Examples in Chapter 7 of the LaTeX Web Companion Section 7.3 =========== To run the examples in this section you have to install nsgmls (as for chapter 6) and Megginson's SGMLSpm. You also have to set the environment variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES as follows: Bourne shell SGML_CATALOG_FILES=catalog.xml export SGML_CATALOG_FILES C shell setenv SGML_CATALOG_FILES catalog.xml Then you can type: nsgmls invitation.xml | perl sgmlspl.pl inv2lat.pl > invitation.tex Section 7.4 =========== With similar settings for the environment variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES we can generate HTML files using invitation.xml and invitation2.xml. We type the command (Section 7.4.4) nsgmls invitation.xml | perl sgmlspl.pl inv1html.pl > invcss.html and (Section 7.4.5) nsgmls invitation2.xml | perl sgmlspl.pl inv2html.pl > inv2css.html Together with the file invit.css, shown in Section 7.4.4, you will obtain with a browser, which correctly understands how to include CSS files, a view as the one shown in Figure 7.2 (some browsers might need you to include the content of invit.css inside a