Memoir is a flexible class for typesetting poetry, fiction, non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or manuscripts. Documents can use 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, or 17pt as the normal fontsize and, if you have scalable fonts, 20pt, 25pt, 30pt, 36pt, 48pt, or 60pt sizes, or even larger. Many methods are provided to let you create your particular design. The class incorporates over 30 of the more popular packages. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE ASK THEM ON THE COMP.TEXT.TEX NEWSGROUP; YOU ARE LIKELY TO GET FASER AND BETTER ANSWERS THAN IF YOU EMAIL ME DIRECTLY AS I AM AWAY MORE OFTEN THAN NOT. NOTE: In order to provide fixes for any problems that may arise between major releases, you may find a file called mempatch.sty which contains any current fixes for the memoir class. The class will automatically include this so DO NOT \usepackage{mempatch}. The Change lists below do not neccessarily note each release of the patch or addendum files. NOTE: Similarly, there may be file(s) called memmanadd.(tex|pdf) which provides amendments to the current version of the User Manual. NOTE: If you are using the hyperref package dated earlier than 2006/11/15, use the memhfixc package after the hyperref package, e.g., ... \usepackage[...]{hyperref} \usepackage{memhfixc} ... Later versions of the hyperref package automatically load the memhfixc package. NOTE: The full User Manual (memman.pdf) is a large document approaching 600 pages in total. You do not need to print all of it, especially if you already have an earlier edition. Roughly speaking, the main portions are: o Frontmatter: Preface, Toc, Introduction, Terminology ~ 35 pages o Mainmatter: Design and typography ~ 60 pages Class commands and environments, etc. ~ 335 pages o Appendices: (La)Tex programming, Errors and warnings ~ 40 pages o Backmatter: Command glossary ~ 40 pages Bibliography, indexes ~ 50 pages Changes (2008/06/02) o Memoir class v1.618033 released with bug fixes for \feetbelowfloats and sidebar layout for the larger font sizes. o NO CHANGES TO THE USER MANUAL Changes (2008/05/27) o Memoir class v1.61803 released incorporating all patches and comments about v1.61803 beta. Major extensions are extended, or arbitrary, document font sizes and provision of several styles of section headings. o User Manual (memman), edition 7 released incorporating the contents of the Addendum. The part on typography has been extended and a glossary of memoir's commands and environments has been added. o New (empty) version of mempatch.sty. This will be the last release for a considerable period of time. After 25 years in the USA we are moving back to the UK where there are grandchildren. The process will probably involve at least 6 months in LaTeX limbo. My definition of `considerable period' may imply decades. Changes (2008/04/25) o Beta version of memoir v1.61803 released incorporating all patches. No major comments received. o Beta version of the USER MANUAL released incorporating all of the ADDENDUM. Minor comments received. Changes (2006/12/23) o New version (4.7) of mempatch.sty, fixing minor infelicities with v4.6 o NO CHANGES TO THE USER MANUAL OR ADDENDUM Changes (2006/12/11) o New version (1.9) of memhfixc.sty o New version (4.6) of mempatch.sty, adding spacing commands, about a dozen new built-in chapterstyles, new trimmarks, some minor new commands, and bug fixes. o New version of memmanadd.pdf o NO CHANGES TO THE USER MANUAL Changes (2006/08/09) o New version 4.5 of mempatch.sty o New version memmanadd.pdf Changes (2005/09/25) o New version of memoir.dtx which will generate the new version v1.618 of memoir.cls, the *.clo files (which are unchanged), and the basic.gst configuration file for MakeIndex to support memoir's glossary code. o Memoir.cls v1.618 incorporates all the patches from mempatch.sty v3.12, and includes a code set for making glossaries. o New version 4.0 of mempatch.sty (contains no code) o New version of memmanadd.pdf o NO CHANGES TO THE USER MANUAL Changes (2004/05/24) o New version (v1.6) of memhfixc.sty (fix for subappendices) o New version (v2.3d) of mempatch.sty (fix for boxedverbatim) Changes (2004/04/26) o New release (2.3 again but with some code) of mempatch.sty Changes (2004/04/05) o New version of memoir.dtx which will generate the