# The Not So Short Introduction To LaTeX, v5.05 ## License This document is distributed under the **GNU Free Documentation License, version 1.3**. For detailed information, see the section entitled 'GNU Free Documentation License' in the document, or the source code file `fdl.tex`. ## Preparation for typesetting Update `ctex` and `xeCJK` (and all the packages they rely on) in your TeX distritusion. And make sure you've installed all the other packages used in `lshort-zh-cn-style.sty` and updated them to the newest version. This document uses `fandol` font package. You may receive a warning like 'script-not-exist' made by 'fontspec' package. Just leave it alone. ## Typesetting ### Manually typesetting In 'src' directory, typeset the source code in the following order: ``` xelatex lshort-zh-cn makeindex -s lshort-zh-cn.ist lshort-zh-cn xelatex lshort-zh-cn ``` If typesetting succeeds and the target PDF document is made correctly, then move it to the root directory. ### Using scripts and Makefile For GNU/Linux and OS/X users, we provide Makefile in the 'src' directory. Use GNU make tool in the following order: ``` make make install ``` For Windows users, we also provide a batch file `make.bat` in the 'src' directory, which you can double-click to do the typesetting. --- # 中文版 lshort,5.05 版 ## 许可证 本文档以**GNU 自由文档许可证(1.3 版)**发布。详见文档中题为“GNU Free Documentation License”的章节,或者源代码文件“fdl.tex”。 ## 编译之前的准备 将发行版内的 `ctex` 宏包、`xeCJK` 宏包更新到最新(包括它们依赖的所有宏包),并确认 `lshort-zh-cn-style.sty` 调用的其它宏包都已正确安装并更新到最新。 本文档使用 Fandol 字体包。fontspec 宏包会对此字体报 script-not-exist 的警告,可以无视。 ## 编译方式 ### 手动编译 在 src 目录下按照以下顺序编译: ``` xelatex lshort-zh-cn makeindex -s lshort-zh-cn.ist lshort-zh-cn xelatex lshort-zh-cn ``` 如果编译正确生成 PDF,之后将 PDF 移动到根目录。 ### 使用脚本和 Makefile 编译 Linux 下提供了 GNU make 可用的 Makefile,使用 GNU make 的顺序为: ``` make make install ``` Windows 下在 src 目录提供批处理脚本 `make.bat`,双击执行编译。