\def\testfileincipit{Test file to accompany \texttt{mathastext} version \texttt{1.3y} of \texttt{2022/11/04}} %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% Package: mathastext %% Info: Use the text font in math mode (JFB) %% Version: 1.3y 2022/11/04 %% License: LPPL 1.3c (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt) %% Copyright (C) 2011-2019, 2022 Jean-Francois Burnol %% Examples of use of mathastext: %% http://jf.burnol.free.fr/mathastext.html %% http://jf.burnol.free.fr/showcase.html %%---------------------------------------------------------------- %% This file `mathastexttestalphabets.tex' is for testing the extended %% scope of the math alphabet commands with package `mathastext', via %% the package command \MTnonlettersobeymathxx. %% %% Compile either with latex, pdflatex, lualatex (pdf output) or xelatex. %% %% See `mathastext.dtx' for the copyright and conditions of distribution or %% modification. %% \documentclass{article} \usepackage[hscale=0.66, vscale=0.72]{geometry} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathtools}\mathtoolsset{centercolon} %% WARNING THIS IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH BABEL+FRENCHB %% BUT WITH MATHASTEXT LOADED THIS IS CORRECTED %% *IF* \MTnonlettersobeymathxx IS MADE USE OF. \usepackage{iftex} \ifXeTeX \expandafter\def\expandafter\testfileincipit\expandafter {\testfileincipit\ (compiled with \XeLaTeX)} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[ExternalLocation, Mapping=tex-text, BoldFont=texgyretermes-bold, ItalicFont=texgyretermes-italic, BoldItalicFont=texgyretermes-bolditalic]{texgyretermes-regular} \setmonofont[ExternalLocation, Mapping=tex-text]{texgyrecursor-regular} \setsansfont[ExternalLocation, Mapping=tex-text]{texgyreheros-regular} \else \ifLuaTeX % for pdf output \expandafter\def\expandafter\testfileincipit\expandafter {\testfileincipit\ (compiled with \LuaLaTeX)} \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Termes} \setmonofont[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Cursor} \setsansfont[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Heros} \else \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{tgtermes} \usepackage{tgcursor} \usepackage{tgheros} \fi\fi \usepackage{metalogo} % must be loaded /after/ [no-math]fontspec \usepackage[french]{babel} \usepackage[italic,asterisk]{mathastext} \MTlettershape{n}\Mathastext[upright] \MTnonlettersobeymathxx \MTexplicitbracesobeymathxx \delimitershortfall-1pt \usepackage{color} \begin{document} \testfileincipit \begin{center} \bfseries Two features of \texttt{mathastext}:\\ extended scope of the math alphabets and added italic corrections\par \end{center} The package makes ${!}\,{?}\,{,}\,{:}\,{;}\,{+}\,{-}\,{=}\,{(}\,{)}\,{[}\,{]}\,{<}\,{>}\,{\{}\,{\}}$, the asterisk $*$, and $.\,/\,\vert\,\backslash\,{\#}\,{\$}\,{\%}\,{\&}$ obey the math alphabet commands (this is the maximal list, some characters may have been excluded by the corresponding package options). For the characters listed first the mechanism involves a `mathematical activation'. As this process may create incompatibilities, it will be put into action for ${!}\,{?