% Test definitions for accents and composite accents in Greek \documentclass[british,greek,a4paper]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \enlargethispage{4ex} \usepackage{cmap} % fix search and cut-and-paste in Acrobat Reader \usepackage% {lmodern} % {gfsartemisia} % {gfsbaskerville} % [default]{gfsbodoni} % \usepackage[default]{gfscomplutum} % {gfsdidot} % [default]{gfsneohellenic} % {lmodern} \usepackage{gfsporson} \renewcommand*\rmdefault{porson} % [default]{gfssolomos} % {kerkis} % {teubner} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{txtt} % Load the extended font encoding definitions (after font package) \usepackage[LGRx,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily} % Babel package:: \usepackage{babel} % revert the polutonikogreek definition of \~: \addto\extraspolutonikogreek{\renewcommand*{\~}{\a~}} \addto\extrasgreek{\renewcommand*{\~}{\a~}} % "Lipsiakos" italic font `cbleipzig`: \newcommand*{\lishape}{\fontencoding{LGR}\fontfamily{cmr}% \fontshape{li}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textli}{\lishape} \begin{document} \selectlanguage{british} \section*{Greek diacritics with standard accent macros} % The greek diacritics are % % dase\~ia % yil\'h % t\'onos % bare\~ia % perispwm\'enh % dialutika \texttt{lgrxenc.def} is a comprehensive font encoding definition file. Diacritics can be input using an extension of the standard macro commands. Composite diacritics are input as backslash followed by the LGR transliteration.% \footnote{This makes it easy to follow the advise in \emph{teubner-doc}: ``typeset your paper with the regular accent vowel ligatures and [{\ldots}] substitute them in the final revision with the accented vowel macros only in those instances where the lack of kerning is disturbing''.} The example in greek-usage.pdf: % \begin{quote} \selectlanguage{greek} T\'i f\'hic? \enj\'ede pa\~id'' \>eleuj\'eran t\`ac plhs\'ion N\'umfac stefano\~usan, S\'wstrate, \>er\~wn \'ap\~hljec e\>uj\'uc? \end{quote} is input as \begin{lstlisting} T\'i f\'hic? \enj\'ede pa\~id'' \>eleuj\'eran t\`ac plhs\'ion N\'umfac stefano\~usan, S\'wstrate, \>er\~wn \'ap\~hljec e\>uj\'uc? \end{lstlisting} % Improvements: % \begin{itemize} \item Accents can be placed on any character:% \footnote{Babel's \emph{polutonikogreek} option re-defines \textbackslash\textasciitilde (even for Latin with \textbackslash textlatin). This document reverts the babel definition in the preamble to make the tilde/perispomeni-accent work as usual in both, English (\textgreek{ni\~n\~o} ni\~n\~o) and Greek (\foreignlanguage{greek}{ni\~n\~o \textlatin{ni\~n\~o}}). } \textgreek{\"k \`l \'m \~'p \>9 \`\>-} \item Kerning is preserved \selectlanguage{greek} \begin{tabular}[t]{llll} & \textlatin{roman} & \textlatin{italic} & \textlatin{cbleipzig} \\ \foreignlanguage{british}{accent macro:} & a\>ut'os & \emph{a\>ut\'os} & \textli{a\>ut\'os} \\ \foreignlanguage{british}{transliteration:} & a>ut'os & \emph{a>ut'os} & \textli{a>ut'os}\\ \end{tabular} \selectlanguage{british} Kerning only works with pre-composed glyphs: \textgreek{A\"UA $\rightarrow$ A\~UA} (like in any font encoding: AVA $\rightarrow$ A\~VA). \item Following Greek typesetting convention, diacritics (except the dialytika) are placed to the left of capital letters and and dropped by \verb|\MakeUppercase|: \begin{quote} \selectlanguage{greek} \'antropos $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\'antropos}, \>'antropos $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\'>antropos},\\ Aqill\'eas $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{Aqill\'eas}, \>Aqille\'us $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\>Aqille\'us}. \end{quote} % Greek differs from Latin in that it capitalises letters with % diacritics differently, depending on whether the entire word is in % capitals (whereupon diacritics are eliminated), or the initial is % capitalised only, as in the first word in a sentence or in a title % (whereupon the diacritics are retained, although they appear to the % left of the letter rather than above it.) The dialytika is printed even in cases where it's not needed in lowercase: \begin{quote} \selectlanguage{greek} \'aulos $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\'aulos}, \'>aulos $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\'\>aulos}% \footnote{\selectlanguage{british} Fails if written as \texttt{\textbackslash >'} in \texttt{polutonikogreek} (which changes the \texttt{\textbackslash uccode} of \texttt{\textbackslash >}): \selectlanguage{greek} \'>aulos $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\>'aulos}} % from http://diacritics.typo.cz/index.php?id=69 μάινα -> ΜΑΪΝΑ m\'aina $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{m\'aina},\\ % from http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neugriechische_Orthographie#Das_Trema % κέικ, ἀυπνία/αϋπνία k\'eik, $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{k\'eik}, \>aupn\'ia $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\>aupn\'ia}. \end{quote} \end{itemize} \selectlanguage{british} Composite diacritics can be specified as backslash + LGR transliteration% \footnote{However, \textbackslash{}MakeUppercase fails, if a non-escaped tilde character (like in \texttt{\textbackslash{}>\textasciitilde{}a}) is used in a document which does not define the \emph{greek} or \emph{polutonikogreek} language. } or combined accent macros, e.\,g. \textgreek{\~>a} can be written as \begin{quote} \verb+\~>a+, \verb+\>~a+, \verb+\~\>{a}+, or \verb+\~\>a+. \end{quote} However, braces in composite accents (\verb+\~{\>a}+, \verb+\~{>a}+, or \verb+\~{\>{a}}+) lead to errors. Accent macros can start with \verb|\a| instead of \verb|\| when the short form is redefined, e.\,g. inside a \emph{tabbing} environment. This works also for the new-defined Dasia and Psili shortcuts (becoming \verb|\a<| and \verb|\a>|): % \begin{quote} \selectlanguage{greek} \begin{tabbing} T'i f'hic? \= T\a'i f\a'hic? \\ \a>enj\a'ede pa\a~id \end{tabbing} \end{quote} \end{document}