% !TEX TS-program = xelatex % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % !BIB TS-program = biber \documentclass[a5paper]{veryshortguide} \addbibresource{vsg.bib} \begin{document} \title{The very short guide to typesetting with~\LaTeX} \author{Silmaril Consultants\\ \textbf{Textual Therapy Division}\\ \protect\url{http://latex.silmaril.ie}} \date{\monthdate} \maketitle \subsection*{What's this all about? What's \LaTeX?} \LaTeX\ is a document preparation system which uses the \TeX\ typesetting program. It enables you to produce publication-quality documents with great accuracy and consistency. \LaTeX\ works on any computer and produces industry-standard PDF. It is available both in free (open-source) and commercial implementations. \LaTeX\ can be used for any kind of document, but it is especially suited to those with complex structures, repetitive formatting, or notations like mathematics\footnote{For reasons of space this guide does not cover details of mathematics typesetting.}; or where technical stability, dimensional accuracy, or a persistent and non-proprietary file format are needed. Install the software from \url{www.tug.org/texlive/} or buy a commercially-supported version from one of the vendors (see the list on p.\thinspace\pageref{comm}). \subsection*{Creating and typesetting your document} \begin{enumerate}[noitemsep]\setlength{\fboxsep}{1pt} \item Create your document using any suitable plain-text editor with \LaTeX\ controls, eg \textit{\TeX shop} (Mac), \textit{\TeX Maker} (Win), \textit{Kile} (Linux), \textit{Emacs} (all), even \textit{vi}\thinspace! \item Save the file with a name ending in \verb+.tex+ (\emph{never} use spaces in filenames!); \item Use the {\small\keys{Build}} or {\small\keys{Compile}} toolbar button or menu item in your editor to typeset and display the document;\label{typeset} \item Make any changes needed in your original document and repeat step \ref{typeset}. \end{enumerate} \subsection*{Syntax (how to type \LaTeX\ commands --- these are the rules)} \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] \item \textbf{All \LaTeX\ commands begin with a backslash}.\\ \example \verb+\tableofcontents+\endexample \item \textbf{If a command needs text to work with, it goes in curly braces}.\\ \example \verb+\title{Irisches Tagebuch}\author{Heinrich Böll}+\endexample \item \textbf{If options are used, they go in square brackets before the curly braces}.\\ \example \verb+\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{book}+\endexample \item \textbf{Spaces after commands \emph{without} braces get suppressed}.\\ \example \verb+Copyright \copyright␣+\texttt{\number\year} \gives{Copyright ©\number\year} \nobox\\ To prevent this, put empty curly braces after the command:\\ \example \verb+Copyright \copyright{}␣+\texttt{\number\year} \gives{Copyright ©~\number\year} \yesbox \item \textbf{Curly braces are also used to restrict the scope of effects inside them}.\\ \example \verb+Some {\tiny little} word+ \gives{Some {\tiny little} word} \end{itemize} \begin{note} This guide shows only a tiny fraction of \LaTeX's power. For more information, visit the \TeX\ Users Group site (\url{www.tug.org}). For help, see the FAQ (\url{www.tex.ac.uk/faq}), StackExchange (\url{tex.stackexchange.com}), or the Usenet newsgroup \url{comp.text.tex}. For packages (plugins), use CTAN, the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network (\url{www.ctan.org}). For further details, see \citetitle{fi} \parencite{fi} and other online resources. \end{note} \begin{multicols}{2}\small\parskip4pt \subsection*{Writing a \LaTeX\ document} \subsubsection{Basic document structure} Here's the skeleton of a \LaTeX\ document. These three lines are \textsc{compulsory}: your document will not work without them: \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,fontsize=\small,commandchars=!<>] !added\documentclass[11pt]{article} !comment your Preamble goes here (extra setups, if any) !added\begin{document} !comment your document text goes here !added\end{document} \end{Verbatim} \vspace*{-.5\baselineskip} {\fontsize67\selectfont\sffamily New material in each example is shown in {\ttfamily\added blue}; material from previous examples is in black. Comments are in \textcolor{DarkRed}{red}.