\documentclass{macqassign} \begin{document} \assignmentnumber{1} \firstname{Vafa } \lastname{Khalighi} \SID{5023 187 09} \unit{MATH132} \maketitle \begin{acknowledgement} This assignment is typeset by macqassign\footnote{Class for typesetting Macquarie University Assignments.} class and all the graphics are produced by PSTricks. Please note that PSTricks is not a calculator like Maple or Mathematica; it is a super-powerful programming environment for drawing various types of graphics. \end{acknowledgement} \tableofcontents \section{A Simple Maths Formula} Here we typesett a formula \begin{equation} f(x)=\frac{a_0}{2}+\sum_{n=1}^\infty\left(a_n\cos nx+b_n\sin nx\right)\label{eq-1} \end{equation} This is equation \eqref{eq-1}. \section{Questions and Bug Reports} Feel free to contact me (\texttt{vafa.khalighi@students.mq.edu.au}). \end{document}