== Logicpuzzle bundel (v1.8) == -- killersudoku.sty (v1.0) -- 09/04/2013 added ddsudoku.sty [jk] -- kendoku.sty (v1.0) -- 09/04/2013 added hitori.sty -- battleship.sty (v1.4a) -- 10/04/2013 Bugfix: renamed counter LP@whiledo -> LP@whiledo@i [jk] -- logicpuzzle.sty (v1.8) -- 09/04/2013 added \colorarea (\framearea without frame) [jk] 09/04/2013 added \setrule for setting calculation rules [jk] into the top left corner of a cell 08/04/2013 added \tikzpath for contructing a tikz path [jk] == Logicpuzzle bundel (v1.7) == -- ddsudoku.sty (v1.0) -- 28/03/2013 added ddsudoku.sty [jk] -- hitori.sty (v1.0) -- 03/04/2013 added hitori.sty -- logicpuzzle.sty (v1.3) -- 03/04/2013 added \setcolorrow, \setcolorcolumn [jk] and \LP@definecolor Bugfix: \setcolumn -> usage of \LP@setrowcontents 02/04/2013 added documentation for logicpuzzle.sty 28/03/2013 added \LP@init@counter, \LP@define@key and \LP@define@choicekey@fontsize == Logicpuzzle bundel (v1.6) == -- lpsudoku.sty (v1.0) -- 21/03/2013 added lpsmag [jk] 20/03/2013 added createlpsudoku [jk] 18/03/2013 added lpsudoku.sty [jk] == Logicpuzzle bundel (v1.5) == -- chaossudoku.sty (v1.0) -- 14/03/2013 added chaossudoku.sty [jk] -- hakyuu.sty (v1.0) -- 13/03/2013 added hakyuu.sty [jk] -- logicpuzzle.sty (v1.2a) -- 13/03/2013 Bugfix: added pgf layer LPbgcolor for drawing colored background [jk] == Logicpuzzle bundel (v1.4) == -- skyline.sty (v1.0) -- 06/03/2013 added option sudoku [jk] 05/03/2013 added \skylinecell [jk] 05/03/2013 added skelton of skyline.sty [jk] -- bokkusu.sty (v1.1) -- 05/03/2013 added \lets for \valueH, \valueV, \sumH, \sumV [jk] see: logicpuzzle.sty v1.2 (05/03/2012) -- logicpuzzle.sty (v1.2) -- 06/03/2013 added \LP@drawsudokugrid [jk] 06/03/2013 added \setcell [jk] 06/03/2013 added \framearea, \fillarea [jk] 06/03/2013 added environments puzzlebackground, puzzleforeground [jk] -> added pgf layer LPbackground, LPforeground 05/03/2013 deleted option color [jk] 05/03/2013 added \setrow, \setcolumn [jk] 05/03/2013 added \LP@bottomrow, \LP@toprow, \LP@leftcolumn. \LP@leftcolumn [jk] == Logicpuzzle bundel (v1.3) == -- bokkusu.sty (v1.0) -- 28/02/2013 added bokkusu.sty [jk] -- battleship.sty (v1.3) -- 27/02/2013 added option cvoffset [jk] to set indiviual vertical counter offsets -- logicpuzzle.sty (v1.1) -- 26/02/2013 added \LP@ingrid to \fillcell [jk] 26/02/2013 added \valueH, \valueV, \sumH, \sumV, \fillcell, \fillrow, \fillcolumn [jk] 26/02/2013 Bugfix: mix up column and row in \setXcontents [jk] -- battleship.sty (v1.2) -- 19/02/2013 implemented \classicgame [jk] for drawing game sheets for classic Battleship 18/02/2013 implemented option title [jk] -> \titleformat 18/02/2013 implemented option counterstyle [jk] -> \puzzlecounter, \setpuzzlecounter \definecounterstyle 17/02/2013 implemented option bgcolor [jk] 17/02/2013 moved code base for logic puzzles into logicpuzzle.sty [jk] -- battleship.sty (v1.1) -- 12/02/2013 added \placewater [jk] puts a water marker into the grid 12/02/2013 added \placeisland [jk] puts an island with random outline into the grid 12/02/2013 renamed \ship -> \placesegment [jk] added \let\ship\placesegment 11/02/2013 implemented \placeship{direction}{column}{row}{length} [jk] placement of complete ship at (column,row) in direction {V|H} with length length. 11/02/2013 implemented \BS@ingrid [jk] checks if coordinate is in the grid -> PackageError 10/02/2013 added \battleshipsetup [jk] for resetting global options -- battleship bundle -- 2013/02/09 IPO of battleship on CTAN