# Changelog All notable changes to the `l3kernel` bundle since the start of 2018 will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), this project uses date-based 'snapshot' version identifiers. ## [Unreleased] ## [2018-12-11] - Enable `\char_generate:nn` to create active tokens with XeTeX ## [2018-12-06] ### Changed - Apply `\par` only at the end of vertical boxes - Move `\int_rand:n` to stable - Move `\_rand_item:N` to stable ### Fixed - Bu in `\lua_shipout_e:n` (see #503) ## [2018-11-19] ### Added - Support for cross-compatibility primitives in XeTeX - `\int_sign:n`, `\dim_sign:n` and `\fp_sign:n` ## [2018-10-19] ### Fixed - Wrapping of text in messages, etc., for some line lengths (fixes #491) ## [2018-10-17] ### Added - `\g_msg_module_documentation_prop` (see #471) - `\peek_remove_spaces:n` ### Changed - Formatting of messages: now follows LaTeX2e closely ### Deprecated - `\msg_interrupt:nn`, `\msg_log:n` and `\msg_term:n` ### Fixed - Handling of inheritance for choice keys (fixes #483) ## [2018-09-24] ### Added - Some driver-level support for PDF features - `\peek_catcode_collect_inline:Nn`, `\peek_charcode_collect_inline:Nn`, `\peek_meaning_collect_inline:Nn` ### Fixed - Handling of unknown keys when inheritance is active (fixes #481) ## [2018-08-23] ### Added - `\lua_escape:e`, `\lua_now:e` and `\lua_shipout_e:n` - `\str_case_e:nn(TF)` and `\str_if_eq:ee(TF)` - `\sys_if_platform_unix:(TF)` and `\sys_if_platform_windows:(TF)` - `\tl_(g)set_from_shell:Nnn` ### Deprecated - `\lua_escape_x:n`, `\lua_now_x:n` and `\lua_shipout_x:n` - `\str_case_x:nn(TF)` and `\str_if_eq_x:nn(TF)` ## [2018-06-14] ### Added - Support for `e`-type argument using `\expanded` or macro emulation ## [2018-06-01] ### Added - `CHANGELOG.md` (fixes #460) ### Fixed - Loading `expl3` with LuaTeX/XeTeX and certain letter tokens set to be active (see #462) ### Changed - Alter `\char_codepoint_from_bytes:n` to produce four groups in all cases; make `f`-type expandable ## [2018-05-13] ### Fixed - Cor­rect date string in `ex­pl3.dtx` - Cor­rect `\c_sys_en­gine_ver­sion_str` when using XeTeX ## [2018-05-12] ### Added - Define `\c_zero_int` and `\c_one_int` - Im­ple­ment `\c_sys_en­gine_ver­sion_str` - Im­ple­ment `\seq_in­dexed_map_func­tion/in­line` - Im­ple­ment `\in­tar­ray_gzero:N` - Im­ple­ment `\in­tar­ray_const_from_clist:Nn` - Im­ple­ment `\bool_set_in­verse:N` - Im­ple­ment `\bool_xor:nnTF` in­stead of just `\bool_xor_p:nn` - Im­ple­ment can­di­date `\int_rand:n` - Im­ple­ment `\in­tar­ray_gset_rand:Nnn` - Im­ple­ment can­di­date `l3f­par­ray` mod­ule ## Changed - Up­date min­i­mal re­quired ver­sions of XeTeX and LuaTeX - Dep­re­cate named in­te­ger con­stants `\c_zero`. etc. - Move all prim­i­tives to `\tex_...:D names­pace`, dep­re­cat­ing older en­gine-de­pen­dent pre­fixes - Several internal optimisations ### Fixed - Ex­pand boolean ex­pres­sion be­fore call­ing `\chardef` (fixes #461) ### Removed - Re­move un­doc­u­mented `\fp_func­tion:Nw` and `\fp_new_func­tion:Npn` ## [2018-04-30] ### Added - Implement \tl_analysis_map_inline:nn - Implement \exp_args_generate:n to define new \exp_args:N... functions - Low-level \int_value:w function - New experimental functions for - Building token lists piecewise - Fast manipulation of integer arrays - Sequence shuffling - `\seq_set_from_function:NnN` - `\char_codepoint_to_bytes:n` ### Changed - Significant internal revision to use only internal functions 'private' to specific modules - Better documentation of cross-module kernel-internal functions - Enable `\char_generate:nn` for active chars - Renamed `\tl_show_analysis:(N|n)n` as `\tl_analysis_show:(N|n)n` - Change \int_rand:nn (and rand_item functions) to better use the RNG - Make prg break functions public - Make scan marks mechanism public - Make `\prg_do_nothing:` long rather than nopar (fixes #455) - Several performance improvements - Documentation improvements ### Fixed - Only index TF, T, F functions together if they are `expl3` functions (fixes #453) - Make `\infty` and `\pi` into errors in fp expressions (fixes #357) ### Removed - Deprecated functions expiring at end of 2017 - Old module `.sty` files ## [2018-03-05] ### Changes - Adjustments to `l3drivers` to support `l3draw` development in `l3experimental` bundle ## [2018-02-21] ### Added - Tuple support in fp expressions - Step func­tions have been added for dim vari­ables, e.g. `\dim_step_in­line:nnnn` [Unreleased]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-12-11...HEAD [2018-12-11]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-12-06...2018-12-11 [2018-12-06]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-11-19...2018-12-06 [2018-11-19]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-10-31...2018-11-19 [2018-10-31]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-10-26...2018-10-31 [2018-10-26]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-10-19...2018-10-26 [2018-10-19]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-10-17...2018-10-19 [2018-10-17]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-09-24...2018-10-17 [2018-09-24]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-08-23...2018-09-24 [2018-08-23]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-06-14...2018-08-23 [2018-06-14]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-06-01...2018-06-14 [2018-06-01]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-05-13...2018-06-01 [2018-05-13]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-05-12...2018-05-13 [2018-05-12]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-04-30...2018-05-12 [2018-04-30]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-03-05...2018-04-30 [2018-03-05]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2018-02-21...2018-03-05 [2018-02-21]: https://github.com/latex3/latex3/compare/2017-12-16...2018-02-21