\par} \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] \item The document class name \textsc{must} be one of the standard \verb+book+, \verb+article+, or \verb+report+, or one of the many others preinstalled or downloadable (eg \verb+thesis+, \verb+memoir+, etc); \item There are body type size options \verb+10pt+ (the default), \verb+11pt+, and \verb+12pt+; \item There are paper size options including \verb+a4paper+ (210\thinspace mm$\times$297\thinspace mm) and \verb+letterpaper+ (8½$''\times$11$''$) [see below]. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Front matter} The \textbf{Preamble} [see above] is where you speci\-fy any \textbf{packages} (\LaTeX\ plugins like typefaces or special formatting), and where you put any changes to standard features. \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,fontsize=\small,commandchars=!<>] \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{book} !added\usepackage{charter,graphicx}!revert !added\setlength{\parindent}{1em}!revert \begin{document} !added\title!comment{your document title!revert} !added\author!comment{your name!revert} !added\date!comment{date of publication!revert} !added\maketitle !added\begin{abstract} !comment the paragraphs of your abstract go here !added\end{abstract} !added\tableofcontents !comment the text of your document goes here \end{document} \end{Verbatim} The title, author, and date \textsc{must} be followed by the \verb+\maketitle+ command to be formatted correctly. \subsubsection{Body matter} \textbf{Leave a blank line between paragraphs} as you type: this signals a new paragraph. Spacing is controlled by the document class and packages you use. For an unindented, line-spaced style, use the \textsf{parskip} package. \paragraph{Sectioning:} Sections get numbered automatically in bold type, and get included in the Table of Contents (if you use it). Numbering can be turned off selectively. Section heading layout can be modified with the \textsf{sectsty}, \mbox{\textsf{titlesec}}, and other packages. \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,fontsize=\small,commandchars=!<>] !comment (Preamble, titling, and abstract as above) \tableofcontents !added\chapter!comment{heading of a chapter!revert} !comment text for the chapter goes here !added...as shown in section \ref{blah}. !added\section!comment{heading of a section!revert} !added\label{blah} !comment make up name for the label !comment text for the section goes here !added\chapter!comment{heading of a new chapter!revert} !comment text for the new chapter goes here \end{document} \end{Verbatim} \paragraph{Lists:} There are three types of list: \textbf{itemized} (bulleted), \textbf{enumerated} (numbered or lettered), and \textbf{descriptive} (topic-and-explanation format). Like \textsf{document}, these are all \textbf{environments}, using \verb+\begin{...}+ and \verb+\end{...}+. \begingroup\fontsize{4.5}{5.5}\selectfont \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\textbullet} \leftmargini=2em \setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt} \begin{tabular}{@{}% p{.25\columnwidth}|% p{.32\columnwidth}|% p{.33\columnwidth}@{}} \begin{verbatim} \begin{itemize} \item 1lb Sugar \item ½pt Cream \item Chocolate \item 2oz Butter \end{itemize} \end{verbatim} & \begin{verbatim} \begin{enumerate} \item Mix ingredients \item Boil to 112°C \item Stir and cool \item Pour into dish \end{enumerate} \end{verbatim} & \begin{verbatim} \begin{description} \item[Fudge] is fun... \item[Broccoli] sucks... \item[Exercise] is good for you if taken daily \end{description} \end{verbatim} \\\hline\scriptsize \begin{itemize}[noitemsep] \item 1lb Sugar \item ½pt Cream \item Chocolate \item 2oz Butter \end{itemize} &\fontsize{6.5}{8}\selectfont \begin{enumerate}[noitemsep] \item Mix ingredients \item Boil to 112°C \item Stir and cool \item Pour into dish \end{enumerate} &\tiny \begin{description}[noitemsep] \item[Fudge] is fun but fattening if made too often. \item[Broccoli] sucks, period. \item[Exercise] is good for you if taken daily and not to extremes. \end{description} \end{tabular} \endgroup You can nest lists inside each other. Use the \textsf{enumitem} package to control list formatting. \colorbox{LightGrey}{\color{black}\begin{minipage}{.965\columnwidth}% \sffamily\scriptsize\bfseries\raggedright For help, see the links on the front and back pages. There is a summary of common commands at\\ \url{www.stdout.org/~winston/latex/latexsheet.pdf} and a comprehensive list at \url{www.eeng.dcu.ie/local-docs/latex-help/}~. \end{minipage}} \paragraph{Tables and figures:} These environments \textbf{float} (to fit available space). They have \verb+\caption+ and \verb+\label+ commands. \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,fontsize=\footnotesize,commandchars=!