# Modify these paths to the requirements of your own system # For the current setting you will need root permission but # it is perfectly acceptable to choose user directories # INSTALLPATH = /usr/local INSTALLMANPATH = $(INSTALLPATH)/man INSTALLEXECPATH = $(INSTALLPATH)/bin default: @echo "To install stand-alone version type: make install" @echo " (Note the standard version requires prior installation" @echo " of the PERL package Algorithm::Diff available from " @echo " the PERL archive www.cpan.org)" @echo " " @echo "To install fast version (using UNIX diff) type: make install fast " @echo " " @echo "To install the version which uses the system Algorithm::Diff package type: make install-ext" @echo " " install: install-so install-ext: install-latexdiff install-latexrevise install-latexdiff-vc install-man install-so: install-latexdiff-so install-latexrevise install-latexdiff-vc install-man install-fast: install-latexdiff-fast install-latexrevise install-latexdiff-vc install-man install-man: install latexrevise.1 latexdiff.1 latexdiff-vc.1 $(INSTALLMANPATH)/man1 install-latexdiff: install latexdiff $(INSTALLEXECPATH) install-latexdiff-so: if [ -e $(INSTALLEXECPATH)/latexdiff ]; then rm $(INSTALLEXECPATH)/latexdiff; fi install latexdiff-so $(INSTALLEXECPATH) cd $(INSTALLEXECPATH); ln -s latexdiff-so latexdiff install-latexdiff-fast: if [ -e $(INSTALLEXECPATH)/latexdiff ]; then rm $(INSTALLEXECPATH)/latexdiff; fi install latexdiff-fast $(INSTALLEXECPATH) cd $(INSTALLEXECPATH); ln -s latexdiff-fast latexdiff install-latexrevise: install latexrevise $(INSTALLEXECPATH) install-latexdiff-vc: install latexdiff-vc $(INSTALLEXECPATH) cd $(INSTALLEXECPATH); for vcs in cvs rcs svn ; do if [ -e latexdiff-$$vcs ]; then rm latexdiff-$$vcs; fi; ln -s latexdiff-vc latexdiff-$$vcs ; done test-ext: @echo "latexdiff example/example-draft.tex example/example-rev.tex (system Algorithm::Diff)" ./latexdiff -V example/example-draft.tex example/example-rev.tex > example/example-diff.tex @echo "Difference file created: example/example-diff.tex" test-so: @echo "latexdiff example/example-draft.tex example/example-rev.tex (stand-alone version)" ./latexdiff-so -V example/example-draft.tex example/example-rev.tex > example/example-diff.tex @echo "Difference file created: example/example-diff.tex" test-fast: @echo "latexdiff example/example-draft.tex example/example-rev.tex (stand-alone version)" ./latexdiff-fast -V example/example-draft.tex example/example-rev.tex > example/example-diff.tex @echo "Difference file created: example/example-diff.tex"