Source files for examples in Chapter 3 of the LaTeX Web Companion File for Section 3.2.1 ++++++++++++++++++++++ l2hexa.tex Latex source colorcir.eps EPS file used by several examples tac2dim.eps " " Files for Section 3.3 +++++++++++++++++++++ sampleAMS.tex Latex sources sampleMath.tex " sampleAMS.css CSS style file for use with sampleAMS see Section 3.3.4 (copy into the sampleAMS directory) sampleMathImages.tex Special source files for Section 3.3.5 sampleMathThumb.tex Section 3.4 +++++++++++ Installing the necessary bits for running the examples is a little complicated. You need to have the correct fonts + the pre-processors and edit the .perl files to give the paths. In any case, the sources are in the folowing subdirectories: The LWC examples are from: Figure 3.14: (This is a document by Yannis Haralambous, for Sinhala-TeX.) Figure 3.15 is from there also. Figures 3.16 and 3.17 are from Avinash Chopde's documentation for ITRANS. You can get the files from: vnehru.itx (or vnehru.tex if you preprocess it) vnehru/ has the Web document; sample.itx (or sample.tex) sample/ has the Web document; Files for Section 3.5.6 +++++++++++++++++++++++ Makefile.ex2 Makefile for running the example (rename to Makefile to run) ex20.tex Latex sources ex21.tex " ex22.tex " ex2bib.tex " LaTeX2html customization file Files for Section +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Makefile.ex3 Makefile for running the example (rename to Makefile to run) ex30.tex Latex sources ex31.tex " ex32.tex " ex3bib.tex "