Dynatext, Electronic Book Indexer/Browser VictorEijkhout &TeX; by Topic, a &TeX;nicians Reference Ericvan Herwijnen Future Office Systems Requirements
JamesFelici PostScript versus TrueType
Donald E.Knuth The &WEB; System of Structured Documentation Franklin MarkLiang Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-pu-ter Also available as Stanford University, Department of Computer Science Report No. STAN-CS-83-977
FrankMittelbach RainerSchöpf The New Font Selection &emdash; User Interface to Standard &LaTeX;"
PatWood PostScript Color Separation Real World PostScript Stephen E.Roth Real World PostScript YannisHaralambous &TeX; and those other languages 1991 Annual Meeting Proceedings, Part 2, &TeX; Users Group, Twelfth Annual Meeting, Dedham, Massachusetts, July 15--18, 1991 HopeHamilton SGML and XML News RobinCover http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/sgmlnew.html Information about what is (relatively) new in the `SGML/XML Web Page' This page keeps you informed about the latest developments in the area of SGML, XML, and related areas.