}\,{,}\,{:}\,{;}\,{+}\,{-}\,{=}\,{(}\,{)}\,{[}\,{]}\,{<}\,{>}$ only if the user makes use of the package command \verb|\MTnonlettersobeymathxx| (and the braces necessitate \verb|\MTexplicitbracesobeymathxx|). It could be that one such character has been made `active' in the entire document by some other package, typically a language definition file for the \verb|babel| system. Here for example we have used \verb|babel| with the \verb|french| option, which makes the high punctuation characters !?:; active throughout the document (extra spacing is put in front of the character when used in text; no change in math but perhaps for other languages and characters this could happen, it is up to the language definition file to decide). When \verb|mathastext| detects that a character it wants to `mathematically activate' is already `active', it does not go further except if it seems that the activation was done by Babel. If the activation was done by Babel, then \verb|mathastext| replaces the expansion of the active character in math mode by what is necessary to achieve its goal. It does not additionally mathematically activate the character; rather it makes sure that the character is \emph{not} mathematically active. In the present document the colon was made mathematically active by \verb|mathtools| but this was already canceled in the preamble by \verb|mathastext| as it was loaded later. And it is better so, because the combination \verb|babel| (with option \verb|frenchb|) +\verb|mathtools| (with \verb|centercolon|) makes \verb|$:$| create an infinite loop! But even if someone had mathematically activated the colon after the preamble, or after the loading of \verb|mathastext|, this would be canceled again automatically for each inline or displayed mathematical formula (if the user does \verb|\MTnonlettersobeymathxx|). The conclusion with \verb|\MTnonlettersobeymathxx| is: if some package has tried to make the character mathematically active, this will be overruled by \verb|mathastext|; if some package has made the character globally active, then the package wins except if it is Babel, as \verb|mathastext| may in the latter case safely modify the action in math mode (paying attention to the fact that the character should be usable in \verb|\label| and \verb|\ref| in and outside of math mode). The displayed equations next illustrate the extended scope of the math alphabets which now apply to $=$, $-$, $($, $)$, $[$, $]$ (but not to the large delimiters of course). Furthermore, for testing purposes the equations were labeled using such characters, for example the last one has label \verb|eq=7|, to check that the mathematical activation of $=$ does not cause problems with \verb|\label/\ref|. \def\testformula{\quad\Biggl\lbrace\biggl(\left(\left[[\sin(a) + \cos(b) - \log(c) = \sec(d)]\right]\right)\biggr)\Biggr\rbrace} \begin{equation}\testformula\label{eq:1}\end{equation} \begin{equation}\mathnormalbold{mathnormalbold:\testformula}\label{eq;2}\end{equation} \begin{equation}\mathrm{mathrm:\testformula}\label{eq?3}\end{equation} \begin{equation}\mathbf{mathbf:\testformula}\label{eq!4}\end{equation} \begin{equation}\mathit{mathit:\testformula}\label{eq(5}\end{equation} \begin{equation}\mathtt{mathtt:\testformula}\label{eq)6}\end{equation} \begin{equation}\mathsf{mathsf:\testformula}\label{eq=7}\end{equation} Equations above are numbered \ref{eq:1}, \ref{eq;2}, \ref{eq?3}, \ref{eq!4}, and $\ref{eq(5}$, $\ref{eq)6}$, and $\ref{eq=7}$. \def\testline#1{$#1$&$\mathnormalbold{#1}$&$\mathrm{#1}$&$\mathbf{#1}$&$\mathit{#1}$&$\mathtt{#1}$&$\mathsf{#1}$} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{ccccccc} \testline{a!b}\\ \testline{a?b}\\ \testline{a,b}\\ \testline{a;b}\\ \testline{a:b}\\ \testline{a:=b}\\ \testline{a\vcentcolon= b}\\ \testline{a\colon b}\\ \testline{a.b}\\ \testline{a-b}\\ \testline{a+b}\\ \testline{a=b}\\ \testline{ab}\\ \testline{}\\ \testline{\mathopen{<} x,y\mathclose{>}}\\ \testline{\left< x,y\right>}\\ \testline{a/b}\\ \testline{a\backslash b}\\ \testline{a\setminus b}\\ \testline{a|b}\\ \testline{a\mid b}\\ \testline{(a,b)}\\ \testline{[a,b]}\\ \testline{\{a,b\}} \end{tabular}} The question mark has been made active by \verb|babel+frenchb|. \verb|mathastext| has imposed in math mode its ways (now \verb|$\mathbf{???