls, the mem*.clo files and any mem*.sty file to locations where LaTeX will find them (typically in a local texmf tree at /tex/latex/memoir) and refresh the file database. See the FAQ on CTAN at help/uk-tex-faq or for more information on this. To read the commented source code o run: (pdf)latex memoir.dtx For an index run: makeindex -s memoir o run: (pdf)latex memoir.dtx o Print the result for a hardcopy of the documented code (which consists of nearly 500 pages) To process memman.tex (if you really want to do this and not just use memman.pdf as supplied) o Make sure you can use the memoir class and the alltt, fixltx2e, layouts, graphicx, comment, and url (and perhaps some more) packages. o Run (pdf)latex twice on memman.tex o For an index run: makeindex -s memman o For an index of first lines run: makeindex lines o For a glossary run: makeindex -s memman.gst -o memman.gls memman.glo o Run (pdf)latex twice more on memman.tex o Print the manual ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes (2009/09/21) o Memoir v1.61803398b -- fixed typo that broke \thanks Changes (2009/09/10) o Memoir v1.61803398 -- fixed bug with the upquotes package -- added support for the bidi package -- added a simple page style -- added feature to \newlistof such that \KeepFromToc will locally change say \tableofcontents into \tableofcontents* -- Fixed bug, such that XeLaTeX will get the correct pages sizes Changes (2009/08/23) o Eighth edition of the User Manual covering memoir v1.61803398. The design Part is now in a separate document, memdesign, which should be available from CTAN in /info. Changes (2009/07/24) o Memoir v1.6180339h fixes minor typos in memoir.dtx and mempatch.dtx Changes (2009/07/21) o Memoir v1.6180339g fixes minor bugs in memoir and mempatch Changes (2009/07/12) o Memoir v1.6180339f fixes minor bugs and adds new commands -- \begin{labelled}{name} A description list where \name is the labelling macro -- \twocoltocetc - the ToC and friends will be set in two columns -- \onecoltocetc - the ToC and friends will be set in one column (the default) -- \doccoltocetc - the ToC and friends will be set according the class column option -- \frontmatter, \mainmatter and \backmatter have had their float counter change factored out such that users may now change these o Memoir now automatically loads the etex package o The manual includes a chapter giving some historical backround related to typesetting and further information about fonts. There is a new chapter describing an example implementation of a memoir-based package for a US University thesis. Changes (2009/02/06) o Memoir v1.6180339d,e fixes a bug introduced by v1.6180339c -- \makeheadwidth, \makerunningheadwidth and \makerunningfootwidth no longer support the '+' syntax from the calc package. -- under hyperref \nameref is now an alias for \titleref Changes (2009/01/26) o Memoir v1.6180339c released with minor bug fixes that could not be done via the patch file, plus some new functionality. The manual has NOT been updated and the changes are noted below. -- New paper size options: `a0paper', `a1paper', `a2paper', `b0paper', `b1paper', and `b2paper' for A0, A1, A2, B0,B1, and B2 size stock paper. -- Macro \memoirpostopthook{} which is called after the options are processed but before anything else is done (like setting the page layout). As an example, you may define it as (before the \documentclass} command): \newcommand*{\memoirpostopthook}{% \setlength{\stockwidth}{}\setlength{\stockheight}{}} \documentclass[...]{memoir} to specify a stock paper size of by that is not provided by the defined options. -- New `portrait' option (default, the opposite of `landscape'). -- New command \setbinding{} for a binding offset of . -- New commands: \setpagetm, \setpagetr, \setpagemr, \setpagebr, \setpagebm, \setpagecc to position a (smaller) page on a (larger) stock at the top-middle, top-right, middle-right, bottom-right, bottom-middle, and centered with respect to the stock. The macros are to be used instead of \settrimmedsize taking the same arguments. -- New optional parameter in \makeheadwidth{