% ====================================================================== % manifest.txt % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2005-2016 % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e KOMA-Script bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of % the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later and of this work. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm. % % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. % ---------------------------------------------------------------------- % manifest.txt % Copyright (c) Markus Kohm, 2005-2016 % % Dieses Werk darf nach den Bedingungen der LaTeX Project Public Lizenz, % Version 1.3c, verteilt und/oder veraendert werden. % Die neuste Version dieser Lizenz ist % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % und Version 1.3c ist Teil aller Verteilungen von LaTeX % Version 2005/12/01 oder spaeter und dieses Werks. % % Dieses Werk hat den LPPL-Verwaltungs-Status "author-maintained" % (allein durch den Autor verwaltet). % % Der Aktuelle Verwalter und Autor dieses Werkes ist Markus Kohm. % % Dieses Werk besteht aus den in manifest.txt aufgefuehrten Dateien. % ====================================================================== % % CONTENTS OF THE KOMA-SCRIPT RELEASE 2017/04/13 v3.23 % ------------------------------------------------------ % % % Documentation: % -------------- % % README - The distribution guide. START BY READING THIS FILE! % Informationen zur Verteilung. DIESE DATEI ZUERST LESEN! % manifest.txt - This file % % INSTALL.txt - English installation guide % INSTALLD.txt - Deutsche Installationsanleitung % % lppl.txt - Licence informations % lppl-de.txt - Deutsche Uebersetzung der Lizenzbestimmungen. Diese ist % in allen Laendern oder Staaten mit Deutsch als % zulaessiger Amtssprache bindend. % % scrsource.tex - File to produce the KOMA-Script implementation % documentation % % komabug.tex - Interactive LaTeX document to generate bug reports % % doc/ - Directory with all the documentation % Makefile - Gnu make's makefile for the user guides % Makefile.guide - Used by Makefile % Makefile.latexinit % - Used by Makefile % guide.tex - Source main file of the user guides % guide.bib - Bibliography database of the user guides % plength.dtx - Source of Metapost figures used by the user guides % scrguide.cls - Class used by the user guides % scrguide.gst - MakeIndex style for the glossary of the user guides % scrguide.ist - MakeIndex style for the index of the user guides % % koma-script.html - Wrapper to the user guides % komascript.html - Wrapper to the user guides % komascr.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scraddr.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrartcl.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrbase.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrbook.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrdate.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrlfile.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrwfile.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrlttr2.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrletter.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrreprt.html - Wrapper to the user guides % scrtime.html - Wrapper to the user guides % tocbasic.html - Wrapper to the user guides % typearea.html - Wrapper to the user guides % % scrpage2.tex - Source of the manual of obsolete package scrpage2 % scrpage2.pdf - Manual of obsolete package scrpage2 % % scrguien.pdf - English user guide % scrguien.html - HTML index of the English user guide % % scrguide.pdf - Deutsche Anleitung % scrguide.html - HTML-Index fuer die deutsche Anleitung % % linkalias.tex - alias definitions of links in the free manual % % bin/ % genhtmlidx.pl - Perl script for HTML index generation % genindex.pl - Perl script to split the index % % english/ - Directory with the source of the English user guide % adrconvnote.tex - Source of the chapter about adrconv at the English % user guide % authorpart.tex - heading of part I % common-options.tex, common-compatibility.tex, common-draftmode.tex, % common-typearea.tex, common-fontsize.tex, common-textmarkup, % common-parmarkup, common-oddorevenpage.tex, common-interleafpage.tex, % common-footnotes.tex, common-lists.tex, common-marginpar.tex, % common-titles.tex, common-dictum.tex, common-headfootheight.tex, % common-pagestylemanipulation.tex % - used in several chapters % guide-english.tex % - Terms for the English user guide % expertpart.tex - heading of part II % htmlsetup - Terms for the html index of the English user guide % introduction.tex - Source of introduction chapter at the English user % guide % japanlco.tex - Source of the appendix about Japanese letters % preface.tex - preface to KOMA-Script 3 % scraddr.tex - Source of the chapter about scraddr at the English % user guide % scrbase.tex - Source of the chapter about scrbase at the English % user guide % scrbookreportarticle.tex % - Source of the chapter about scrbook, scrreprt, and % scrartcl in part I of the English user guide % scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex % - Source of the chapter about scrbook, scrreprt, and % scrartcl in part II of the English user guide % scrdatetime.tex - Source of the chapter about scrdate and scrtime at % the English user guide % scrjura.tex - Source of the chapter about scrjura % scrjuraexample.tex % - Source of an example for scrjura % scrlfile.tex - Source of the chapter about scrlfile at the English % user guide % scrwfile.tex - Source of the chapter about scrwfile at the English % user guide % scrlttr2.tex - Source of the chapter about scrlttr2 in part I of % the English user guide % scrlttr2examples.dtx % - Source of the example letter % scrlttr2-experts.tex % - Source of the chapter about scrlttr2 in part II of % the English user guide % scrlayer-scrpage.tex % - Source of the chapter about scrlayer-scrpage at the % English user guide % scrlayer-scrpage-experts.tex % - Source of the chapter about scrlayer-scrpage at the % expert part of the English user guide % scrlayer.tex - Source of the chapter about scrlayer the % English user guide % scrlayer-notecolumn.tex % - Source of the chapter about scrlayer-notecolumn at the % English user guide % scrlayer-notecolumn-example.tex % - Source of the (German) example in the chapter about % scrlayer-notecolumn in the English manual. % tocbasic.tex - Source of the chapter about tocbasic at the English % user guide % typearea.tex - Source of the chapter about typearea in part I of % the English user guide % typearea-experts.tex % - Source of the chapter about typearea in part I of % the English user guide % % ngerman/ - Verzeichnis mit der deutschen Anleitung % adrconvnote.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber adrconv in der deutschen % Anleitung % authorpart.tex - Vorspann von Teil I % common-options.tex, common-compatibility.tex, common-draftmode.tex, % common-typearea.tex, common-fontsize.tex, common-textmarkup, % common-parmarkup, common-oddorevenpage.tex, common-interleafpage.tex, % common-footnotes.tex, common-lists.tex, common-marginpar.tex, % common-titles.tex, common-dictum.tex, common-headfootheight.tex, % common-pagestylemanipulation.tex % - Passagen, die in verschiedenen Kapiteln vorkommen % expertpart.tex - Vorspann von Teil II % guide-ngerman.tex % - Begriffe fuer die deutsche Anleitung % htmlsetup - Begriffe fuer den HTML-Index fuer die deutsche Anleitung % introduction.tex - Quellen des Einleitungskapitels der deutschen Anleitung % preface.tex - Vorwort zu KOMA-Script 3 % scraddr.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scraddr in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrbase.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrbase in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrbookreportarticle.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrbook, scrreprt und % scrartcl in Teil I der deutschen Anleitung % scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrbook, scrreprt und % scrartcl in Teil II der deutschen Anleitung % scrdatetime.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrdate und scrtime in der % deutschen Anleitung % scrextend.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrextend in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrhack.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrhack in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrjura.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrjura in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrjuraexample.tex % - Quellen eines Beispiels mit scrjura % scrlfile.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlfile in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrwfile.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrwfile in der deutschen % Anleitung % scrlttr2examples.dtx % - Quellen der Beispielbriefe % scrlttr2.