% This file was created with JabRef 2.8. % Encoding: UTF8 @misc{biblatex-de, author = {Philipp Lehman}, title = {Das biblatex Paket}, note = {Übersetzt von Christine Römer, Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX, Datei \texttt{biblatex-de.pdf}.} } @misc{typokurz, author = {Christoph Bier}, month = {Mai}, year = {2009}, title = {typokurz –- Einige wichtige typografische Regeln}, language = {Deutsch}, url = {http://zvisionwelt.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/typokurz.pdf}, owner = {patrick}, timestamp = {2012.06.18} } @MISC{babel, author = {Johannes Braams}, title = {Babel, a multilingual package for use with \LaTeX’s standard document classes}, month = {11}, year = {2011}, owner = {patrick}, timestamp = {2012.06.19}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/info/babel/babel.pdf} } @MISC{grfguide, author = {D. P. Carlisle}, title = {Packages in the \glqq graphics\grqq{} bundle}, note = {Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX, Datei \texttt{grfguide.ps}.} } @MISC{ch8, author = {M. Goossens and F. Mittelbach and A.~Samarin}, title = {Higher Mathematics}, note = {Aktualisierte Fassung (1998) von Kapitel\ 8 aus \cite{wonne-eng}.\\ \url{ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/companion-rev/ch8.pdf}} } @BOOK{wonne, title = {Der \LaTeX-Begleiter}, year = {1996}, author = {M. Goossens and F. Mittelbach and A. Samarin}, edition = {2.~korr.\ Nachdruck}, note = {Deutsche Übersetzung von~\cite{wonne-eng}}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @BOOK{wonne-eng, title = {The \LaTeX{} Companion}, year = {1994}, author = {M. Goossens and F. Mittelbach and A. Samarin}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @BOOK{grfcomp, title = {The \LaTeX{} Graphics Companion}, year = {1997}, author = {M. Goossens and S. Rahtz and F. Mittelbach}, address = {Longman}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @BOOK{texbook, title = {Computers \& Typesetting, Vol.\ A: The \TeX{}~Book}, year = {1991}, author = {D. E. Knuth}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @MISC{scrguide, author = {M. Kohm and J.-U. Morawski}, title = {KOMA -- Script ein wandelbares \LaTeXe-Paket}, note = {Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX, Datei \texttt{scrguide.pdf}.} } @BOOK{manual, title = {Das \LaTeX-Handbuch}, year = {1995}, author = {L. Lamport}, address = {Deutschland}, note = {Deutsche Übersetzung von~\cite{manual-eng}}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @BOOK{manual-eng, title = {\LaTeX, A Document Preparation System}, year = {1994}, author = {L. Lamport}, edition = {2.~Aufl.}, publisher = {Addison-Wesley} } @ARTICLE{lay2, author = {D. F. Langmyhr}, title = {How to make your own document style in \LaTeXe}, journal = {Proceedings of the Eighth European \TeX{} Conference}, year = {1994} } @MISC{symbols, author = {Scott Pakin}, title = {The Comprehensive \LaTeX{} Symbol List}, month = {11}, year = {2009}, owner = {patrick}, timestamp = {2012.06.19}, url = {http://mirror.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf} } @ARTICLE{germtug, author = {H. Partl}, title = {German \TeX}, journal = {TUG\-boat}, year = {1988}, volume = {9}, number = {1} } @MISC{lay, author = {H. Partl and A. Kielhorn}, title = {Layout-Änderungen mit \LaTeX}, note = {EDV-Zentrum der Technischen Universität Wien (1996).\\ \url{ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/^^J contrib/supported/refman/}} } @MISC{germdoc, author = {B. Raichle}, title = {Kurzbeschreibung -- \texttt{german.sty}}, note = {\url{ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/language/german/gerdoc.tex}} } @MISC{faq, author = {Patrick Gundlach}, title = {Fragen und Antworten (FAQ) über das Textsatzsystem \TeX{}}, note = {\url{http://texfragen.de/}} } @MISC{epslatex, author = {K. Reckdahl}, title = {Using Imported Graphics in \LaTeXe}, year = {1997}, note = {\url{ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/epslatex.ps}} } @MISC{typografie, author = {A. Reichert}, title = {Typografie -- Gestaltung einer Beispielklasse}, year = {1997}, note = {\url{ftp://dante.ctan.org/info/german/typografie/}} } @MISC{postscript, author = {W. Schmidt}, title = {Using common PostScript fonts with \LaTeX}, note = {Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX{} (seit Juni~2000), Datei \texttt{psnfss2e.pdf}.} } @BOOK{schwarz, title = {Einführung in \TeX -- incl.\ Version~3.0}, year = {1991}, author = {N. Schwarz}, edition = {3.~Aufl.}, publisher = {Oldenbourg} } @MISC{mathmode, author = {Herbert Vo\ss}, title = {Math mode}, note = {Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX, Datei \texttt{mathmode.pdf}.} } @MISC{clsguide, title = {\LaTeXe{} for class and package writers}, note = {Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX, Datei \texttt{clsguide.tex}.}, editor = {{\LaTeX3 Project Team}} } @MISC{fntguide, title = {\LaTeXe{} font selection}, note = {Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX, Datei \texttt{fntguide.tex}.}, editor = {{\LaTeX3 Project Team}} } @MISC{usrguide, title = {\LaTeXe{} for authors}, note = {Bestandteil der Online-Dokumentation von \LaTeX, Datei \texttt{usrguide.tex}. Aktuelle Änderungen und Ergänzungen sowie die Unterschiede zum früheren \LaTeX~2.09 sind hier dokumentiert.}, editor = {{\LaTeX3 Project Team}} } @MISC{local, note = {Zu jedem installierten \LaTeX-System sollte ein \emph{\LaTeX{} Local Guide} vorhanden sein, in dem alle für dieses System spezifischen Angaben -- z.\,B.~die für den Aufruf der Programme notwendigen Befehle und die zur Verfügung stehenden Dokumentklassen, Pakete und Schriften -- angeführt sind.} }