}$| gives $\mathbf{???}$). As the extra spacing is added by \verb|frenchb| only in text, we had to use the math alphabet to check that indeed \verb|mathastext| overruled Babel. To double-check we will now make \string? mathematically active: \verb|\mathcode`?="8000|\mathcode`?="8000. This is a sure cause for disaster normally with Babel (don't do this at home without \verb|mathastext|!). But here with \verb|$?$| no bad surprise (infinite loop!) awaits us: just $?$. Let's take some other character, for example the opening parenthesis, and make it catcode active: \verb|\catcode`(=\active \def ({X}|. Let's try the input \verb|( and $($|. \begingroup \catcode`(=\active \gdef ({X} This gives ( and $($. We see that \verb|mathastext| does not attempt to modify the definition of the active character, as this activation was not done via the \verb|babel| services. \catcode`\(=12 \mathcode`(="8000 We now revert the parenthesis to catcode other (but maintain \verb|\def ({X}| as definition of its active version), and then make it mathematically active using the command \verb|\mathcode`(="8000|. If we try \verb|$((($| we see that the parenthesis is not converted into an $X$: $((($. The mathematically active character was overruled by \verb|mathastext|. Issuing \verb|\MTnonlettersdonotobeymathxx|\MTnonlettersdonotobeymathxx\ we do get the $X$'s from the input \verb|$((($|: $((($ \endgroup This shows that \verb|mathastext| now does not modify in math mode the non-letter \verb|(|. \MTversion{upright}\MTnonlettersobeymathxx We defined in the preamble of the document a \verb|mathastext|-enhanced math version (named \verb|upright|) having the Latin letters upright in math mode. Let's switch to it: \newline \hbox to\linewidth{\hss\verb|\MTversion{upright}|\hss} With a font which is neither italic nor slanted, \verb|mathastext| automatically inserts italic corrections for better positioning of the subscript: \verb|$f_i^i$| gives $f_i^i$. After \verb|\MTnoicinmath| which turns off this feature\MTnoicinmath{}, the same input gives $f_i^i$, which is different. \footnote{last time I tried, this only worked with PDF\LaTeX{}, not with \LuaLaTeX{} or \XeTeX{}.} Again with italic corrections on (\verb|\MTicinmath|)\MTicinmath{} \verb|$f_{abc}^{def}$| gives $f_{abc}^{def}$, and here is another one: $f^{f_{abc}^{def}}_u$. Without italic corrections\MTnoicinmath: $f_{abc}^{def}$, and respectively $f^{f_{abc}^{def}}_u$. \MTicinmath \verb|mathastext| does not add these italic corrections inside arguments of math alphabets, as this would prevent the formation of ligatures: $\mathnormal{ff}$, $\mathrm{ff}$, $\mathit{ff}$, $\mathbf{ff}$, $\mathtt{ff}$ (no ligature in teletype) and $\mathsf{ff}$.\footnote{\llap{\textcolor{magenta}{\bfseries Changed!\kern3em}}Prior to 1.3i, italic corrections were added to the \string\mathnormal\ arguments.} \centerline{\begin{tabular}{ccccccc} \testline{a!b}\\ \testline{a?b}\\ \testline{a,b}\\ \testline{a;b}\\ \testline{a:b}\\ \testline{a:=b}\\ \testline{a\vcentcolon= b}\\ \testline{a\colon b}\\ \testline{a.b}\\ \testline{a-b}\\ \testline{a+b}\\ \testline{a=b}\\ \testline{ab}\\ \testline{}\\ \testline{\mathopen{<} x,y\mathclose{>}}\\ \testline{\left< x,y\right>}\\ \testline{a/b}\\ \testline{a\backslash b}\\ \testline{a\setminus b}\\ \testline{a|b}\\ \testline{a\mid b}\\ \testline{(a,b)}\\ \testline{[a,b]}\\ \testline{\{a,b\}} \end{tabular}} \end{document} \endinput %% %% End of file `mathastexttestalphabets.tex'.