@Book{lingnau07:_latex_hacks, author = {Anselm Lingnau}, title = {\LaTeX-Hacks}, publisher = {O'Reilly}, year = 2007, address = {Beijing; Cambridge; Farnham; K\"oln; Paris; Sebastopol; Taipei; Tokyo}, edition = {1.}, note = {Tipps \& Techniken f\"ur den professionellen Textsatz}, language = {ngerman}, } @Manual{Heinz:Listings-14, author = {Carsten Heinz and Brooks Moses}, title = {The \textsf{listings} package}, note = {Version 1.4}, year = 2007, month = FEB, language = {english} } @Manual{FM:TheDocAndShortvrbPackages, author = {Frank Mittelbach}, title = {{The {\sf doc} and {\sf shortvrb} Packages}}, year = 2006, month = FEB, note = {version number 2.1d}, language = {english} } @Manual{MittelbachDuchierBraams:DocStrip, author = {Frank Mittelbach and Denys Duchier and Johannes Braams and Marcin Woli\'nski and Mark Wooding}, title = {{The {\sf DocStrip} program}}, year = 2005, month = JUL, note = {version number 2.5d}, language = {english} }