\documentclass[DIV=9, parskip=half, pagesize=auto]{scrartcl} \usepackage{fixltx2e} \usepackage{etex} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage{hyperref} \newcommand*{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand*{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash#1}} \makeatletter \newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\cs{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}} \makeatother \newcommand*{\env}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand*{\meta}[1]{\textlangle\textsl{#1}\textrangle} \addtokomafont{title}{\rmfamily} \title{The \pkg{ltabptch} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \pkg{ltabptch}~v1.74d, dated~2005/01/10.}} \subtitle{patch for \pkg{Longtable}} \author{Uwe Lück} \date{2005/01/10} \begin{document} \maketitle For David Carlisle's \pkg{Longtable.sty}, version 4.11 Fixes \texttt{tools/3180} (Sebastian Rahtz) and \texttt{tools/3485}: missing/wrong interline glues above/below table. \begin{quote} \small Copyright \textcopyright\ 2002--2004 Uwe Lück, \url{http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu}. Usage, no warranty, distribution as in \texttt{lppl.txt} on CTAN (\href{http://www.ctan.org/pub/tex-archive/macros/latex/base/lppl.txt}{\texttt{macros\slash latex\slash base\slash lppl.txt}}). \end{quote} \minisec{The problem(s):} \renewcommand*{\labelenumi}{(\theenumi)} Sebastian Rahtz (\texttt{tools/3180}) observed 2000/03/05 that there be a ``spurios blank line'' below the \env{longtable}. This impression may have been due to two spacing problems: % \begin{enumerate} \item There is \cmd{\parskip} and some interline glue below \env{longtable}, while there is no \cmd{\parskip} and no interline glue above (without head as specified by \cmd{\endhead} or \cmd{\firstendhead}) or just \cmd{\lineskip} 0.0\,pt (with head---\cmd{\endhead}, \cmd{\endfirsthead}). \item After \env{longtable}, \cmd{\prevdepth} is the depth of the last line before the \env{longtable} (if there is no head) or the depth of the head (otherwise). So \cmd{\prevdepth} may be 0\,pt. By contrast, the last table row has depth of at least \verb+\dp\@arstrutbox+---which should rather matter, and this is 3.6\,pt or more. \end{enumerate} % ---\,I have reported something like this as \texttt{tools/3485}, not entirely correctly. Details are presented below. \minisec{Solution presented:} \begin{enumerate} \item I think there should be \cmd{\parskip} and usual interline glue above, since the same would happen with a table in a center environment (e.\,g.)\@. \cmd{\noindent} seems to work fatally; moreover, \cmd{\LT@start}'s decision whether to enter a new page would ignore \cmd{\parskip} and interline glue still needed. So emulate interline glue calculation according to \TeX book~p.~80 and add it by \cmd{\vskip}, along with \cmd{\parskip}. (This is rather a hack---a proper correction should perhaps not ``emulate'' but place the interlineglue changes of \cmd{\LT@array} inside the \cmd{\vbox} \cmd{\LT@bchunk} starts and treat glue between chunks in a new way.) \item Set \cmd{\prevdepth} to depth of box~0 before the latter is \cmd{\unvbox}'ed (which leaves \cmd{\prevdepth} untouched, \TeX book~p.~ 282) in \cmd{\endlongtable}. \end{enumerate} % I thought David Carlisle would change \pkg{Longtable} according to my suggestions. By e-mail from 2003/04/07 however, he finds it better not to change \pkg{Longtable}, in order not to change layouts of works that have been made using \pkg{Longtable} so far (e-Mail 2003/04/08). \minisec{By the way:} \renewcommand*{\labelenumi}{\theenumi.)} \begin{enumerate} \item There are two successive lines in the Longtable code (v4.11) together saying: % \begin{verbatim} \prevdepth\z@\global \global\let\LT@setprevdepth\relax \end{verbatim} % Isn't the first \cmd{\global} just a typo? --Yes--this is David Carlisle's answer in his e-mail dating from 2004/05/14. \item Couldn't the one-column restriction easily be removed by using \cmd{\columnwidth} instead of \cmd{\hsize}? \end{enumerate} \minisec{Detailed diagnosis:} \renewcommand*{\theenumi}{(\Alph{enumi})} \renewcommand*{\labelenumi}{\theenumi} Concerning the question of ``bugs'' vs.