\def\testfileincipit{Test file to accompany \texttt{mathastext} version \texttt{1.3y} of \texttt{2022/11/04}} %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Package: mathastext %% Info: Use the text font in math mode (JFB) %% Version: 1.3y 2022/11/04 %% License: LPPL 1.3c (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt) %% Copyright (C) 2011-2019, 2022 Jean-Francois Burnol %% Examples of use of mathastext: %% http://jf.burnol.free.fr/mathastext.html %% http://jf.burnol.free.fr/showcase.html %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% This file `mathastexttestunicodemacos.tex' is for testing the use %% of the package `mathastext' with the unicode engines XeTeX or LuaLaTeX. %% %% Mac OS X specific fonts are used (initially tested on 10.8.2). %% %% See `mathastext.dtx' for the copyright and conditions of distribution or %% modification. %% \documentclass{article} \usepackage[hscale=0.85]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{metalogo} \usepackage{iftex} \ifXeTeX \expandafter\def\expandafter\testfileincipit\expandafter {\testfileincipit\ (compiled with \XeLaTeX)} \else \ifLuaTeX \expandafter\def\expandafter\testfileincipit\expandafter {\testfileincipit\ (compiled with \LuaLaTeX)} \fi\fi \usepackage[subdued,italic,asterisk]{mathastext} \setmainfont[Color=FF0000]{Hoefler Text} \Mathastext[Hoefler] \setmainfont[Color=336633]{American Typewriter}\Mathastext[Typewriter] \setmainfont[Color=0000FF]{Herculanum} \Mathastext[Herculanum] \setmainfont[Color=FF00FF]{Didot} \Mathastext[Didot] \setmainfont[Color=999999]{Comic Sans MS} \Mathastext[Comic] \MTDeclareVersion{Times}{T1}{ptm}{m}{n} \begin{document} \MTversion{normal} \testfileincipit This test uses \verb|mathastext| with its \emph{italic}, \emph{asterisk}, and \emph{subdued} options. The base document fonts are the Latin Modern ones (in OpenType format). The other OpenType fonts were chosen from those available on a Mac OS machine. We also used the Times font in traditional \TeX\ font T1 encoding, to demonstrate the removal since release \texttt{1.3u} of a former limitation that all math versions had to share the same font encoding, else some characters such as the dotless \texttt{i} ($\imath$), or the minus sign could well vanish from the output in the non-normal math versions. Furthermore we test (last line of each block, on the left) if the non-letter characters obey the math alphabet \verb|\mathbf|. In the normal and bold math versions, this feature is de-activated, as option \emph{subdued} was used; and if activated we should then use in these math versions the package \verb|\Mathbf| rather than \verb|\mathbf| which is there still the original one, which will use encoding \verb|OT1| in the normal and bold versions, as we loaded \verb|fontspec| with its option \emph{no-math}. Some among the fonts tested have no bold variant or no italic variant. Note (tested 2013/09/03): for some reason the \verb|Color| specifications in the \verb|\setmainfont| commands work only with \XeLaTeX{}, not with \LuaLaTeX{}; a few months back I had not noticed such a difference between the two engines. Update (tested 2016/01/15 with reasonably up-to-date TL2015): \verb|Color| spec in use of \verb|\setmainfont| command now functional again with \LuaLaTeX. Note (tested 2019/08/11, reasonably up-to-date TL2019): spacing with the Didot font differs widely between \XeLaTeX\ and \LuaLaTeX{} (perhaps related to italic corrections, see the package documentation), and also it seems \LuaLaTeX{} will not find (from our generic usage of the \verb|fontspec| interface, at least) bold variants of the Hoefler Text and American Typewriter fonts, contrarily to \XeLaTeX. Also, the \emph{italic} option remains seemingly without effect with \LuaLaTeX{} in the case of the Hoefler Text font (see the package source code comments on some problems with the two ``modes'' for text fonts under \LuaLaTeX, which may be related with this specific issue here). Update (tested 2022/10/29, with 1.3x and up-to-date TL2022): it appears that most, perhaps even all, of the remarks in the preceding note are now obsolete as I do not see obvious differences between outputs from \XeLaTeX{} versus \LuaLaTeX{} but I did not seriously compare, only quickly done. \newcommand\TEST[1]{\MTversion{#1}\def\tmpa{#1}% \def\tmpb{normal}\def\tmpc{bold}% \ifx\tmpa\tmpb\else\ifx\tmpa\tmpc\else \MTnonlettersobeymathxx \MTexplicitbracesobeymathxx\fi\fi \begin{multicols}{2} \hbox to\columnwidth{\hbox to\columnwidth{\hfil $abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$\hfil}\kern-2.5em{#1}} \centerline{ $ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$ } \centerline{ $0123456789$ } \centerline{ $!\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,% \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\backslash$ } \centerline{ $\mathbf{!\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,% \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\backslash}$ } \columnbreak \centerline{ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz } \centerline{ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ } \centerline{ 0123456789 } \centerline{ !\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,% \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\char92 } \centerline{\bfseries !\,?\,*\,,\,.\,:\,;\,+\,-\,=\,(\,)\,[\,]\,/\,\#\,% \$\,\%\,\&\,<\,>\,|\,\{\,\}\,\char92 } \end{multicols}} \begin{multicols}{2} \centerline{\textbf{math mode}} \columnbreak \centerline{ \textbf{text} } \end{multicols} \TEST{Didot}\TEST{Comic}\TEST{normal}\TEST{Herculanum} \TEST{Hoefler}\TEST{Typewriter}\TEST{bold}\TEST{Times} \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `mathastexttestunicodemacos.tex'.