\documentclass{article} \usepackage{cmap} % fix search and cut-and-paste in PDF \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage{parskip} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{textcomp} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[unicode=true]{hyperref} \usepackage{bookmark} % \pagestyle{headings} \usepackage{textalpha} \begin{document} \section*{Test the \emph{textalpha} package} With the \emph{textalpha} package, you can easily write a single Greek symbol (like \textPsi{} or \textmu{}) or a \textlambda\textomicron\textgamma\textomicron\textvarsigma{} in non-Greek text as well as ISO-conforming formulas with upright constants (like \textpi): $A = \mbox{\textpi} r^2$ vs. $A = \pi r^2$. Input is possible via LICR macros (\verb+\textalpha+ \ldots \verb+\textOmega+) or (with the utf8 option to \emph{inputenc}) Unicode literals. \section{Greek alphabet} Greek letters via Latin transscription in LGR font encoding: \ensuregreek{A B G D E Z H J I K L M N X O P R S T U F Q Y W}\\ \ensuregreek{a b g d e z h j i k l m n x o p r s c t u f q y w} Greek letters via default macros in other font encoding (here T1): \textAlpha{} \textBeta{} \textGamma{} \textDelta{} \textEpsilon{} \textZeta{} \textEta{} \textTheta{} \textIota{} \textKappa{} \textLambda{} \textMu{} \textNu{} \textXi{} \textOmicron{} \textPi{} \textRho{} \textSigma{} \textTau{} \textUpsilon{} \textPhi{} \textChi{} \textPsi{} \textOmega{} \\ \textalpha{} \textbeta{} \textgamma{} \textdelta{} \textepsilon{} \textzeta{} \texteta{} \texttheta{} \textiota{} \textkappa{} \textlambda{} \textmu{} \textnu{} \textxi{} \textomicron{} \textpi{} \textrho{} \textsigma{} \textvarsigma{} \texttau{} \textupsilon{} \textphi{} \textchi{} \textpsi{} \textomega{} \section{PDF strings} With \emph{textalpha}, you can get Greek letters in PDF strings, too. \subsection{\textlambda\textomicron\textgamma\textomicron\textvarsigma{}, λογος and \ensuregreek{logos}} The subsection title above uses: text* macros, Unicode input and the LGR transcription for the Greek word \ensuregreek{logos}. Check the table of contents in the PDF viewer: text* macros and Unicode literals work fine, the Latin transscription stays Latin in the PDF metadata. \section{Limitations} Because the internal font encoding switch interferes with other work behind the scenes, kerning, diacritics and up/downcasing show problems if Greek letters are used without explicit change of the font encoding. These problems can be avoided by use of babel and the correct language setting (greek or polutonikogreek) or an explicit font encoding switch. The \verb+\ensuregreek+ macro ensures the argument is set in a font encoding supporting Greek. This can be used to fix these problems (without adverse side-effects if the active font encoding is already LGR). \subsection{Kerning} No kerning occures between Greek characters in non-Greek text due to the internal font encoding switch: compare \ensuregreek{\textAlpha\textUpsilon\textAlpha} (LGR) to \textAlpha\textUpsilon\textAlpha (T1). Because of this (and for proper hyphenation), use of babel and correct language setting is recommended for Greek text parts. The \verb+\ensuregreek+ macro is also used for wrapping of composite Unicode character definitions. Kerning is preserved also between accented characters if the font encoding is LGR: \ensuregreek{AΫA} vs. AΫA (T1). \subsection{Diacritics} Composition of diacritics (like \verb+\accdasia\acctonos+) fails in other font encodings. Long names (like \verb+\accdasiaoxia+) work, however they do not select precomposed characters. With LGR, pre-composed glyphs are chosen if available (the difference becomes obvious if you drag-and-drop text from the PDF version of this document): % \ensuregreek{\<'a \accdasia\acctonos a \accdasiaoxia a \accdasiaoxia\textalpha} (LGR) vs. \accdasiaoxia\textalpha{} (T1). Diacritics (except the dialytika) are placed before capital letters in titlecase and dropped in all-caps: % \begin{quote} \ensuregreek{% \<{\textalpha} \>{\textepsilon} \"'{\textiota} \`>\texteta{} \'<{\textomicron} \~<{\textupsilon} \~>{\textomega} \\ \<{\textAlpha} \>{\textEpsilon} \"{\textIota} \`>\textEta{} \'<{\textOmicron} \~<{\textUpsilon} \~>{\textOmega} \\ \MakeUppercase{% \<{\textalpha} \>{\textepsilon} \"'{\textiota} \`\>\texteta{} \'<{\textomicron} \~<{\textupsilon} \~>{\textomega}. } } \end{quote} % However, this does not work in other font encodings: \ensuregreek{\<\textAlpha} (LGR) vs. \<\textAlpha (T1). The dialytika marks a \emph{hiatus} (break-up of a diphthong). It must be present in UPPERCASE even where it is redundant in lowercase (the hiatus can also be marked by an accent on the first character of a diphthong). The auto-hiatus feature works in LGR font encoding only: \acctonos\textalpha\textupsilon{}, \acctonos\textepsilon\textiota{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\ensuregreek{ \acctonos\textalpha\textupsilon{}, \acctonos\textepsilon\textiota{} }} vs. \MakeUppercase{ \acctonos\textalpha\textupsilon{}, \acctonos\textepsilon\textiota{}% }. The CamelCase accent macro names should no longer be used. Support will be removed in a future version. \ensuregreek{\Tonos\textalpha, \Tonos\textAlpha, \MakeUppercase{\Tonos\textalpha} \DasiaVaria\textalpha{} \DialytikaVaria\textupsilon{} \MakeUppercase{\DasiaVaria\textalpha{} \DialytikaVaria\textupsilon{}} } (LGR) \Tonos\textalpha{}, \Tonos\textAlpha{}, \MakeUppercase{\Tonos\textalpha{}} (T1) \DasiaVaria\textalpha{} \DialytikaVaria\textupsilon{}. \DasiaVaria\textalpha{} \DialytikaVaria\textupsilon{} \MakeUppercase{\DasiaVaria\textalpha{} \DialytikaVaria\textupsilon{}} (T1). \section{Greek Unicode characters in non-Greek text} With the \emph{textalpha} package and inputencoding "utf8", Greek Unicode characters can be used in text with any font encoding. Combined Diacritics work ᾅ, diacritics (except diaresis) are dopped with MakeUppercase (μαΐστρος $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{μαΐστρος}), % but the Hiatus-detection does not work: Currently, the second vowel of the diphthong must be given as macro, not Unicode literal: (\ensuregreek{ἀ\textupsilon{}πνία} $\mapsto$ \ensuregreek{\MakeUppercase{\ensuregreek{ἀ\textupsilon{}πνία}}} vs. \ensuregreek{\MakeUppercase{\ensuregreek{ἀυπνία}}}). See \href{greek-unicode.pdf}{greek-unicode} for more details. \end{document}