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlttr2 in Teil I der % deutschen Anleitung % scrlttr2-experts.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlttr2 in Teil II der % deutschen Anleitung % scrlayer-scrpage.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlayer-scrpage in der % deutschen Anleitung % scrlayer-scrpage-experts.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlayer-scrpage im % Exptertenteil der deutschen Anleitung % scrlayer-notecolumn.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlayer-notecolumn in der % deutschen Anleitung % scrlayer-notecolumn-example.tex % - Quellen des Beispiels aus dem Kapitel ueber % scrlayer-notecolumn in der deutschen Anleitung % scrlayer.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber scrlayer in der % deutschen Anleitung % tocbasic.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber tocbasic in der deutschen % Anleitung % typearea.tex - Quellen des Kapitels ueber typearea in Teil I der % deutschen Anleitung % typearea-experts.tex % - Quellen des Kapitels ueber typearea in Teil II der % deutschen Anleitung % % % KOMA-Script Source Files: % ------------------------- % % Makefile - Makefile for gnu make (needed by developers) % Makefile.baseinit - Used by Makefile and Makefiles at subdirectories % Makefile.baserules - Used by Makefile and Makefiles at subdirectories % Makefile.cfg - Optional configuration file for make % % scrdoc.dtx - Class used by the KOMA-Script dtx files % scrkernel-basics.dtx % - KOMA-Script kernel basics for all packages and classes % scrkernel-bibliography.dtx % - KOMA-Script bibliography part of the classes % scrkernel-floats.dtx % - KOMA-Script float part of the classes % scrkernel-fonts.dtx % - KOMA-Script font part of the classes and packages % scrkernel-footnotes.dtx % - KOMA-Script footnote part of the classes and packages % scrkernel-index.dtx % - KOMA-Script index part of the classes % scrkernel-language.dtx % - KOMA-Script language part of the classes and packages % scrkernel-listsof.dtx % - KOMA-Script list of ... part of the classes % scrkernel-listsandtabulars.dtx % - KOMA-Script lists part of the classes % scrkernel-miscellaneous.dtx % - KOMA-Script other parts of the classes or packages % scrkernel-pagestyles.dtx % - KOMA-Script pagestyle part of the classes % scrkernel-paragraphs.dtx % - KOMA-Script paragraph settings part of the classes % scrkernel-sections.dtx % - KOMA-Script sectioning part of the classes % scrkernel-title.dtx % - KOMA-Script title part of the classes % scrkernel-tocstyle.dtx % - KOMA-Script TOC file style part of classes and package % tocbasic % scrkernel-typearea.dtx % - KOMA-Script typearea part of the classes and package % scrkernel-version.dtx % - KOMA-Script version part of the classes and packages % scrkernel-circularletters.dtx % - KOMA-Script circular letter part % scrkernel-compatibility.dtx % - KOMA-Script compatibility modes of the classes % scrkernel-letterclassoptions.dtx % - KOMA-Script letter class option part % japanlco.dtx - KOMA-Script letter class options for Japanese letters % scrkernel-notepaper.dtx % - KOMA-Script note paper part of scrlttr2 % scrkernel-pseudolengths.dtx % - KOMA-Script pseudo length part of scrlttr2 % scrkernel-variables.dtx % - KOMA-Script variables part of scrlttr2 % scrlogo.dtx - KOMA-Script logo for all classes and packages % scrhack.dtx - KOMA-Script hacking other packages % % scrextend.dtx - KOMA-Script extensions package % % tocbasic.dtx - KOMA-Script toc-file package % % scrpage.dtx - KOMA-Script page style packages % % scrlfile.dtx - KOMA-Script load file package % % scrwfile.dtx - KOMA-Script write file package % % scraddr.dtx - KOMA-Script scraddr package % % scrtime.dtx - KOMA-Script time and date package % % scrlayer.dtx - KOMA-Script layer package % scrlayer-scrpage.dtx % - KOMA-Script page style package using layers % scrlayer-notecolumn.dtx % - KOMA-Script note column package using layers % % % Installation scripts for the various parts: % ------------------------------------------- % % scrdocstrip.tex - Extension of docstrip.tex % scrmain.ins - Installation script for the main classes and packages % scrstrip.inc - Include file at the begin of all installation scripts % scrstrop.inc - incldue file at the end of all installation scripts % % ============================================================================ % % The following is a machine readable list of all