\usepackage [basic]{circ}
\usepackage [basic]{circ}
\npn1 {?} B l    % transistor in the center
\frompin npn1C   % draw from the collector
\- 1 u           % a little line up
\nl\A1 {$I_C$} v % meter for collector current
\atpin npn1B     % next draw from base
\- 1 l           % a little line left
\<\R1 {510 k$\Omega$} h  % resistance on base
\- 1 l           % one more little line left
\centerto A1     % and align on first A-meter
\nl\A2 {$I_B$} v % draw second A-meter
\frompin A2d     % connect second A-meter to
\vtopin R1l      % resistance.
\frompin A1u
\- 1 u \.1       % Connection point
\frompin A2u
\vtopin .1
\htopin .1       % connect second A-meter to 1.
\- 1 u \cc\connection1
      {$U_b$} u  % connect to voltage
\frompin npn1E   % connect emitter to ground
\- 1 d  \GND1    % ground