new version v1.61 of memoir.cls and the *.clo files with minor fixes for extraneous spaces and footnotes. Incorporates the patches from mempatch 2.2. o New version 2.3 of mempatch.sty (contains no code) o NO CHANGES TO THE USER MANUAL Changes (2004/03/01) o New version 2.2 of mempatch.sty (fix indent after verbatim) o APART FROM THIS FILE, NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2004/02/11) o New version 2.1 of mempatch.sty (fix for use of \linespread) o APART FROM THIS FILE, NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2004/01/31) o New version of memoir.dtx which will generate the new version v1.6 of memoir.cls incorporating all earlier patches o New version v2.0 of mempatch.sty (which does nothing) o New edition of the manual, incorporating all the material from the Addendum, which is no more Changes (2003/11/16) o New version 1.9 of mempatch.sty (major extensions for typesetting arrays and tabulars; hung paragraphs; reduced moans about using deprecated font commands; bug fixes) o New version of the Addendum (memmanadd.pdf) o APART FROM THIS FILE, NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2003/09/16) o New version 1.8 of mempatch.sty (major extensions to footnoting, e.g., multiple styles and multiple series; a `fixed marginpar'; and bug fixes) o New version of the Addendum (memmanadd.pdf) o APART FROM THIS FILE, NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2003/07/23) o New version 1.7 of mempatch.sty (improved odd/even page checking, spacing in the bibliography, minor tweaks with the article option, and bug fixes) o New version of the Addendum (memmanadd.pdf) o APART FROM THIS FILE, NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2003/06/28) o New version 1.6 of mempatch.sty (improved odd/even page checking, page layout, and bug fixes) o New version of the Addendum (memmanadd.pdf) o APART FROM THIS FILE, NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2003/04/28) o New version 1.5 of mempatch.sty (improved frame boxes, footnotes, and bug fixes) o New version of the Addendum (memmanadd.pdf) o APART FROM THIS FILE, NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2003/02/20) o New version 1.3 of memhfixc.sty (fixes an appendices/hyperref problem) o New version of the Addendum (mammanadd.pdf) with description of footnote styling o NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2003/02/13) o Reference sections, etc., by name as well as by number o Now 3 `need space' macros o New macros for `slash' fractions (fractions like 6/19) o Use of \footnote in titling macros (e.g., \author) ignored o New version 1.4 of mempatch.sty o New version 1.2 of memhfixc.sty o New version of the Addendum (memmanadd.pdf) o NO CHANGES TO ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS Changes (2003/01/22) o Second optional argument to \section, etc, for page header text o Formatting of numbers --- cardinals and ordinals, numeric and spelled out o Better cooperation with natbib, chapterbib, nameref packages o New version 1.3 of mempatch.sty o New version 1.1 of memhfixc.sty o New version of the Addendum Changes in version 1.3a of memoir.cls (2002/11/22) o Fixed nasty figure/table numbering gremlin that couldn't be done by the patch file Changes in version 1.3 of memoir.cls (2002/11/14) o More flexibility in defining chapter styles, and the appearance of chapter and part listings in the ToC o \tableofcontents and friends can be used multiple times o Major extensions for indexing, including multiple indexes o Major extensions to the trim marks o Can do N of M page numbering o Added automatic inclusion of a patch file o No change to the User Manual, but the Addendum has been revised Changes in version 0.2a of mem12.clo (2002/08/27) o Fixed scriptsize bug Changes in version 1.2 (2002/08/10) o Incorporated all fixes from memfixb.sty that applied to version 1.1 o Minor changes to *.clo files o Added 17pt class option o Boxes that break over pages and/or contain verbatim text o Several ways of dealing with verbatim text o Convenient methods for file input and output o Additional \provide... commands o User-specified footnote configuration, and footnotes that can include verbatim text o Additional optional argument to \chapter and \chapter* for short header texts Changes in version 1.1 (2002/03/28) o Incorporated all fixes from