needed files. % The directories of the files scrguien.pdf, scrguien.html, scrguide.pdf and % scrguide.html may be changed. % README manifest.txt INSTALL.txt INSTALLD.txt lppl.txt lppl-de.txt scrsource.tex komabug.tex doc/Makefile doc/Makefile.guide doc/Makefile.latexinit doc/guide.tex doc/guide.bib doc/plength.dtx doc/scrguide.cls doc/scrguide.gst doc/scrguide.ist doc/linkalias.tex doc/scrguien.pdf doc/scrguien.html doc/scrguide.pdf doc/scrguide.html doc/koma-script.html doc/komascript.html doc/komascr.html doc/scraddr.html doc/scrartcl.html doc/scrbook.html doc/scrdate.html doc/scrlfile.html doc/scrwfile.html doc/scrlttr2.html doc/scrletter.html doc/scrpage2.tex doc/scrpage2.pdf doc/scrreprt.html doc/scrtime.html doc/typearea.html doc/tocbasic.html doc/scrbase.html doc/bin/genhtmlidx.pl doc/bin/genindex.pl doc/english/adrconvnote.tex doc/english/authorpart.tex doc/english/common-options.tex doc/english/common-compatibility.tex doc/english/common-draftmode.tex doc/english/common-typearea.tex doc/english/common-fontsize.tex doc/english/common-textmarkup.tex doc/english/common-parmarkup.tex doc/english/common-oddorevenpage.tex doc/english/common-interleafpage.tex doc/english/common-footnotes.tex doc/english/common-lists.tex doc/english/common-marginpar.tex doc/english/common-titles.tex doc/english/common-dictum.tex doc/english/common-headfootheight.tex doc/english/common-pagestylemanipulation.tex doc/english/expertpart.tex doc/english/guide-english.tex doc/english/htmlsetup doc/english/introduction.tex doc/english/japanlco.tex doc/english/preface.tex doc/english/scraddr.tex doc/english/scrbase.tex doc/english/scrbookreportarticle.tex doc/english/scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex doc/english/scrdatetime.tex doc/english/scrhack.tex doc/english/scrlfile.tex doc/english/scrwfile.tex doc/english/scrlttr2.tex doc/english/scrlttr2-experts.tex doc/english/scrlttr2examples.dtx doc/english/scrlayer-scrpage.tex doc/english/scrlayer-scrpage-experts.tex doc/english/scrlayer.tex doc/english/scrlayer-notecolumn.tex doc/english/scrlayer-notecolumn-example.tex doc/english/tocbasic.tex doc/english/scrjura.tex doc/english/scrjuraexample.tex doc/english/typearea.tex doc/english/typearea-experts.tex doc/ngerman/adrconvnote.tex doc/ngerman/authorpart.tex doc/ngerman/common-options.tex doc/ngerman/common-compatibility.tex doc/ngerman/common-draftmode.tex doc/ngerman/common-typearea.tex doc/ngerman/common-fontsize.tex doc/ngerman/common-textmarkup.tex doc/ngerman/common-parmarkup.tex doc/ngerman/common-oddorevenpage.tex doc/ngerman/common-interleafpage.tex doc/ngerman/common-footnotes.tex doc/ngerman/common-lists.tex doc/ngerman/common-marginpar.tex doc/ngerman/common-titles.tex doc/ngerman/common-dictum.tex doc/ngerman/common-headfootheight.tex doc/ngerman/common-pagestylemanipulation.tex doc/ngerman/expertpart.tex doc/ngerman/guide-ngerman.tex doc/ngerman/htmlsetup doc/ngerman/introduction.tex doc/ngerman/preface.tex doc/ngerman/scraddr.tex doc/ngerman/scrbase.tex doc/ngerman/scrbookreportarticle.tex doc/ngerman/scrbookreportarticle-experts.tex doc/ngerman/scrdatetime.tex doc/ngerman/scrhack.tex doc/ngerman/scrlfile.tex doc/ngerman/scrwfile.tex doc/ngerman/scrlttr2.tex doc/ngerman/scrlttr2-experts.tex doc/ngerman/scrlttr2examples.dtx doc/ngerman/scrlayer-scrpage.tex doc/ngerman/scrlayer-scrpage-experts.tex doc/ngerman/scrlayer.tex doc/ngerman/scrlayer-notecolumn.tex doc/ngerman/scrlayer-notecolumn-example.tex doc/ngerman/tocbasic.tex doc/ngerman/scrjura.tex doc/ngerman/scrjuraexample.tex doc/ngerman/typearea.tex doc/ngerman/typearea-experts.tex Makefile Makefile.baseinit Makefile.baserules scrdoc.dtx scrkernel-basics.dtx scrkernel-bibliography.dtx scrkernel-floats.dtx scrkernel-fonts.dtx scrkernel-footnotes.dtx scrkernel-index.dtx scrkernel-language.dtx scrkernel-listsof.dtx scrkernel-listsandtabulars.dtx scrkernel-miscellaneous.dtx scrkernel-pagestyles.dtx scrkernel-paragraphs.dtx scrkernel-sections.dtx scrkernel-title.dtx scrkernel-tocstyle.dtx scrkernel-typearea.dtx scrkernel-version.dtx scrkernel-circularletters.dtx scrkernel-compatibility.dtx scrkernel-letterclassoptions.dtx japanlco.dtx scrkernel-notepaper.dtx scrkernel-pseudolengths.dtx scrkernel-variables.dtx scrlogo.dtx scrhack.dtx scrextend.dtx tocbasic.dtx scrpage.dtx scrlfile.dtx scrwfile.dtx scraddr.dtx scrtime.dtx scrlayer.dtx scrlayer-scrpage.dtx scrlayer-notecolumn.dtx scrdocstrip.tex scrmain.ins scrstrip.inc scrstrop.inc