<>] !added\begin{figure} !comment(see below) \caption{Swiss and Dutch Mennonite migrations of the 1700s and 1800s} \label{lmig} !added\centering !comment(centre the contents) !added\includegraphics[width=.8\columnwidth] !added {menno-a}\\ !comment(double backslash for linebreak) !added\scriptsize!revert Courtesy of Paul C. Adams, Department of Geography and the Environment, University of Texas at Austin. !added\cite{adams}\end{figure} \end{Verbatim} Graphics \textsc{must} be EPS files for standard \LaTeX, but JPG, PNG, or PDF for pdf\LaTeX. \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,fontsize=\footnotesize,commandchars=!<>] !added\begin{table} !added\caption{Mean growth rate and intakes !added of supplement, milk, and water for 4 !added diets (after Sherington, J, undated)} \label{dietgrowth} \centering !added\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|} !added\hline !comment(horizontal line between rows) !added&Growth&Supplement&Milk&Water !added\\\hline !comment(double backslash for new row) !added Supplement&rate&intake&intake&intake !added\\\hline !added&(g/day)&(g/day)&(ml/kg$^{0.75}$)& !added (ml/kg$^{0.75}$)\\\hline !added Lucerne &145&450&10.5&144\\\hline !added Sesbania&132&476& 9.2&128\\\hline !added Leucaena&128&364& 8.9&121\\\hline !added None & 89& 0& 9.8&108\\\hline !added\end{tabular} !added\end{table} \end{Verbatim} \begin{center}\sffamily \fontsize78\selectfont \setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} \setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{.2pt} \begin{tabular}{@{}|>{\vrule height1em width0pt}l|r|r|r|r|@{}} \multicolumn5l{\textbf{Table 2}: \textit{Mean growth rate and intakes of supplement,}}\\ \multicolumn5l{\textit{milk, and water for four diets} (after Sherington, J, undated)}\\[6pt]\hline \vrule height1.1em width0pt&Growth&Supplement&Milk&Water\\[-1pt] Supplement&rate&intake&intake&intake\\[-1pt] &(g/day)&(g/day)&(ml/kg\textsuperscript{\fontsize34\selectfont 0.75})&(ml/kg\textsuperscript{\fontsize34\selectfont 0.75})\\[3pt]\hline Lucerne &145&450&10.5&144\\\hline Sesbania&132&476& 9.2&128\\\hline Leucaena&128&364& 8.9&121\\\hline None & 89& 0& 9.8&108\\\hline \end{tabular} \end{center} Packages like \textsf{longtable} and \textsf{array} can help with more complex table formats. \end{multicols} \begin{center}\sffamily \textbf{Figure 1}: \textit{Swiss and Dutch Mennonite migrations of the 1700s and 1800s}\\[3pt] \includegraphics[width=.8\columnwidth]{menno-a}\\\scriptsize Courtesy of Paul C. Adams, Department of Geography and the Environment, University of Texas at Austin. [1] \end{center} \begin{multicols}{2}\small\parskip4pt \paragraph{Typefaces:} {\fontfamily{lrm}\selectfont The default typeface in \LaTeX\ is Computer Modern, like this.} {\footnotesize\tabcolsep4pt \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\hspace{6pt}}>{\ttfamily}l|l@{\hspace{6pt}}>{\ttfamily}l@{}} \ff{ptm}Times&mathptmx&\ff{pcr}Courier&courier\\ \ff{ppl}Palatino&mathpazo&\ff{pag}\scriptsize Avant Garde&avant\\ \ff{pbk}Bookman&bookman&\ff{phv}Helvetica&helvet\\ \ff{bch}Charter&charter&\ff{pzc}Zapf Chancery&chancery\\ \ff{put}Utopia&utopia&\ff[OT1]{pnr}Pandora&pandora\\ \ff{pnc}Century&newcent&\ff[U]{yfrak}Fraktur&oldgerm\\ \end{tabular} } Dozens of other font packages are available in \TeX\ Live and the \LaTeX\ Font Catalogue, including mathematics and decorative fonts. Any Postscript Type~1 font can be configured for \LaTeX. If you use \XeLaTeX\ and the \textsf{fontspec} package, you can also use your computer's system fonts as well as those available with \TeX\ Live. \colorbox{LightGrey}{\color{black}\begin{minipage}{.965\columnwidth}% \sffamily\scriptsize\raggedright Commercial implementations of \TeX\ for Windows with business-level support are available from Personal \TeX, Inc (PC\TeX); MacKichan Software, Inc (Scientific Word); Micropress, Inc (V\TeX), and True\TeX\ Software (True\TeX).