\ ``features'', you might reason what features should be aimed at. % \begin{enumerate} \item \label{item:A} If there is \cmd{\parskip} below a \env{longtable}, there should be \cmd{\parskip} above as well--shouldn't it? \item \label{item:B} Interline glue above should (in general) depend on the same values of \cmd{\base\-line\-skip} and \cmd{\lineskip} as below---OK? \item \label{item:C} Interline glue below a \env{longtable} should depend on the depth of the last row, not on the depth of the head or of the last line above the \env{longtable}--OK? \end{enumerate} % The recent versions of \pkg{longtable.sty} have not satisfied any of these three demands. Concerning~\ref{item:A}, \cmd{\parskip} appears below the longtable, but not above. Concerning~\ref{item:B}, (i)~no interline glue appears above if there is no head, (ii)~otherwise, only zero interline glue appears. Concerning~\ref{item:C}, the interline glue below the longtable is calculated using the depth of (i)~the last line above the longtable as \cmd{\prevdepth} when there is no head or of (ii)~the head otherwise. (Thus I was wrong earlier when I claimed that \cmd{\prevdepth} were 0\,pt after longtable. This only holds in the previous case (i)~when the last line above the longtable has zero depth.) You can observe this by playing with the demonstration file \texttt{ltabptch.tex} in CTAN folder \href{http://www.ctan.org/pub/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/ltabptch/}{\texttt{macros/latex/contrib/ltabptch}}. Reasons: For contributing a head to the main vertical list, longtable uses \cmd{\copy} or \cmd{\box}, which yields a \meta{box} according to \TeX book~p.~278. Rows are contributed by \cmd{\unvbox}. Now, violation of~\ref{item:A} is due to the fact that neither \cmd{\copy} or \cmd{\box} of the head nor the \cmd{\unvbox} for table rows leads to execution of an \cmd{\indent} or \cmd{\noindent} (\TeX book~pp.~282\,f.,\ see also \meta{horizontal command}). Violation of~\ref{item:B} is due either to (i)~the fact that \cmd{\unvbox} is no \meta{box} (\TeX book~p.~282/278) or to (ii)~the fact that at \cmd{\copy} or \cmd{\box} \cmd{\baselineskip} and \cmd{\lineskip} are 0\,pt. Violation of~\ref{item:C} is due to the fact that \cmd{\unvbox} does not change \cmd{\prevdepth} (\TeX book~p.~282). As to recognizable effects: % \begin{itemize} \item Violation of~\ref{item:A}, of course, has very little effect in general since \cmd{\parskip} is \texttt{0pt plus 1pt} usually. This is hardly recognizable in the presence of the \cmd{\bigskipamount} above and below a longtable. \item Violation of~\ref{item:B} results in missing appropriate interline glue above, which often should be 3.6\,pt or more. This may rather be recognizable and may contribute to the impression that there even is a spurious blank line below the \env{longtable} (this is what Sebastion Rahtz reported in \texttt{tools/3180}). \item For the previous as well as for the details and the effects of violation of~\ref{item:C}, consider the algorithm for calculating interline glue on p.~80 of the \TeX book. If there is no head, and the depth of the last line before the longtable is 0\,pt, the interline glue below the \env{longtable} is \cmd{\baselineskip} minus the height of the first line after the longtable. The interline glue \emph{should be} \cmd{\baselineskip} minus height of following line \emph{minus} depth of last table row--if this depth is not too large (depending on \cmd{\lineskiplimit}). This depth is at least 3.6\,pt. So the interline glue is often by 3.6\,pt or more greater than is appropriate. Considering the missing interline glue above the \env{longtable} and the \cmd{\parskip} below, the glue after the \env{longtable} is by 6.2\,pt (or more) plus 1\,pt larger than the glue before. Due to the shrink component of the surrounding \cmd{\bigskipamount}, the glue following the longtable may be nearly twice as large as the glue before. ---\,Usually, violation of~\ref{item:C} has no effect at all. Namely, there is a head usually, and its depth is usually the same as the depth of the last row, namely \verb+\dp\@arstrutbox+. \end{itemize} \minisec{Version history:} \begin{tabular}{@{}lr>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{93mm}@{}} v1.7 & 2003/01/07 & Sent around 2003/01/13 with first release of \pkg{ednotes.sty}. Sent to David Carlisle. Earlier versions were sent to Frank Mittelbach and the team. \\ v1.71 & 2003/01/22 & Added version history. \\ v1.72 & 2003/01/27 & Changed copyright notice. \\ v1.73 & 2004/05/13 & Adapted to \pkg{Longtable}~v4.11; new copyright; \pkg{longtable} $\to$ \pkg{Longtable} (selectively). Added `I have \ldots \texttt{3485}'. \\ v1.74 & 2004/08/05 & Added `---Yes---\ldots'. \\ & 2004/08/21 & Typo fix for `problem'; added report on 2003/04/08. \\ & 2004/08/23 & Corrected and extended diagnosis, sent to CTAN. \\ v1.74b & \ldots/08/23 & `---' $\to$ `--'; added that~\ref{item:C} usually doesn't matter. \\ v1.74c & \ldots/08/31 & `author-maintained'. \\ v1.74d & 2005/01/10 & Contact via \textsc{http}. \end{tabular} \end{document}