# `latino-sine-flexione` *package by Victor LEVE granted into public domain* ## Latin without inflexions Latino sine Flexione (or Interlingua) is a language constructed by Giuseppe Peano at the beginning of the last century. This simplified Latin is designed to be a instrument for international cooperation, firstly in the academic sphere. *Note:* Another Interlingua was created a few decades after Peano's work, the one related to the `babel-interlingua' package. ## Package content This package provides the necessary translations to use the language within a LaTeX document. It also imports `fontenc` in order to be able to use ligatures and quotation marks. Finally, it offers a text in Interlingua that can be used as fake text: Fundamento de intelligentia. This article by H. Bijlsma was first published in *Schola et Vita* Anno I (1926). ## Basic use ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{latino-sine-flexione} \begin{document} \section{Verbos} Verbo <> de pr\ae{}fatione es mirabile. \input{fundamento} \end{document} ```