memfixa.sty that applied to version 1.0 o Minor change to *.clo files o Native support for subfigures o Fixed incompatability with the natbib package o Additional facilities for verse typesetting o Experimental marginpar-like extensions o New edition of the user manual Changes (2002/03/28) o Removed memfixa.sty Changes (2002/01/23) o Added memfixa.sty to distribution to fix problem if the showtrims option and the calc package are used together. Changes in version 1.0 (2001/11/17) o First public production release o Support for tipped in illustrations o Fine control over chapter pages o Support for continous page numbering even if switching between numbering systems (e.g., roman to arabic) o Minor change to *.clo files o Extended Part I of the manual, and more examples in Part II Changes in version 0.33 (2001/08/31) o Added controllable chapter spacing in LoF and LoT o Fixed bug in \appendixpage o Provided dictionary style headers for the Index (memman.(tex|ist)) Changes in version 0.32 (2001/08/03) o Further fixes for old versions of the amsmath package Changes in version 0.31 (2001/07/24) o Companion chapterstyle typesets correctly on verso pages o Fixed odd interaction with the amsmaths package Changes in version 0.3 (2001/07/14) o Simulation of the article class o Addition of configurable titles o Addition of configurable abstract environment o Improved cooperation with the subfigure package Changes in version 0.2 (2001/06/03) o First public beta release o Major improvements Changes in version 0.1 (2001/05/20) o First public experimental alpha release ------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Peter Wilson (Herries Press) herries dot press at earthlink dot net Copyright 2001--2005 Peter R. Wilson This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of the license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/06/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". This work consists of the files: README (this file) memoir.dtx memoir.ins mempatch.dtx mempatch.ins and the derived files memoir.cls mem9.clo mem10.clo mem11.clo mem12.clo mem14.clo mem17.clo mem20.clo mem25.clo mem30.clo mem36.clo mem48.clo mem60.clo mempatch.sty memhfixc.sty basic.gst. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The distribution consists of the following files: README (this file) memoir.(dtx|ins) Class source and installation files mempatch.(dtx|ins) Source and installation for patch files mempatch.sty Patch file for memoir class memhfixc.sty Patch file for hyperref package memman.tex LaTeX source for the user manual (requires the memoir class and the alltt, fixltx2e, layouts, graphicx, and url packages for processing) memman.pdf User manual in PDF memmanadd.pdf Addendum (in PDF) to the User Manual (if required) memsty.sty Style file for (memman|memmanadd).tex memnoidxnum.tex Some default indexed elements for memman.tex memfonts.sty Palatino/CMR(lmodern) font mix memlays.sty Additional diagrammatic layouts titlepages.sty Assorted title page definitions anvil2.mps Herries Press logo MakeIndex style file for (memman|memmanadd).tex memman.gst MakeIndex style file for (memman|memmanadd) glossary To install the package: o run: latex memoir.ins (which will generate memoir.cls, a set of mem*.clo files, and basic.gst for MakeIndex glossary files) o Move memoir.cls, the mem*.clo files and any mem*.sty file to locations where LaTeX will find them (typically in a local texmf tree at /tex/latex/memoir) and refresh the file database. See the FAQ on CTAN at help/uk-tex-faq or for more information on this. To read the commented source code o run: (pdf)latex memoir.dtx For an index run: makeindex -s memoir o run: (pdf)latex memoir.dtx o Print the result for a hardcopy of the documented code (which consists of nearly 500 pages) To process memman.tex (if you really want to do this and not just use memman.pdf as supplied) o Make sure you can use the memoir class and the alltt, fixltx2e, layouts, graphicx, comment, and url (and perhaps some more) packages. o Run (pdf)latex twice on memman.tex o For an index run: makeindex -s memman o For an index of first lines run: makeindex lines o For a glossary run: makeindex -s memman.gst -o memman.gls memman.glo o Run (pdf)latex twice more on memman.tex o Print the manual 2008/06/02 Peter Wilson herries dot press at earthlink dot net