\label{comm} \end{minipage}} \columnbreak \textsf{Typefaces continued} To change font for a word or phrase, use these commands (they can be nested): {\small \begin{tabular}{l@{\enspace}>{\ttfamily\char'134 text}l<{\char'173 Hello\char'175}@{}>{\ \gives\bgroup}l<{Hello\egroup}} Italics&it&\itshape\\ Boldface&bf&\bfseries\\ Smallcaps&sc&\ff{cmr}\scshape\\ Sans-serif&sf&\sffamily\\ Monospace&tt&\ttfamily\\ \end{tabular}} \begingroup\small \example\verb+\textit{\textbf{\textsf+\linebreak \verb+{bold italic sans}}}+ \gives{\ff{cmss}\textit{\textbf{bold italic sans}}} \par\endgroup Font sizing is automatic for titles, headings, and footnotes. There are named step-size commands if you need them: {\scriptsize \begin{tabular}{>{\ttfamily\char'134}lrrr} normalsize&10&11&12\\\hline\vrule height1.1em width0pt tiny&5&6&7\\ scriptsize&6&7&8\\ footnotesize&7&8&9\\ small&9&10&11\\ large&11&12&14\\ Large&12&14&17\rlap*\\ LARGE&14&17\rlap*&20\rlap*\\ huge&17\rlap*&20\rlap*&24\rlap*\\ Huge&20\rlap*&24\rlap*&28\rlap*\\ \end{tabular} \quad \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\tiny* sizes rounded here to save space} } For other sizes, add the special command {\added\verb+\RequirePackage{fix-cm}+} \emph{before} the \verb+\documentclass+ line and use {\added\verb+\fontsize{+\texttt{\uline{pp}}\verb+}{+\texttt{\uline{bb}}\verb+}\selectfont+} for the point-size (\textit{pp}) and baseline (\textit{bb}). {\sffamily\footnotesize Size commands are all \textbf{unscoped} commands, so enclose them \emph{and} the applicable text in curly braces to stop them affecting the rest of the document.\par} For double or 1½ line-spacing (eg in theses) use the \textsf{setspace} package. You can use colour palettes in the RGB, CMYK, HTML, and other colourspaces with the \textsf{xcolor} \\package and the\hfil \smash{\raisebox{-2ex}{\sffamily\bfseries\Huge\qquad \textcolor[HTML]{2F50AD}{G}% \textcolor[HTML]{B32F17}{o}% \textcolor[HTML]{F3C20B}{o}% \textcolor[HTML]{2F50AD}{g}% \textcolor[HTML]{48C847}{l}% \textcolor[HTML]{B32F17}{e}}}% \\\verb+\color{+\texttt{\textit{name}}\verb+}+ command. For verbatim text, use the \verb+\verb+ command or the \textsf{verbatim} environment, or (better) the \textsf{listings} or \textsf{fancyvrb} packages, which allow context-sensitive formatting. \paragraph{Footnotes}\setcounter{footnote}{0} You can do footnotes with \verb+\footnote(like this}+.\footnote{Like this.} Endnotes too. \paragraph{Cross-references:}\label{blah} Use the command \verb+\label{...}+ to add a label to the target, and \verb+\ref{...}+ or \verb+\pageref{...}+ to refer to it. Make up the labels yourself. \begingroup\small \example{...\ttfamily section \verb+\ref{blah}+ on p.\\ \verb+\pageref{blah}+.}\gives{...section \ref{blah} on p.\thinspace\pageref{blah}}. \par\endgroup \paragraph{Citation and reference:} Create your bibliographic database in BIB\TeX\ format \parencite{bibtex} using \emph{JabRef} or similar. Each entry \textsc{must} have a unique label (here `\verb+fi+'):\par\vspace{-\parskip} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,fontsize=\scriptsize,commandchars=!<>] !added@book{fi, !added title = {Formatting Information}, !added author = {Peter Flynn}, !added publisher = {Silmaril}, !added year = {2016}} \end{Verbatim} \par\vspace{-\parskip} Use the \textsf{biblatex} package to specify the style, and give the filename of your database:\par\vspace{-\parskip} \begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,fontsize=\footnotesize,commandchars=!<>] !added\usepackage[style=apa]{biblatex} !added\addbibresource{myrefs.bib} \end{Verbatim} \par\vspace{-\parskip} To cite, use \verb+\cite{...}+ (or \verb+\textcite+ or \verb+\parencite+) with the relevant label:\\ \example{\verb+\textcite{fi}+}\gives{\textcite{fi}}. \subsubsection{Back matter} For an index, use the \textsf{makeidx} package and the \verb+\makeindex+ command with the \verb+\index{...}+ and \verb+\printindex+ commands and the \textsf{makeindex} program. \nocite{*} {\defbibheading{shortbib}[References]{\subsection*{#1}}\renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\scriptsize}\setlength{\bibhang}{1em}\urlstyle{tt}\label{refs}\printbibliography[heading=shortbib]} \colorbox{LightGrey}{\color{black}\begin{minipage}{.965\columnwidth}% \sffamily\scriptsize\bfseries\raggedright For information about \LaTeX\ training and consutancy, please contact Silmaril at \url{latex@silmaril.ie} \end{minipage}}% \end{multicols} \end{document}